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BUSINESS EYE                                                       NOVEMBER 11, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 35

                                                              TECH T@LK

            Now, send gifts to your favourite                                        Apple users in India to get

                        Instagram creator                                                   5G from next week

                eta has introduced a num-  time, this update is Instagram’s first   ech giant Apple will roll out   usability, which helps Apple identi-
                ber of new creative tools   attempt to compete with established   the much-awaited software up-  fy issues, fix them, and make Apple
        Mfor  Facebook  and  Insta-       NFT marketplaces directly.        Tgrades for 5G network in India   software even better.
        gram creators. The most interesting                                 for its users from next week. The ser-  To access the Apple Beta Soft-
        development is that Instagrammers   According to Meta, it won’t     vice will be made available as Apple   ware Program, iPhone users can sim-
        will soon be able to create their own                               pushes out its iOS 16 Beta software   ply enrol in their device to access the
        NFTs and sell them directly to their  take a cut of NFT sales until  update. India announced the launch   latest public betas, as well as subse-
        fans, both on and off the app, accord-  2024, but 30 per cent of rev-  of 5G services on October 1. Airtel   quent updates, including the 5G beta
        ing to Mashable. With this version,                                 and Reliance Jio customers on any of   which will be available to Airtel and
        creators have access to a number of  enues will be subtracted to  the iPhone 14, iPhone 13, iPhone 12   Jio customers from next week.
        tools for creating, exhibiting, and sell-  cover app store expenses. The   and iPhone SE (3rd generation) mod-  As a member of the Apple Beta
        ing NFTs.                                                           els can use Apple’s Beta Software   Software Program, users will be able
            According to Mashable India,  percentage of each resale that  Program to experience 5G service.   to enrol their iPhone, iPad, Mac,
        the platform has been testing NFTs   goes to the creator might range    The  Apple Beta Software  Pro-  Apple TV, HomePod mini or Apple
        on Facebook and Instagram since                                     gram is open to anyone with a valid   Watch to access the latest public be-
        last year. However, Instagram users  from 5 per cent to 25 per cent,  Apple ID who accepts the Apple   tas,  as  well  as  subsequent  updates.
        were unable to even display tangible   as per Mashable.             Beta Software Program Agreement   Apple said that both the program and
        objects prior to now.                                               during the sign-up process.       software are free for iPhone users.
            With the use of a new “end-to-                                      The  Apple Beta Software  Pro-    Earlier in October, Apple in a
        end toolkit,” creators can now create   The new tools are now currently   gram also lets users try out pre-re-  statement to ANI had said, “We are
        NFT collections on Instagram and sell   only accessible to a “limited num-  lease software and experience the   working with our carrier partners in
        them to their friends and followers.  ber” of creators in the United States,   latest features before  the  software   India to bring the best 5G experience
            Although the company has been   though Meta says it aims to make   becomes more widely available.  to iPhone users as soon as network
        progressively  expanding  its  market-  them available to more people and   The users are invited to provide   validation and testing for quality
        place services for creatures for some   nations “soon.”             feedback to Apple on quality and   and performance is completed.”

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