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BIG STORY NOVEMBER 20, 2020 | The Indian Eye 5
...Continued from last page. >> those interactions,” Sandhu
stead of staying safe at home in Meanwhile, Biden-Harris
prayer with their families. And, Presidential Transition team
said that Joe Biden looks for-
we know the sadness of being ward to working closely with
apart on a day that truly signi- Indian Prime Minister Naren-
fies the blessing of family and
friendship.” dra Modi on “shared global
challenges”, including contain-
ing COVID-19 and maintain-
“But diwali is ultimate- ing a secure and prosperous
ly a reminder of the light Indo-Pacific region.
Also, tech advocates in
that’s within us all to hope Washington are reportedly ea-
and dream, and to over- ger to work with the incoming
Biden administration and re-
come our differences and verse several of US President
keep the faith in each oth- Donald Trump’s immigration
policies, especially those that
er. that’s the light we see Joe Biden has been involved with india-related policies during his eight had created barriers for high
shining on this day and years as Barack obama's Vice-President skilled visa holders.
Some of the biggest names
that will guide us through in Silicon Valley have clashed
the darkness with knowl- versation, Prime Minister Modi and president-elect Joe Biden with the Trump administration
warmly recalled his earlier in- had a very warm conversation. in court, suing over his execu-
edge, science, truth, uni- teractions with Biden, includ- The PM congratulated him tive orders restricting immigra-
ty, and compassion,” they ing during his official visits to and the president-elect extend- tion for foreign workers, and
the United States in 2014 and ed warm Diwali greeting to the are now prioritizing the remov-
further said. in 2016. Biden had chaired the PM and people of India. They al of the President’s actions in
Joint Session of the U.S. Con- exchanged views on global stra- 2021, reported The Hill. The
“And that’s why as Diwali is gress that was addressed by the tegic partnership and Indo-Pa- Trump administration had an-
celebrated via video calls and Prime Minister during his 2016 cific area and discussed the nounced new immigration rules
while socially distanced this visit. problems that both US, India last month designed to make it
year, we look forward to cel- US President-elect Joe and the world are facing vis-a- more difficult for skilled work-
ebrating Diwali at the White Biden looks forward to work- vis COVID,” the envoy said. ers to acquire visas. The rules
House next year -- in person, ing closely with Indian Prime “They discussed the role of tighten requirements for em-
together with you, and in a na- Minister Narendra Modi on healthcare, pharmaceuticals ployers who hire workers on
tion healed and united,” they “shared global challenges”, in- and particularly vaccines. They H-1B visas, which are set aside
added. cluding containing COVID-19 also discussed climate change for skilled workers, particularly
During the telephonic con- and maintaining a secure and and environment and in that in the technology field.
versation, Modi warmly con- prosperous Indo-Pacific re- the role of renewables and so-
gratulated President-elect gion, Biden-Harris Presidential lar energy,” he added. technet, a group of indus-
Biden on his election, de- Transition team said on Tues- Prime Minister Modi warm-
scribing “it as a testament to day. ly recalled his earlier inter- try executives from com-
the strength and resilience of The president-elect thanked actions with Biden, including panies like Apple, Ama-
democratic traditions in the the prime minister for his con- during his official visits to the
United States”, according to a gratulations and expressed his United States in 2014 and in zon, Google and more, had
statement by Prime Minister’s desire to strengthen and ex- 2016. Biden had chaired the filed lawsuits challenging
office. “The leaders agreed to pand the U.S.-India strategic Joint Session of the U.S. Con-
work closely to further advance partnership alongside the first gress that was addressed by the the new rules. if unsuc-
the India-U.S. Comprehensive vice president of South Asian Prime Minister during his 2016 cessful, they hope that
Global Strategic Partnership, descent Kamala Harris, ac- visit
built on shared values and cording to a statement by his “In 2014, when PM Modi the rules are rescinded by
common interests. The lead- transition team. came for his first official visit President-elect Joe Biden.
ers also discussed their prior- Modi and Biden had a “very to the US, it was the then VP
ities, including containing the warm conversation” during Biden who hosted an official “They’ve indicated they are
Covid-19 pandemic, promoting which they exchanged views on lunch for him. Again in 2016 going to be very different than
access to affordable vaccines, the Indo-Pacific region and the during PM Modi’s address to
tackling climate change, and role of healthcare, pharmaceu- the US Congress, it was VP the Trump administration on
cooperation in the Indo-Pacific ticals and particularly vaccines, Biden who presided over the high-skilled immigration, im-
Region,” the statement read. said Ambassador Taranjit Singh joint session of US Congress. migration in general....High-
During the telephonic con- Sandhu on Tuesday. “PM Modi So, they very warmly recall Continued at next page... >>
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