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BUSINESS EYE                                                       NOVEMBER 18, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 34

                                                              TECH T@LK

                  LG Display demonstrates                                              Qualcomm’s ARM-based

            12-inch panel that stretches up                                       12-core desktop CPU coming

                              to 14 inches                                                            in 2024

              lthough foldable displays       As far as prototype panels go      ince last year, Qualcomm has   GSM Arena.
              have been making headway    this display seems pretty high qual-   been producing PC chipsets,      The  Phoenix core  architecture
        Ain the smartphone mar-           ity. At 100ppi it has pixel density  Sbut its efforts have been rather   from Nuvia, created by former Ap-
        ket, a related technology known as   similar to that of a 40” 4K TV. And   modest,  with  the  majority  of  them   ple employees who worked on the
        stretchable displays is also gradually   it has full-color RGB capabilities, re-  recycling designs from its phone   company’s existing ARM-based Ap-
        emerging.                         ported GSM Arena.                 products.                         ple CPUs, is reportedly what Qual-
            According to GSM Arena, LG        The display is built on a special   According to GSM Arena, now   comm would adopt.
        Display has demonstrated a 12”    silicon substrate that is also used   a  reliable  source  has  claimed  that   Qualcomm acquired the Nuvia
        panel that can be stretched to 14”   for contact lenses. It features mi-  the company is about to finally take   start-up some time ago so it’s no
        and released back to 12” without   cro-LEDs that are connected via   the  project  seriously  and  deliver  a   surprise that the company will make
        damaging it.                      S-shaped springs instead of straight   beastly desktop CPU. The report   use of the new architecture, which in
            This type  of  bendy, stretchy   wires so that they can stretch 20 per   claims it will be unveiled in 2024   turn promised a 50 to 100 per cent
        display can be used in clothing and   cent without breaking.        and it’s codenamed ‘Hamoa’, which   performance increase in a 5-watt
        furniture as it can easily conform to   As per GSM Arena, last year, a   would be helpful in tracking future   per core  limit. That’s  of  course
        complex shapes  and the  ability  to   company named Royole had show-  leaks about the chip.          based on respective numbers from
        stretch will make it more comfort-  cased a stretchable display demo    The Hamoa chip will house     back in 2020.
        able to wear. LG Display foresees   panel  that  was  2.7”  and  had  96  x   12  CPU  cores  in  an  8+4  configu-  Either way, the report suggests
        uses in various industries including   60px resolution. Before that in 2017   ration. The big cluster consists of   that the performance is “extreme-
        “fashion, wearables, mobility and   Samsung demoed a stretchable dis-  eight performance cores, while the   ly promising” so might finally be a
        gaming”. It can even find a place in   play, though that one was mostly   cluster of four is made of energy-ef-  proper ARM-based Windows expe-
        the automobile and aircraft industry   able to survive deformation rather   ficient cores. The chip will support   rience in the next couple of years, as
        as well.                          than stretch to a new size.       discrete GPUs as well, reported   per GSM Arena.

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