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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 15, 2024 | The Indian Eye 28
University of Waterloo appoints
its 12th Chancellor
he University of Waterloo re-
cently appointed Dr. Jagdeep
TSingh Bachher (BASc ‘93,
MASc ‘94, PhD ‘00) as its 12th chan-
cellor, marking a new chapter in the
University’s leadership. The chancel-
lor serves as the University’s ceremo-
nial head, representing the institution
at public events, presiding over con- serves on the National Association of ACOs (NAACOS) Board of Directors
vocation ceremonies and conferring and as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of
degrees, diplomas and certificates. Public Health. Dr. Bhansali received his medical degree from the University
Dr. Bachher, a proud Waterloo of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine graduating with Honors (AOA)
alum, brings global experience and and trained in Internal Medicine at Washington University/Barnes Jewish
embodies the University’s values of thinking differently, acting with purpose Hospital in St. Louis.
and working together. Dr. Bachher has served on Waterloo’s Board of Gover- Krishna Ramachandran, MBA, MS, is Senior Vice President of Health
nors since 2018, including as its vice-chair before being appointed chancellor. Transformation and Provider Adoption at Blue Shield of California. In this
“My connection to the University dates back thirty years, and I am excited position, he leads partnerships and innovations aimed at improving health-
to share my affinity for this institution and connect with you,” Dr. Bachher care quality and affordability for members and providing tools and support
says. “Like our graduates, I fondly recall the anticipation and excitement of for providers. Mr. Ramachandran received his MBA from Northwestern Uni-
convocation. I crossed this stage on three separate occasions while my family versity’s Kellogg School of Management and his Master of Science in Elec-
and friends proudly watched. Like many others, my success was directly relat- trical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
ed to the love and support I received along the way.”
Currently the chief investment officer at the University of California, Dr. SANDEEP NILKANTH ATHALYE
Bachher oversees the management of about $180 billion USD in investment
created a collaborative culture known as The UC Investments Way to guide Doctor appointed as Global CEO
pools, including pensions, endowments and total-return investment funds. He
investment decision- making. During his ten-year tenure at UC, the universi-
ty’s investment assets have doubled. at Kashiv BioSciences
From entrepreneur to investment leader, Dr. Bachher has worked for
Kashiv BioSciences, LLC, a global vertically integrated biopharmaceuti-
leading companies and organizations across North America, including Man- cal company, recently announced the appointment of Dr. Sandeep Nilkanth
ulife Financial, the Alberta Investment Management Corporation and the Athalye as Global Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Athalye, a seasoned leader
University of California. with over two decades of experience in strategic and operational roles with-
His experience in both the public and private sectors positions him as a
dynamic leader who understands the challenges and opportunities of today’s in the global pharmaceutical industry, will oversee company operations and
drive strategic growth across key markets, including the United States, Eu-
interconnected world.
rope, and Asia.
Dr. Athalye, Global CEO, stated, “Kashiv is an ambitious biosimilars
HENISH BHANSALI & KRISHNA RAMACHANDRAN company founded with a vision to bring affordable and accessible biosimilars
GAO names physicians to globally. Kashiv has a clear objective to be among the top biosimilars players
with a differentiated pipeline and state-of-the-art manufacturing and R&D
Medicare Advisory Committee facilities in the U.S. and India. I am very excited for the opportunity to use
technology and innovation to drive Kashiv to become one of the leading de-
velopers of medicines in the biologics space.”
Dr. Athalye is recognized for his focus on innovative, patient-centric
ene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States and head strategies and his commitment to sustainable growth. Dr. Athalye’s previous
of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), recently an-
Gnounced the appointment of two Indian American new members to the leadership roles span Biocon Biologics, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis, and
Schering-Plough Research Institute.
Physician-Focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC). Chirag and Chintu Patel, Co-Founders and Board Members of Kashiv
The newly appointed 2 members are Henish Bhansali, MD, FACP and
Krishna Ramachandran, MBA, MS. Their terms will expire in 2027. The BioSciences, stated, “We are delighted to welcome Dr. Athalye to Kashiv. His
appointment comes at a pivotal time as we accelerate our growth in the rapid-
Comptroller General is responsible for appointing members to the committee. ly expanding biosimilars sector. We are confident that Dr. Athalye’s industry
“PTAC provides valuable information to the Department of Health and
Human Services aimed at maximizing the value of the $1 trillion in annual expertise and leadership will be instrumental in achieving Kashiv’s ambitious
global vision.”
Medicare spending,” Dodaro said. “I am pleased to announce the appoint- Dr. Athalye holds a MBBS in Medicine from Bharati Vidyapeeth, a MS
ment of two new committee members with extensive knowledge and experi- in Clinical Pharmacology from The University of Toledo, and MBA in Bio-
ence in value-based payment and care models.” Pharma Innovation from Rutgers University.
Brief biographies of the new committee members are:
Henish Bhansali, MD, FACP, is the Chief Medical Officer for Medical
Home Network, a healthcare organization that partners with Federally Qual- To read more about Indian diaspora and Global Indians, log on to and follow
ified Health Centers, Primary Care Associations, and Clinically Integrated our website
Networks to build the capabilities to succeed in value-based care. He also