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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 08, 2024 | The Indian Eye 28
Why the Democratic Party’s Approach
to Immigration is the Right One
s a South Asian, I understand
the frustration many of us feel
Awhen it comes to immigra-
tion. My family, like so many others,
worked hard to come here legally. We
navigated a complex system, waited
years, and sacrificed a lot to make this
country our home. It can be upsetting The Democratic Party’s approach to immigration emphasizes creating a fair, organized system (Agency photo)
to see others enter through what seems
like shortcuts, especially when we be- portation,” when he associates with a country where our children grow up 1500 more border agents and officers.
lieve the country is already full. How- and endorses people who believe that in a society that values diversity and It would’ve paid for 100 inspection
ever, the Democratic Party’s approach America should be a White, Christian inclusion. In the long run, support- machines to detect fentanyl that is
to immigration is not only humane nation, that kind of hatred can spill ing Democratic immigration policies killing tens of thousands of Ameri-
but also beneficial for desis like us. over to all communities of color. is a way to protect our future here. cans every year. It would have allowed
First, the Democratic Party’s ap- Whether Trump really means A system that embraces immigrants us to more quickly and effectively re-
proach emphasizes creating a fair, the hateful stuff he says about immi- strengthens the economy, drives in- move those who come here illegally
organized system. This means reduc- grants, or is simply using immigration novation, and reinforces America’s and it would have increased the num-
ing the backlogs for legal immigration for political purposes is uncertain, role on the global stage. Desis have so ber of immigration judges and asylum
and streamlining processes for skilled but there is no denying that he forced much to gain from policies that make officers. It was the strongest border
workers. Many of us South Asians are allies in Congress to vote No on a bi- immigration fair, safe, and welcoming. security bill we have seen in decades.
in tech and business sectors, and we partisan border bill that would have It’s an investment in our shared future. It was endorsed by the Border Patrol
would directly benefit from reforms strengthened safety at the border, Kamala Harris understands this. Union and it should be in effect today
that ease visa limitations and ensure simply because he wanted to cam- Speaking at a gathering at the Ari- producing results in real time right
smoother family reunifications. These paign on a lack of action! It reminds zona border, she said, “The United now for our country.”
policies not only allow us to bring me of the story of the man who killed States is a sovereign nation and I be- “But Donald Trump tanked it. He
loved ones here but also boost the his parents and then pleaded for leni- lieve we have a duty to set rules at our picked up the phone and called some
economy through increased skilled ency from the judge, because he was border and to enforce them. And I friends in Congress and said, “Stop
labor. When immigration is more or- now an orphan! take that responsibility very seriously. the bill.” Because you see, he prefers
ganized, we all benefit from a stronger Either way, Trump’s and JD We are also a nation of immigrants. to run on a problem instead of fixing
economy and greater opportunities. Vance’s rhetoric on immigration have The United States has been enriched a problem.”
Moreover, a welcoming environ- made America less safe for all of us. by generations of people who have Today, Democrats are the party
ment for immigrants ensures that we, The alternative approach of the Dem- come from every corner of the world that take the problem of illegal im-
as desis, aren’t subjected to the same ocrats, which focuses on tightening to contribute to our country and to be- migration seriously and want to do
xenophobia or racial profiling that the border, but also being smart and come part of the American story. And something about it while understand-
immigrants face in other countries. humane towards people like us who so we must reform our immigration ing and appreciating the contribution
We’ve seen toxic anti-immigrant rhet- want to come to participate in Amer- system to ensure that it works in an of immigrants like South Asians to the
oric from former President Trump and ican progress, is the right one. Demo- orderly way, that it is humane and that American economy.
his running mate JD Vance. When crats also think long term and work to it makes our country stronger.”
Trump spreads lies that (legal) Hai- strengthen our relationships and aid Talking about the bipartisan bor- Vidya Pradhan is a writer and translator.
tian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio to countries where poverty and insta- der bill that almost became law, she She is passionate about equity and justice
are eating pet cats and dogs, when he bility force people to flee. added, “I strongly supported the com- and believes the highest moral imperative
encourages supporters at his rallies By supporting humane immigra- prehensive border security bill written is to be kind. She is a fan of Bay FC and
to carry placards saying “Mass De- tion policies, we contribute to creating last year…That bill would’ve hired is eagerly waiting for the Valkyries.