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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                               NOVEMBER 27, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          24

                                         dr. aJay LodHa,

                          a veteran aaPi Leader,

          Passes away due to covid-19

         AAPI leadership and community pays tribute to the doctor who fought the virus for eight months

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    For texting me from the

        Chicago, IL                                                                                                   hospital and saying that
                 r. Ajay Lodha passed                                                                                 you will give your best
                 away peacefully,  after
        Dfighting  COVID  val-                                                                                        fight like a true ‘Rajas-
        iantly for last 8 months at the                                                                               thani warrior’ and, above
        Cleveland Clinic, surrounded
        by his wife Smita, his son Amit                                                                               all, for being my ‘Forev-
        and his daughter Shweta.                                                                                      er Brother’ through good

        “we are shocked and sad-                                                                                      time and not so easy times.
        dened at the passing away                                                                                        AAPI and I will be forever

        of dr. ajay Lodha, a vision-                                                                                  indebted to you for what you
                                                                                                                      have been to our Indian com-
        ary leader and past Pres- woman of AAPI’s Board of  12 years ago. I was reading his                           munity,  to the medical frater-

        ident of  aaPi, who died             Trustees pointed to the fact  texts to me with all his wisdom            nity and to India and America
                                             that “The deadly Corona virus  and advice.
                                                                                                                      as a whole.”
        early on  november 21st,  has placed the entire health-                      Brought tears to my eyes. I          Dr. Raj Bhayani, AAPI QLI
                                             care sector, and in particular  remember when he made me
        2020, due to complica-               the Indian American medical  change  my  plans and attend                President, who had worked
                                                                                                                      very  closely  with  Dr.  Lodha
        tions from coVid 19.” dr.  fraternity at the frontlines of  his global summit in Rajasthan.                   said, “Dr. Ajay Lodha is one of
                                             the fight against the pandemic.  His requests are so heartfelt
        sudhakar Jonnalagadda,               We are deeply saddened by an- and genuine that one  cannot               a kind of leader and my clos-
                                                                                                                      est friend who made a posi-
        President of american as- other hero, who gave up his life  refuse.                                           tive difference in the life of all

        sociation of Physicians of           in caring for his patients.”            At every AAPI meeting he         those whom he had interacted
                                                 “Dr. Ajay Lodha’s heroic  was there partying with us with            with. His life journey was very
        indian  origin (aaPi) said  fight with Covid 19 epitomizes  his charming magnetic person-                     inspiring as he has achieved so
        here today.                          the struggles of frontline health  ality. It is so devastating to hear   much during his short life span.
                                             workers. Dr. Lodha along with  of the great loss to me person-
                                                                                                                      His life has been a blessing and
                                             other  physicians  of Indian  or- ally and to AAPI.”                     his memory a treasure. He is
             Describing this day as “the  igin who have lost their lives             Dr. Suresh Reddy, Imme-          loved beyond words and will be
        darkest day in AAPI histo- due to the pandemic will con- diate past President of AAPI,                        missed beyond measure.”
        ry” Dr. Jonnalgadda, who has  tinue  to  inspire  us  and  AAPI  recalled his close bond with                     Dr.  Ajay  Lodha  was  well
        known him personally and had  forever,”  said Dr. Anupama  Dr. Lodha. “I cannot forget, I                     known in the community and
        worked with at the Executive  Gotimukula, President-Elect  can only cherish: The time you                     among his Fellow Physicians
        Committee of AAPI under  of AAPI.                                        gave me your bed and you slept       as a leader with a power house
        the leadership of Dr. Lodha             Describing Dr. Lodha as  on the sofa; For the countless               of entrepreneurial skills. Dr.
        said, “In his passing away to- “One of the most beloved and  hours you worked to help me                      Lodha had extensive back-
        day, I have lost a dear Friend,  dynamic AAPI leaders” Dr.  serve AAPI through your guid-                     ground of overseeing quality
        Mentor, and Brother. We will  Amit Chakrabarthy, Secretary  ance.                                             assurance and quality improve-
        cherish the wonderful days we  of AAPI said. “To me he was a                 For so passionately standing     ment. He was a past president of
        spent together. Ajay, you will  long-time friend and advisor. I  up for your belief in people, one            RANA and RAJ MAAI (Rajas-
        live in our hearts forever. We  personally got to know him and  of whom was me! For being my                  than Medical Alumni Associ-
        love you. OM Shanti.”                his wife when we were contes- “Go to” guy for advice about               ation Inc.), Police Surgeon with
             Dr. Sajani Shah, Chair- tants for AAPI treasurer about  mundane things in life also;

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