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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            NOVEMBER 11, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 26

              Beverly Hills Jain Social Group Hosts

                                Red Carpet Movie Premier

        OUR BUREAU                        when she met Kim Law, a blind vol-
                                          unteer life coach who teaches class-
        Los Angeles, CA
                                          es to people in prison. Today, out-
              eading International chapter   side of prison, Kim and Michelle are
              of Jain Social Group Bev-   doing the difficult work of unravel-
        Lerly Hills recently hosted a     ing Michelle’s history, of telling the
        Red-Carpet  Movie  Premier  of  film   story of Michelle’s traumatic child-
        “Being Michelle”.                 hood and her adverse experiences in
            Founder & President Rajendra   the criminal justice system.
        Vora welcomed members, talented       With the support of Kim, Mi-
        actors & invitees at Regal LA Live.   chelle  realizes  her  own  voice  and
        He added “It is more exciting to host   strength.  Throughout  the  film  Mi-
        this award-winning feature length   chelle’s artwork provides her own
        documentary where our own mem-    depiction of the trauma she survived
        bers Rajiv & Priti Sanghvi are the   as well as a means to her recovery.
        Executive Producers of the film”.     Ultimately,  BEING      MI-
            BEING MICHELLE is an          CHELLE is a story of redemption.
        award-winning feature-length doc-  It is about the bonds between wom-
        umentary film about a deaf woman   en committed to thriving in a broken
        with autism who survived incarcer-  system, who are forging a path to
        ation and abuse and now uses her   healing that can only come through
        artwork to depict the trauma she   facing the truth and communicating
        survived and heal from her past.   it, together.  After screening Q&A
            Michelle’s trajectory changed   with Rajiv Sanghvi was held.

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