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BUSINESS EYE                                                      NOVEMBER 08, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 34

           US-India Strategic Partnership Forum

               celebrates Diwali in Washington DC

         Indian envoy to the US Vinay Kwatra and Ambassador Richard R Verma reflected

                  on the shared values and strong bonds driving our partnership forward

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Diwali lights shine worldwide, USI-
                                                                                                              SPF remains committed to strength-
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                              ening the ties that bind the U.S. and
               S-India Strategic Partner-                                                                     India, fostering a brighter future for
               ship Forum hosted a Di-                                                                        both nations.
        Uwali reception at the iconic                                                                             The US-India Strategic Partner-
        Kennedy Center in Washington DC,                                                                      ship Forum (USISPF), formed in
        bringing together dignitaries, senior                                                                 2017,  is  an  independent  non-profit,
        government  officials,  ambassadors                                                                   non-governmental, and non-parti-
        and prominent members of the DC                                                                       san organization headquartered in
        community to celebrate the “Festival                                                                  Washington  DC,  with  offices  across
        of Lights.”                                                                                           both countries.
            The event underscored the
        strong and growing bond between                                                                       Earlier on October 29, US Pres-
        the United States and India, as well                                                                  ident Joe Biden extended Diwa-
        as the rich cultural traditions that Di-
        wali represents.                                                                                      li greetings to the people, high-
            Distinguished guests included                                                                     lighting its significance, and
        the Indian Ambassador to the Unit-
        ed States, and the Deputy Secretary                                                                   acknowledged that today, the
        of State for Management and Re-                                                                       festival is proudly celebrated
        sources Richard R Verma.
            The event highlighted Diwali’s                                                                    in the White House.
        message of light triumphing over
        darkness, symbolizing the strength-                                                                       Highlighting the contributions
        ening collaboration between the US                                                                    of the South Asian American com-
        and India.                                                                                            munity to the fabric of American
            Mukesh Aghi, President and                                                                        life, Biden said the community is the
        CEO of USISPF, spoke about the      The event highlighted Diwali’s message of light triumphing over darkness, symbolizing the   fastest-growing and most engaged
        deepening ties between our nations,         strengthening collaboration between the US and India (ANI photos)   community in the world. The Pres-
        while Indian envoy to the US Vinay                                                                    ident also spoke to the moment’s
        Kwatra and Ambassador Richard R       Against the stunning backdrop   discussions on the future of India-US   significance, noting that the country
        Verma reflected on the shared values   of iconic  Kennedy Centre, guests   relations.                 is  facing  an  “inflection  point”  and
        and strong bonds driving our part-  enjoyed cultural performances, tra-  USISPF extends heartfelt Diwali   reminding attendees not to take the
        nership forward.                  ditional Indian cuisine and inspiring   greetings to everyone celebrating. As  ‘Idea of America’ for granted.

         Gita Gopinath praises ‘Om Jai Jagdeesh Hare’ played at White House

         OUR BUREAU                       flowers, and many guests were seen   tributions of the Indian American   li.” the post added.
                                          wearing traditional Indian attire.  community.                          Recently, the American First
         Washington, DC
                                              “Wonderful to hear the White      Garcetti shared a post on X and   Lady, Jill Biden, and President
                ita Gopinath, the First Dep-  House military band play Om Jai   wrote, “What a beautiful celebration   Joe Biden hosted a Diwali cel-
                uty Managing Director of   Jagdeesh Hare for Diwali. Happy   of Diwali at the @WhiteHouse ! As   ebration at the White House
         Gthe  International  Mone-       Diwali,” she wrote in her post.   we celebrate the journey of light, we   on  October 28,  inviting Indian
         tary Fund (IMF), shared a video      The White House hosted a Di-  also honor the invaluable contribu-  Americans from across the Unit-
         on  Thursday  featuring  the  White   wali celebration to honor the contri-  tions of Indian Americans who deep-  ed States to attend.
         House military band playing the   butions of Indian Americans to the   en the #USIndia bond.”            This was the couple’s last Di-
         prayer “Om Jai Jagdeesh Hare” as   “US-India bond.”                    “From New Delhi to D.C., may   wali celebration as President and
         part of Diwali celebrations.         US Ambassador to India Eric   the light of Diwali illuminate every   First Lady. Over the years, the
             In the video posted by Gopi-  Garcetti praised the event and em-  corner of the world and spread the   Bidens’ Diwali celebration has add-
         nath on X, the White House was   phasized  the  significance  of  Diwali,   message of peace and prosperity   ed a unique touch to this luminous
         beautifully adorned with marigold   acknowledging the invaluable con-  #CelebrateWithUS #HappyDiwa-  tradition.

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