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SPORTS                                                             DECEMBER 02, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 41

            Top knocks from Shreyas, Shi-                                                                     ball squads for the best part of 14
        khar Dhawan, and Shubhman Gill                                                                        years but did not play in the recently
        helped  India  get  past  the  300-run                                                                completed T20 World Cup, and was
        mark in the first ODI of the three-                                                                   not selected for the current T20 and
        match series as India raked in 96                                                                     ODI series against India.
        runs from the last 10 overs.                                                                              He has represented New Zea-
            Tom Latham was declared ‘Play-                                                                    land in 47 Tests and has scored 2,586
        er of the Match’ for his sensational                                                                  runs at an average of 29.38. Three
        innings  helping  his team  secure a                                                                  centuries  and  17  fifties  have  come
        win.                                                                                                  from his bat in this format, with the
                                                                                                              best score of 189.
        Need to implement plans more                                                                              In 198 ODIs, Guptill has scored
        wisely: Shikhar Dhawan                                                                                7,346 runs at an average of 41.73 in
                                                                                                              195 innings. He has 18 ODI tons and
              s the hosts trumped India by                                                                    39 half-centuries to his name, with
              seven wickets, the marathon                                                                     the best score of 237*. Besides this,
        Achase was powered the stun-                                                                          he has also scored 3,531 runs in 122
        ning century from Tom Latham and                                                                      T20IS at an average of 31.81, with
        the skipper Kane Williamson’s un-                                                                     two tons and 20 fifties and the best
        defeated 94. Indian Captain Shikhar                                                                   score of 105.
        Dhawan was not happy with the per-                                                                        Following discussions with NZC,
        formance and mentioned that the                                                                       it was agreed Guptill’s request for a
        team could have planned better as                                                                     release should be accepted, effective
        per the ground. It was a competitive                                                                  immediately.
        total and the ball moved a lot for the                                                                    New  Zealand’s  leading  T20
        first 10-15 overs. He also cited that                                                                 run-scorer, the third-highest in the
        bowlers bowled many short balls to   Shikhar Dhawan plays a shot during the 1st ODI match against New Zealand, at Eden Park   ODI format, and third on the world
        Latham which he attacked superbly.                    stadium, in Auckland on Friday (ANI)            all-time T20 list, Guptill has empha-
            “We felt  good  about the to-                                                                     sised he is not retiring from interna-
        tal. First 10-15 overs the ball did a                                                                 tional cricket and still wishes to be
        lot. It’s a bit different from other   three-match series alive.    Milne, Jimmy Neesham, Glenn Phil-  considered for BLACKCAPS selec-
        grounds. Have to plan accordingly.    Talking about the captaincy role   lips, Mitchell Santner, Tim Southee,   tion when available.
        Today we’ve bowled short of length   the Indian captain said, “I am real-  Henry Nicholls.                For its part, NZC has made it
        and Latham attacked us there,” said   ly fortunate to get the captaincy of                            clear to him that, while he would
        Indian skipper Shikhar Dhawan in   the Indian team. It is very nice to  Guptill is not retired, still   remain eligible for selection, prefer-
        post-match ceremony.              have this challenging opportunity.   motivated to play: Williamson   ence would continue to be given to
            India had a good hold over the   We  have  won  a  good  series  too.  I                          those players with central or domes-
        match until the 40th over. Howev-  was not hurt when the captaincy was    head of his team’s first ODI   tic contracts.
        er, game shifted in favour of New   taken back from me. I don’t feel bad   against India, New Zealand     On the upcoming series, Wil-
        Zealand henceforth. In form, Tom   if something didn’t go the way we  Askipper Kane Williamson        liamson said that he would not call
        Latham attacked Shardul Thakur    wanted.”                          said on Thursday said that veteran   it a preparation for the 2023 50-over
        with four fours and a six.            With the seniors rested, the se-  opener Martin Guptill has been an   World Cup, but the focus is rather
            “That’s where he took the game   ries will include a large number of   incredible player for their team and   on the series in hand and the brand
        away from us especially in the 40th   young people. Shikhar Dhawan, In-  he is still motivated to continue play-  of cricket his side wants to play.
        over. That’s where the momentum   dia’s veteran hitter, is slated to lead   ing and improving.            Williamson said that he still
        shifted,” said Shikhar.           the team. His deputy will be Rish-    “I had a few chats with him. He   loves playing all formats and chang-
            Dhawan felt the need of plan-  abh Pant. Deepak Chahar will also   has been incredible for New Zea-  ing between them.
        ning wisely. Bowling and fielding fur-  make an appearance after the pacer   land. He made the decision to play   “I still have the motivation to
        ther need improvement. We cannot   missed the T20 World Cup due to a   in other leagues but is still available   keep improving as a player,” added
        bowl at batsman’s strong areas. It is   back injury. The Indian team arrived   for New Zealand. He is certainly   Williamson.
        always good to play here. Winning   in Auckland on Wednesday and im-  one of our best white ball players. It   On playing ODIs after such a
        would have given us a lot of confi-  mediately went to practice.    is just trying to strike that balance.   huge amount of T20Is, Williamson
        dence, he said.                                INDIA:               We have seen that with other players   said that the side needs to reconnect
            “Really enjoy playing here.                                     who have looked at some other op-  a bit.
        Would’ve been happier if we won   Shikhar Dhawan (C), Shubman Gill,   portunities. It is a moving landscape.   “There has not been a huge
        but that’s part and parcel. They’re all   Deepak  Hooda,  Suryakumar  Yadav,   He has not retired. He is still moti-  amount of ODIs, it was mostly
        young boys and lots of learning for   Shreyas Iyer, Rishabh Pant (VC and   vated to keep playing and getting   T20Is, with some tests. It is about
        them. Bowling side and fielding side   WK), Sanju Samson (WK), Washing-  better. As a player, you go through   settling down and getting a nice un-
        as well (what areas need improve-  ton Sundar, Shardul Thakur, Shahbaz   different periods, go through differ-  derstanding. There is a change in the
        ment?). We need to implement our   Ahmed, Yuzvendra Chahal, Kuldeep   ent stages. It is about managing it,”   environment. These are a few fac-
        plans more wisely and make sure   Yadav, Arshdeep Singh, Deepak Cha-  said Williamson in a pre-match press   tors. But it is about keeping it nice
        we don’t make the batsmen play on   har, Kuldeep Sen, Umran Malik   conference.                       and simple, going out and express
        their strength,” said Dhawan.               NEW ZEALAND:                New  Zealand  Cricket  (NZC)   and himself. There is a lot of ODI
            The second ODI between India                                    has released veteran opener Martin   cricket to come,” he added.
        and New Zealand will be played at   Kane Williamson (c), Finn Allen, Mi-  Guptill from his central contract, an-  The ODI leg of the NZ tour will
        Seddon  Park in Hamilton  on No-  chael Bracewell, Devon Conway (wk),   nounced the board on Wednesday.  be held from November 25-30. New
        vember 27. It is a must-win game for   Lockie Ferguson, Matt Henry, Tom   The 36-year-old opening bats-  Zealand will return to India for a
        the young Indian side to keep the   Latham (wk), Daryl Mitchell, Adam   man has been a fixture in NZ white   white-ball series in January next year.

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