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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            NOVEMBER 24, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 20

         Award Winning Book made into Film set to receive

             Top Honors by United Nations supported NGO

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 Banerjee  with  appearances from  Indian Actor,
                                                                                                   Anupam Kher, Hollywood award winning com-
        New York, NY
                                                                                                   poser, songwriter, and screenplay writer, Oliver
               ew York Documentary ‘’Why Buddha Nev-                                               W.  Tuthill,  and  award  winning  Hollywood  film-
               er Had Alzheimer’s’’, based and titled on                                           maker, Professor Karl Bardosh who also served as
        Nthe award-winning book (Publisher, Simon                                                  a consultant to the film. Additional appearances
        & Schuster) written by Shuvendu Sen, MD., the                                              include Shuvendu Sen, MD., Lieutenant General
        Vice Chair (research) of Jersey Shore University,                                          Madhur Kanitkar, Ronald L. Brenner, MD, Aar-
        has been selected to be a part of New Generation                                           on Feingold, MD,  Andrew Newberg, MD,  Ad-
        (NGIA) In Action’s AFI World Peace Initiative                                              ditional Chief Secretary, Department of Home
        (AFIWPI), a United Nations approved organiza-                                              Affairs. Maharashtra Government, Sujata Saunik
        tion with ‘’Consultative Status,” through the Eco-                                         and OSD to Assembly Speaker, Rakesh Naithani.
        nomic and Social Council and the NGO’s year                                                The  film’s  director  and  music  composer  were
        round thematic programming for (2024).                                                     Chandan Singh and Shraman Sen respectively.
            Shuvendu Sen, MD., has also been nominat-                                                 “I am truly humbled and honored to receive
        ed to participate as a delegate of NGIA-AFIWPI                                             the award nomination from NGIA/AFI World
        for the conference that will take place at the Unit-                                       Peace Initiative, a UN sponsored organization
        ed Nations Headquarters in New York. A Merit                                               and deeply grateful to its Founder, Her Majesty
        Award from the organization will be presented to                                           Queen Angelique-Monet Gureje-Thompson of
        Shuvendu Sen, MD., for his global humanitarian                                             Eti-Oni for the prestigious nomination. NGIA/
        efforts. The film was also selected to receive ‘’Best                                      AFI is a globally renowned humanitarian organi-
        Health Documentary Short,” under the category                                              zation and will serve as an incredible opportunity
        - documentary for science, where a special jury se-                                        for me in fostering awareness and education in
        lects ‘’films of purpose,’’ that fit the organization’s                                    wellness and all health-related matters.” said Dr
        goals and objectives to help with the 2030 Agenda                                          Shuvendu Sen on receiving the news of the nom-
        for Sustainable Development.                                                               ination.
            The first of a series of activities will include a                                        The organization has supported many inde-
        special invitation screening and panel discussion                                          pendent  projects  which  includes  “films  of  pur-
        scheduled to be held at the organization’s side                                            pose,” that have starred and or been produced
        event during the next United Nations conferences                                           by veteran actors/producers/directors such as
        of the 62nd Session of the Commission for Social   to help others with Alzheimers and we believe the   Danny  Glover,  Ron  Perlman,  Graham  Greene,
        Development (CSocD62) taking place from Feb-  62nd Session of Social Development is the best   Jeff Bridges, Cheryl Halpern, Professor Karoly
        ruary 5 -14, 2024 and will also celebrate the Inter-  and most appropriate conference to host such   Bardosh, Barry Alexander Brown and Spike Lee,
        national Year of the Family.                 an event, when the world is looking for help and   including scholars and international personalities
            ‘’We are pleased to welcome Dr. Sen to our   answers to their several questions,’’ stated award   Dr. Ephraim Isaac, Senator Ben Murray-Bruce,
        family and share his work to an international au-  winning multi-disciplinary talent and Founder   Dr. Raghunath Manet, Olga Letykai-Csonka, and
        dience.  I  am  familiar  with  and  have  first-hand   (NGIA-AFIWPI), Her Royal Majesty Queen An-  Madame Isabelle Kocher.
        experience with Alzheimers because of my great   gelique-Monet of Eti-Oni, Osun State, Nigeria.    The film is also scheduled to receive a merit
        grand-mother, and great aunt. We are proud to    The film explored how meditation, yoga, mu-  during the 12th Annual AFI World Peace Initia-
        promote  the  film  along  with  a  panel  discussion   sic  therapy  and virtual reality can help alleviate   tive at the Cannes Film Festival, scheduled to be
        to celebrate the International Year of the Family.   and prevent stress and dementia with holistic and   held between May 20 -26, 2024.
        Certainly, the award winning book turned into a   alternative  approaches.  The  film  is  narrated  by   Renowned actor, Victor Banerjee has been
        film will help families and individuals learn ways   renowned Indian and International actor, Victor   nominated to receive the Merit Award for narration.

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