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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            NOVEMBER 17, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 18

           New York Gatka Association wins the overall trophy

                     at the 1st US National Gatka Championship

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              he  first  US  National  Gatka
              Championship witnessed hun-
        Tdreds of spectators which con-
        cluded at The Sikh Center of New
        York Inc. late Saturday night. It was
        organized by the Gatka Federation
        USA- an umbrella organization to
        manage, standardize, promote and
        popularize the Gatka-Sikh Martial
        Art in USA under the aegis of World
        Gatka Federation, the championship
        saw  Kansas  Gatka  Association  se-
        curing the runner-up position, while
        NJ Gatka Association achieved third
        place, as per the release.
            This event witnessed the enthu-
        siastic participation of over 100 boys
        and girls representing different State
        Gatka Associations and Akharas in
        the US. The competition was jointly   Gatka championship in New York   Baba Ajit Singh Gatka Akhara NJ,   secured most valuable players awards
        organized by the Gatka Federations   and congratulated all the winners.  clinched first position while in the   in men’s and women’s category. Kan-
        USA in association with the host state   The proud winners of the 1st US Na-  Men’s category Vanshdeep Singh   sas Gatka Association clinched the
        New York Gatka chapter- New York   tional Gatka Championship, as per the   of Akal Gatka Gurmat Group New   Best team award among the partici-
        Gatka Association.                       release, are as below:       York stood first.               pated teams at Championship.
            On the final day of the champi-  • In Single Soti Individual event   • In the Girls (Under-14 Demon-  The Judgement and Referee pan-
        onship, Gurinder Singh Khalsa Chair-  (Under  21  Men’s  Event)  Amrit-  stration-Individual) category Har-  el for the event included S. Lovepreet
        man, President Kalvinder Singh Fres-  neer Singh Shaheed Baba of Ajit   nidh  Kaur NY from  Baba Deep   Singh Aman (Center Referee) from
        no California, General Secretary Dr.   Singh Gatka Akhara NJ came first   Singh Gatka Academy, NY came   Canada, Sahib Singh (Canada), Sujan
        Deep Singh, and Dr. Tinna presented   while in the Girls category Gurvin-  first  while  in  the  boys  category   Singh, Jagjit Singh, Taranjot Singh,
        the trophies to the deserving winners.   der Kaur from Kansas Gatka As-  Gurraj Singh clinched first place.  Jakirat, Jashandeep, Mandeep Singh,
        The officials from Gatka Federation   sociation got first position.     Apart from these winners Gur-  Simran, Prabhjot Singh, Gurpeet
        USA thanked all volunteers for suc-  • In Single- Soti Individual event   preet Singh from Baba Deep Singh   Singh, Sarabjit Kaur as Commenta-
        cessfully  organizing  national-level   (Under 17 Girls) Oneet Kaur from   Gatka Academy, NY and Oneet Kaur   tor, Sarabjit Singh and Dalbir Singh.

             Congressman Jeff Van Drew praises Akshardham

                                          temple for seva and bhakti

                                                                            ty,  service,  and  devotion,  reflecting   The temple has been crafted
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                            the core principles shared by people   from marble and limestone, requir-
        Washington, DC                                                      worldwide,” said Congressman Jeff   ing about 4.7 million hours of me-
                                                                            Van  Drew  on  the  floor  of  the  US   ticulous hand-carving by artisans
              he  newly-inaugurated  grand                                  House of Representatives.         and volunteers to construct the
              Akshardham temple  in US                                                                        Robbinsville temple that opened
        Tembodies the values of seva                                        “Mr.  Speaker,  today, I  share   on October 8.
        and bhakti, as per a US lawmaker.                                   an inspiring tale of dedication       These  stones,  originating  from
        It is believed to be the largest Hindu                                                                Italy and Bulgaria, travelled 8,000
        temple in the Western Hemisphere,                                   and unity surrounding the con-    miles to find their place in New Jer-
        which took 12,500 volunteers to com-                                struction of a magnificent Hin-   sey, said the Congressman.
        plete this momentous temple.                                        du temple in central New Jer-         The Robbinsville temple is one
            “This  project  exemplifies  vol-                                                                 of many built by the BAPS, a world-
        unteerism, personal growth, and                                     sey, embodying the values of      wide religious and civic organisation
        universal values that transcend reli-                               seva and bhakti,” he said.        within the Swaminarayan sect, he
        gious boundaries. It symbolises uni-                                                                  added further.

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