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P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                            NOVEMBER 26, 2021

                                                          the white house

            democrats are worried amid reports of rift

          between President biden and kamala harris

                 The Democrats have a 2024 conundrum, with heir apparent Vice President Harris
                                        presenting a maze of questions and complications

        OuR BuREAu                            “This was a good week and this   White House press secretary Jen   president, no president is.”
                                          week I’ve traveled around the coun-  Psaki  told  Politico  Wednesday  that   “The president selected the vice
        Washington, DC
                                          try as has the president,” the Indian   Harris was receiving more criticism   president to serve as his running
               emocratic insiders are cast-  American leader told ABC in an in-  because  she  is  the  first  woman  and   mate because he felt she was exactly
               ing doubt on whether Joe   terview broadcast Thursday morn-  woman of color to hold the office.  the person he wanted to have by his
        dBiden will run for re-election   ing. “We have convened members of     “I think there’s no question that   side to govern the country,” Psaki
        in  2024.  From  inflation  and  party   Congress, we have convened people   the type of attacks — the attacks on   added. The Democrats have a 2024
        infighting  to  the  Afghanistan  with-  around our nation asking, ‘What do   her that certainly, being the first she is   conundrum, with heir apparent Vice
        drawal and Covid fatigue, a series   you want?’”                    many times over, is part of that,” Psa-  President Harris presenting a maze
        of challenges have combined to drag   “And this is a response to what   ki said in an interview with Politico.  of questions and complications.
        Biden’s approval rating to its lowest   they want and it’s actually going to hit   “What I would note, though,   A USA Today-Suffolk University
        level since his January inauguration.   the ground in a way that is going to   and one of the things I really admire   poll conducted last week had Biden’s
            According  to  FiveThirtyEight’s   have a direct impact on the Ameri-  about the vice president: She is the   job approval rating dipping to 38 per-
        aggregated  poll,  Biden  has  a  disap-  can people. We’re getting things done   first African American woman, wom-  cent, with 59 percent disapproving.
        proval rate of 51.5 per cent, while just   and we’re doing it together.”  an of color, Indian American woman   Also, 64 percent of the registered vot-
        42.9 per cent approve of his efforts as   Asked about some of her allies   to serve in this job. Woman. I mean,   ers surveyed opposed Biden running
        president.                        venting frustration that she could   so many firsts, right? It’s a lot to have   for reelection, including 28 percent of
            Biden, who would be 81 on elec-  be better positioned in the adminis-  on your shoulders,” she said.  Democrats.
        tion day 2024, has publicly insisted he   tration, Harris pointed to the White   “She is somebody who, at a much   Furthermore, a mid-October
        will seek a second term in office.  House’s recent victory in the bipar-  higher level than the rest of us, but   NPR-Marist poll revealed that 44
            In such a gloomy situation, CNN   tisan infrastructure bill, which Biden   who wants to be seen as the talented,   percent of Democrats and Demo-
        has  reported  that key  West  Wing   signed into law on Monday. Asked   experienced, you know, expert, sub-  cratic-leaning independents thought
        aides have largely thrown up their   if she felt “misused” or “underused”   stantive policy person, partner to the   “someone else” besides Biden would
        hands at Vice President Kamala Har-  in the administration, Harris replied,   president, that she is. But I do think   have the best chance of winning the
        ris and her staff as Joe Biden faces   “No I don’t.”                there have been some attacks that are   presidency.
        quickly multiplying legislative and   “I am very, very excited about the   beyond because of her identity.”  Democratic strategists dream of
        political concerns. But amid reports   work that we have accomplished but   Earlier, coming to the defense   a turnaround after a potential string
        of a rift in the West Wing, Vice Presi-  I am also absolutely, absolutely clear-  of Harris Monday, Psaki said, “The   of legislative victories. But with infla-
        dent Kamala Harris has asserted that   eyed that there is a lot more to do and   president relies on the vice president   tion  soaring,  their  nightmare  is  the
        she is “very excited” about the work   we are going to get it done,” she said.  for her advice, for her counsel. She is   2022 midterm elections warning of
        she and President Joe Biden have ac-  Meanwhile, as part of a concert-  somebody who is not only taking on   a red tidal wave, with Republicans
        complished in their first ten months   ed effort to demonstrate that Harris   issues that are challenging, she is not   likely to win control of the House and
        in office.                        is a valuable part of the Biden team,   looking for a cushy role here. No vice   perhaps the Senate.

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