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BIG STORY NOVEMBER 15, 2024 | The Indian Eye 5
the President-elect that we look for-
ward to working very closely, as he “People see Trump
had done with him earlier as well to as agent of change”:
further strengthen the India-U.S.
comprehensive global and strategic Shri Thanedar
partnership. Both India and the Unit- s the world leader congrat-
ed States will work for the betterment ulated Republican Donald
of the people and to promote global ATrump for his victory in the
peace and stability and prosperity. US Presidential elections, Indi-
So, we want to further strengthen an-American US Congressman Shri
our partnership and we look forward Thanedar on Thursday said that
to it.” Jaiswal said during the MEA people voted for Trump because
briefing. they see him as an agent of change.
Further, Jaiswal also highlight- Donald Trump articulated dif-
ed the extensive economic relations ferent issues that concern the voters
between India and the US and said, and voters also saw that Trump was
“The economic relations between In- aware of their concerns, fears and
dia and America are quite extensive. hardships, he added.
Last year in 2023, trade worth about “People feel that the current
USD 190 billion took place between administration is responsible for the
India and America, which included economic situation and they have
goods and services. America is India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweets this picture congratulating Republican candidate Donald sent a clear message. What Donald
second-largest trading partner...” Trump has done is that he has artic-
Regarding the H-1B visa pro- J. Trump on his victory in the US presidential election on Wednesday (ANI) ulated 3 different issues that are on
gram, Jaiswal emphasized its impor- voters’ minds and voters saw that
Donald Trump understood their
tance in the bilateral relations be- for greater flexibility, agility, and re- nesses can move as well... Even the concerns & fears and their hard-
tween both nations. “As far as H-1B silience in the face of unprecedented United States under Donald Trump ships. They gave Donald Trump a
is concerned, mobility and migration disruptions. Companies are shifting will make a distinction in immigration mandate because they saw Donald
partnership are a part of the bilateral from global to regional supply net- and mobility...” Trump as an agent of change at this
relations between our two countries works to reduce dependence on frag- Notably, Trump’s stance on im- time,” Thanedar said.
and many of our professionals work ile international supply chains. migration has been a cornerstone of The US Congressman further
in the US, several Indian students Jaishankar is optimistic that the his presidency, with a focus on se- informed that 50 per cent of the vot-
study there, and there is a big invest- US administration under Donald curing the US-Mexico border and ers are people who live from “pay-
ment partnership between the US Trump will maintain distinctions in enforcing laws to curb illegal immi- cheque to paycheque” and they gave
and India in defense technology.” immigration policies, potentially ben- gration. His campaign promises in- Trump a mandate because they are
After the outcome of the US efiting skilled workers from foreign cluded stricter policies and deporta- struggling. “From the Exit Polls, we
presidential elections, External Af- countries. tion of illegal immigrants. However, see that nearly 50% of the voters,
fairs Minister S Jaishankar said that Jaishankar added, “Fourth is the Jaishankar’s statement suggests that people who are living from pay-
India sees a potential acceleration mobility of talent and skills because Trump’s administration may differ- cheque to paycheque, people who
and disruption in the re-ordering of even if there is re-globalization, I entiate between skilled workers and are struggling to put food on their
supply chains as an opportunity. think the demographic unevenness other immigrants. table, kitchen table issues, expenses,
He identified four to five import- is beginning to bite us. And now, the With Trump back in the White paying for healthcare, paying for gro-
ant consequences of the US-India global workplace doesn’t mean that House again, a new and happy chapter ceries, gasoline, paying for children’s
relationship following US election the talent alone has to move. Busi- in India-US relations is set to begin. education. So, people are struggling,
results, including the reordering of these are the people who work with
supply chains, geopolitical hedging, their own hands. Some of them may
digitization, and mobility of talent or may not have a college degree but
and skills. they work hard to raise their family.
On the outcome of the US presi- They are all struggling. The cost of
dential elections, Jaishankar said, “To living has gone up substantially. The
my mind, there are four-five import- buying power has gone down and
ant consequences for the relationship people are hurting,” Congressman
(India-US) and the business aspect of Thanedar said.
the relations. First, there was already Meanwhile, Indian-Americans
re-ordering of the supply chains that are celebrating Donald Trump’s vic-
were taking place, it is very likely that tory in the presidential election, ex-
in view of the election results in the pressing optimism about the poten-
US yesterday, this would accelerate. tial benefits for the economy, border
security, and global peace.
Some of it would be more disruptive, Avinash Gupta, President of
but we in India see it as an opportu- the Foreign Indian Association, be-
nity. Second, there would be in a way lieves Trump’s good rapport with
more geo-political hedging... Third Prime Minister Narendra Modi
pertains to the digital side...” will strengthen India-US relations.
The COVID-19 pandemic and He cited local factors like inflation,
escalating geopolitical tensions have Priests perform ‘havan’ for the victory of US presidential candidate Donald Trump in the open borders, and ongoing wars as
prompted companies to reassess and upcoming US Presidential elections, at Maa Baglamukhi Shakti Peeth, Dilshad Garden, in New key concerns that influenced Indi-
transform their supply chain strate- Delhi on Sunday (ANI Photo/Ritik Jain) an-American voters.
gies. This shift is driven by the need