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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 29, 2024 | The Indian Eye 25
Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website
Former Democrat will be new Researcher wins 2024 Lung
Director of National Intelligence Cancer Early Detection Award
resident-elect Donald Trump revealed on Wednesday that he has nar- UNGevity Foundation and Rising Tide Foundation for Clinical Cancer
rowed down his choices for the director of National Intelligence to in- Research are proud to support Abhijit Patel, MD, PhD, Yale University
Pclude Tulsi Gabbard, a former member of the Democratic Party. Gab- LSchool of Medicine, with the 2024 Rising Tide Foundation for Clini-
bard served as a Democratic Congresswoman from Hawaii from 2013 until cal Cancer Research / LUNGevity Foundation Lung Cancer Early Detection
2021. Award to dramatically reduce lung cancer-related mortality.
Gabbard has a unique heritage. Her mother hails from Indiana, while her Dr. Patel and his close collaborator, Steven Skates, PhD, at Massachu-
father has Samoan and European ancestry. She was born in American Samoa setts General Hospital, have developed an exciting technical breakthrough
but due to her mother’s interest in Hinduism, her mother chose the name that accurately measures tiny amounts of DNA fragments from cancer cells
Tulsi for her. that are in the bloodstream and aims to create a model that links the presence
Announcing this bold decision to choose Hindu Tulsi Gabbard as Head of of these fragments in the blood with the presence of lung cancer in patients. In
National Security, Trump said on social media, “For over two decades, Tulsi addition, they are working toward creating an algorithm that tracks the chang-
has fought for our country and the freedoms of all Americans. As a former es in a patient’s blood over time. Taken together, this work lays the ground-
candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, she has broad support work for a routine blood test for lung cancer to detect it at its earliest stages
in both parties, she is now a proud Republican!” when it is the most curable.
Tulsi Gabbard, who made an unsuccessful attempt for the Democratic “This approach has additional advantages that can be a game-changer
presidential nomination in 2020, has endorsed Republican Donald Trump for for the field of lung cancer,” explains Upal Basu Roy, PhD, MPH, executive
the 2024 election. However, her appointment by Trump’s team needs to be director of LUNGevity Research. “For example, if this blood test is used with
approved by the Senate, which was taken by Republicans last week. Gabbard the current screening tests, it can detect some types of lung cancer, such as
assisted Trump in getting ready for his debates with Vice President Kamala squamous cell, that are often missed by screening.”
Harris and was anticipating a payoff for her support of the president-elect. The blood test could be used to clarify the status of incidental pulmo-
Tulsi is a no-nonsense patriot, having found her place in a critical role nary nodules and help reduce the number of unnecessary lung biopsies or
for the US. Trump, while announcing Gabbard as his pick added, “She will follow-up tests. The likelihood of surviving for five years or more after a lung
bring the fearless spirit that has defined her illustrious career to our intelli- cancer diagnosis is 27%. But if lung cancer is caught early, before it spreads,
gence community, championing our constitutional rights, and securing peace the five-year survival rate jumps to 64% and in some cases is curable.
through strength.” “There is a clear and pressing need to improve early detection of lung
Gabbard lacks experience in the intelligence field and she has also been cancer,” said Dr. Alexandre Alencar, head of cancer research programs at
against US assistance for Ukraine during the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Rising Tide Foundation for Clinical Cancer Research.
Reflecting her gratitude for her selection by Trump, Tulsi Gabbard posted LUNGevity Foundation and Rising Tide Foundation have joined togeth-
on X, “Thank you, Donald Trump, for the opportunity to serve as a member er in this collaborative partnership to stage-shift lung cancer so that the ma-
of your cabinet to defend the safety, security and freedom of the American jority of patients are diagnosed in the early stages of the disease when it is
people. I look forward to getting to work.” most treatable.