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BUSINESS EYE                                                       NOVEMBER 24, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 43

                        India should aim to become

                    middle-income country before

                        taking rupee global: Report

             The Indian side has invited the Ethiopian side, the fastest growing economy in Africa, to
             collaborate on the Unified Payment Interface (UPI) of India with Ethswitch of Ethiopia

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            both  sides agreed to  expeditiously
                                                                                                              address all issues impeding bilateral
        New Delhi/Washington, DC
                                                                                                              trade and facilitate trade promotion
            ndia should become a middle-in-                                                                   between the two countries.
            come  country  and  then  push  to                                                                    The Indian side invited the Ethi-
        Imake INR (rupee) a hard curren-                                                                      opian side to collaborate on the Uni-
        cy, and till then, it must promote the                                                                fied Payment Interface (UPI) of India
        settlement of global trade in the local                                                               with Ethswitch of Ethiopia. Further,
        currency,  think tank  GTRI said  on                                                                  the Indian side also urged Ethiopia to
        Sunday. Global Trade Research Ini-                                                                    explore the possibility of settlement
        tiative (GTRI) said that transforming                                                                 of trade transactions in local cur-
        a currency into a hard currency is a                                                                  rency which will help boost bilateral
        complex  process that  hinges  on  sev-                                                               trade and conserve foreign exchange.
        eral pivotal factors.                                                                                    “The deliberations of the 6th
            Firstly, economic stability is                                                                    Sessions of India-Ethiopia JTC were
        paramount; a country must exhibit                                                                     cordial and forward-looking, reflect-
        low  and  stable  inflation,  consistent                                                              ing the traditionally friendly and
        growth,  and  a  balanced  trade  envi-                                                               special relations between the two
        ronment. This stability underpins                                                                     countries,” the commerce ministry
        confidence  among  international  in-                                                                 release said.
        vestors and trading partners, it added.                                                                   Both sides undertook a detailed
            Equally crucial is the implemen-  Developing deep and liquid forex markets is critical to managing large-scale currency conver-  review of recent developments in
        tation of strong fiscal and monetary        sions without significantly impacting the rupee’s value (File photo)  bilateral trade and investment ties
        policies by the government and cen-                                                                   and noted that the relationship has
        tral bank, including effective nation-                                                                a huge potential to be scaled up even
        al debt management and sensible   benchmark currency for most com-  little can lead to either artificial valu-  further. To this effect, both sides
        interest rate policies, it said, adding   modities.                 ations or high volatility, respectively.  identified several areas of focus for
        aspiring for reserve currency status is   Some of the most recognised   Local currency trading would re-  enhancing both bilateral trade as well
        a significant aspect.             hard currencies and their approxi-  duce transaction costs by eliminating   as  mutually  beneficial  investments.
            This status is typically achieved   mate global share in international   the need to convert currencies twice.   These include  health  and  phar-
        when a currency is widely used and   transactions and reserves include US   For  example,  an  Indian  company   maceuticals, automobiles, textiles,
        trusted, and reciprocally, it gains   Dollar (60  per  cent),  Euro (20  per   importing machinery from Russia   infrastructure projects, food and
        trust because of its widespread use.  cent),  Japanese  Yen  (5-6  per  cent),  would currently need to buy dollars,  agro-processing and so on. Both
        Political stability also plays a critical   British Pound Sterling (4-5per cent),  incurring a premium, and then the   sides also reviewed the progress
        role, as it reassures external entities   Swiss Franc (1 per cent), Canadian   Russian counterpart would convert   of ongoing discussions for Memo-
        of the nation’s economic consistency,  Dollar (2-3 per cent) and Australian   these dollars into Russian Roubles,  randum of Understanding (MoUs)
        the think tank said.              Dollar (2-3 per cent).            again incurring a conversion cost.  in  the  field  of  Standardization  and
            Hard currencies are widely ac-    Currently, the rupee’s interna-   Recently, the 6th Session of the   Quality assurance and Customs pro-
        cepted around the world for inter-  tional trade role is limited, especially   India-Ethiopia Joint Trade Commit-  cedure and agreed to conclude them
        national transactions and are con-  when compared to established hard   tee (JTC) was conducted in Addis   expeditiously. The Indian side also
        sidered a reliable and stable store of   currencies like the US Dollar, Euro,  Ababa, Ethiopia earlier this week,  requested the Ethiopian side to ex-
        value. The presence of a currency as   or even the Chinese Yuan, it said.  co-chaired by the Economic Advisor,  pedite  the  early  finalization  of  the
        a  hard  currency  reflects  perceived   Additionally, developing deep   Department of Commerce Priya P   Bilateral Investment Treaty.
        stability, reliability, and economic   and liquid forex markets is critical to   Nair and the Lead Executive of the   Ethiopia is one of the fast-
        strength of its issuing country.  managing  large-scale  currency  con-  International  and Regional Trade   est-growing economies in the Afri-
            The US Dollar is the most domi-  versions  without  significantly  impact-  Integration, Ministry of Trade and   can region, with an estimated growth
        nant hard currency, often considered   ing the rupee’s value, Srivastava said,  Regional Integration, Ethiopia, Tag-  of 6.4 per cent in the year 2021-22.
        the world’s primary reserve currency.  adding that this requires maintaining   es Mulugeta.           Bilateral trade between India and
        It is used in a significant majority of   a fine balance in exchange rate man-  As per a release issued by the   Ethiopia stood at USD 642.59 mil-
        international transactions and as a   agement; excessive intervention or too   Ministry of Commerce and Industry,  lion in 2022-23.

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