Page 39 - The Indian EYE - 112020
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OpINION                                                               NOVEMBER 20, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          39

        as one of the 10 most improved  neurship, and the strengthening  enforcement of contracts. India                 At the same time, the com-
        economies in terms of ease of  of the industrial supply-chain in  can also introduce incentives to  mercial sector, especially elec-
        doing business score, especially  high-value manufacturing sec- encourage advanced technology  tronics and electrical sectors,
        due to reforms in paying taxes,  tors, which will contribute to the  innovations in areas such as 3D  must be incentivised to attract
        trading across borders, and re- development of regional clusters.  printing and automotive real-time  FDI from global electronic com-
        solving insolvency. Other posi- One such initiative is the C-130J  processes           in   manufacturing. ponent manufacturers, review
        tive developments included im- programme that created a part-                Last, but not least, the Indian  existing  business models,  and
        provement in India’s ranking in  nership between the Lockheed  small and medium enterprises  invest in upskilling and retrain-
        award of Construction Permits,  Martin research programme and  (SMEs) sector should be incen- ing as a move to enhance overall
        from 184 in 2014 to 27 in 2019;  Indian universities to work with  tivised to become internationally  industrial capability and capacity.
        and in Getting Electricity, from  local industries and mentors from  competitive and export-driven.  India should now turn to great-
        137 in 2014 to 22 in 2019. Among  the Defence Research and Devel- Both state governments and the  er public-private partnership
        190 economies, India now ranks  opment Organisation (DRDO)  central  government  must  coor- collaborative  model, where the
        13 in Protecting Minority Inves- to  help  design  specifications. dinate and introduce incentives  government and industry take
        tors and 25 in Getting Credit.          To support industrial clusters,  that will draw FDI at regional  collective responsibility for pro-
                                             India  must  consider  prioritising  levels, as has been seen in Telan- motion and growth of the Indi-
                   Conclusion                investment into alternative re- gana and Tamil Nadu. The gov- an manufacturing sector. Finally,
            India has a huge young de- newable energy sources, such as  ernment needs to further reduce  India should capitalise on its dias-
        mographic, between 40-60 per  solar and wind power. Current- red tape and overly complex ap- pora and international industrial
        cent of the country’s population,  ly, India is struggling to provide  proval  processes  and  promote  partnership programmes, such
        which requires jobs. India would  cheap access to electricity and  innovative and efficient business  as the Access India Programme
        have to commit to more poli- clean  water.  Cheap  renewable  processes that will attract more  (AIP) introduced under the
        cy reforms to be able to further  energy can generate capabili- foreign investors.                            United Kingdom India Business
        scale up its manufacturing ca- ty and reach remote rural areas               India can emerge as the  Council (UKBIC), to generate
        pacity. It must continue to signifi- across the country; the surplus  next global manufacturing hub.  new opportunities for innovation
        cantly invest in the development  can be used for electric vehicles,  In times of deep economic cri- and entrepreneurship.
        of  physical infrastructure and  such  as scooters  and rickshaws,  sis, such as the one brought on
        digital  connectivity—high-speed  which can then be locally pro- by the COVID-19 pandemic, a  Dr. Kogila Balakrishnan is Director,
        train networks, new airports,  duced  for  domestic  and  export  swift  government  intervention  Client and Business Development
        seaports, roads, and broadband.  markets. At the same time, these  through  strong  fiscal  response           (East Asia) at WMG, University
        It is important to offer efficient  green technology related energy  and injection of capital into the         of Warwick; Adjunct Professor at
        connectivity between industrial  management initiatives will also  economy is necessary. While the  Malaysian National Defence Uni-
        clusters and cities ensuring good  address externalities such as high  economy as a whole needs sig- versity; and former Under Secretary,
        transport links and logistics that  levels of carbon emission, pol- nificant support, the government            Malaysian Ministry of Defence
        support an effective and reli- lution, and poor air quality and  must see this as an opportuni-
        able industrial eco-system, which  contribute towards sustainable  ty to strategically invest in high         Views expressed are of the author
        meets the demand of the inter- manufacturing.                            technologies for priority sectors    and do not necessarily reflect the
        national supply chain.                  Additionally, there is a need  such  as  agriculture,  electronics    views of the Manohar Parrikar
                                                                                                                      IDSA or of the Government of India.
            India also needs to liberalise  to improve and follow-through  and electrical equipment, includ-
        its education sector and invest  India’s regulatory reforms such  ing computers, telecommunica- This is the abridged version of the
        in international education and  as labour and land acquisition  tion and space. It should inject               article which appeared first in the
        research partnerships. These  reform, commercial law approv- aggressive economic incentives                     Comment section of the website
        efforts  should  be  fortified  by  al processes and regulations, tax  and review the current business         ( of Manohar Parri-
        a government-led public-pri- credits  and  grants  for  investors  practises to bring in more trade             kar Institute for Defense Studies
        vate partnership investments  in the emerging high-value man- and investments into advanced                      and Analyses, New Delhi on
        in R&D, innovation, entrepre- ufacturing technology as well as  manufacturing sectors.                               November 17, 2020

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