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OPINION NOVEMBER 25, 2022 | The Indian Eye 11
these virtual currencies and indulge Members of the United Nations counterterrorism committee unanimously adopted the Delhi Declaration, focusing on countering the use of new
in money laundering. and emerging technologies for terrorist purposes, at the UNCTC Emerging Tech special meeting in New Delhi in October (ANI)
In 2017, the ‘Wannacry’ ran-
somware attack held thousands of borhood, Pakistan’s non-state actors and raising awareness; Enhancing guard their platforms from spreading
computer systems hostage while de- have also used drones to smuggle information sharing, engaging with or hosting extremist content. Taking
manding ransom in bitcoins. It re- narcotics, arms and ammunitions in relevant stakeholders and educating steps like shutting down or disrupt-
sulted in US$ 8 billion loss to hospi- border areas along Rajasthan and the public; Implementing policies ing services can undermine open and
tals, businesses and banks across the Punjab. and regulations, establishing crisis free digital services and negatively
world. EAM Jaishankar, earlier at the planning and; Developing tactical impact the economy.
A 2019 RAND report notes that United Nations General Assembly in counter measures and technical India’s current tenure at the
terrorist organizations like al Qaeda September 2022, criticized China for solutions. UNSC will end in December 2022.
and its affiliates, the Islamic State of blocking attempts by India and the The government is making dedicat-
Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Hezbollah as US to list terrorists responsible for WAY FORWARD ed efforts to make the most of this
well as lone-wolf attackers have used 26/11 at the UNSC. He emphasized Coordination between govern- opportunity and will be hosting a ‘No
cryptocurrencies for drug trafficking, that all member states must fully co- ments, the private sector, the public Money for Terror’ conference in New
fund-raising, among other activities. operate in fighting against terrorism sector, and civil society is needed to Delhi on 18–19 November 2022 and
The Financial Action Task Force and refrain from providing safe ha- harness new and emerging technolo- also hold a UNSC briefing on chal-
(FATF) issued guidelines in 2018 to vens. The Delhi Declaration, though, gies for global good. While govern- lenges facing global counter-terror-
regulate virtual assets. The FATF did not include India’s concerns over ments need to be vigilant, technology ism efforts. Societal awareness about
also took action against countries China’s blocking of terrorist designa- companies will have to monitor the this threat is also essential to thwart
like Pakistan in June 2018 for lax tions at the UNSC. use of technology keeping in mind the challenge of digital terrorism.
regime in countering money laun- There is a need to share best the OECD principles of governance
dering and terror funding (Pakistan practices and build on existing and OECD AI principles that stress Dr Sanur Sharma is Associate Fellow
was removed from the Grey List in frameworks such as the Global on the need for an effective corpo- at Manohar Parrikar Institute for
October 2022). Counterterrorism Forum’s (GCTF) rate governance framework, empha- Defense Studies and Analyses.
In addition, the increasing use ‘Berlin Memorandum on Good size transparency and highlight the
of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Practices to Counter Terrorist use of role of stakeholders in corporate Views expressed are of the author and
do not necessarily reflect the views of
drones by state and non-state actors UAS’, as highlighted by the US Rep- governance. the Manohar Parrrikar IDSA or of the
and terrorists have raised wider con- resentative for UN Management The OECD AI principles, in Government of India.
cerns. It has been evident in numer- and Reform, at the CTC meeting in addition, call for the creation of an
ous instances in Syria, Iraq, UAE and New Delhi. enabling policy environment, and This article first appeared in the
Saudi Arabia, where drones have The Berlin Memorandum iden- for building human capacity and in- Comments section of the website (www.
targeted critical infrastructures and tifies 26 practices under four key ar- ternational cooperation. Companies of Manohar Parrikar Institute
have been used for drug and arms eas for states’ consideration relating must be encouraged to put in place for Defense Studies and Analyses, New
trafficking as well. In our own neigh- to Assessing the risks, vulnerabilities measures and enforce them to safe- Delhi on November 16, 2022