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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline NOVEMBER 05, 2021 | The Indian Eye 26
new Jersey GOVernOr eleCtiOn
asian american republican Coalition hosts
meet-and-Greet with GOp candidate jack Ciattrelli
Hemant Bhatt, the founder of AARC, says it is an excellent opportunity to make New Jersey
“great, safe and proud” by electing Jack Ciattreli
Our Bureau stated that this is the excellent
Edison, NJ opportunity and chance to make
New Jersey great, Safe and
n Saturday, October 23, Proud by electing Jack Ciattreli
2021, Asian American as New Jersey’s Next Governor.
O Republican Coalition Deepak Malhotra,
(AARC) organized a very im- Co-Founder of AARC who be-
pressive Meet-and-Greet meet- lieves in family values, conser-
ing with Jack Ciattrelli, the Re- vatism and ideals of Republican
publican nominee contesting for Party and who hosted the event
the post of Governor of New followed by dinner by lot of hard
Jersey state. work stated that Jack Ciattrelli
Sanjiv Pandya, who is very is the strong and desirable can-
well-known personality in the didate to get elected as New Jer-
Asian, including Indian Ameri- sey Governor and who is much
can, communities due to his long needed to bring the change in
association with radio, TV and the lives of NJ Communities. He
media, opened the event by wel- mentioned that School education
coming the large gathering con- needs immediate attention to
sisting of Community leaders, improvise and taxes should be re-
proven Businessmen, Entrepre- duced for betterment of families
neurs, School and College Teach- and middle-class communities.
ers and Professors, Doctors, En- Ankur Vaidya, Chairman
gineers, Independent Citizens, of Federation of Indian Asso-
supporters, friends and fami- ciations [FIA] who graced the
lies and constituents of AARC. event by his presence expressed
In his introductory remarks, the concerns about disruption of
he stated that NJ’s gubernato- supply chains, high taxes, high
rial elections is very crucial and prices and overall inflationary
important. He stated that the trends in economy. He urged
governor race in New Jersey is Jack Ciattrelli to restore good
one of the most watched in the state of economy in NJ and to
nation. Recent polls show the take care of peoples’ wellbeing.
gap is narrowing. He then in- He wished Mr. Jack all success
troduced Hemant Bhatt who to win the NJ Governor’s elec-
is Founder and Chairman of at various levels of Government, nor of New Jersey as King of the tion with big margins.
AARC to address the gathering. to educate them about US Con- NJ State who should all the time Jack Ciattrelli who was very
Bhatt welcomed Mr. Jack stitution, US Citizenship, Voting think about Safety and Securi- much excited after meeting the
Ciattrelli and large number of rights, US political system, to ty, Wellbeing of people, strong enlightened gathering greet-
attendees and thanked them for train Asian candidates to run economy and lower charge of ed them and stated that if he is
honoring the invitation to come for any political office and to un- taxes from people’s hard-earned elected as New Jersey’s Gover-
on a busy Saturday evening. He dertake Social upliftment causes income. He mentioned that nor, he will pay full attention to
briefly narrated the activities of and Healthcare initiatives. He Jack Ciattrelli’s administration REDUCE THE PROPERTY
AARC which is a ‘not for prof- mentioned that AARC has tak- as New Governor will work in TAXES, GROW OUR ECON-
it’ organization, which was con- en many initiatives and creating these directions and appealed OMY ALL AROUND, STAND
cepted in 2016 and established tremendous awareness amongst to the gathering not only to vote WITH LAW ENFORCE-
in 2018 to bring all Asians in- Asians which no other organiza- for him, but also spread a strong MENT and BRING PEOPLE
cluding Indian Americans on tion earlier has done it. message to the friends and fam- TOGETRHER TO MAKE
one platform to represent them Bhatt compared the Gover- ilies to vote for him. He further Continued on next page... >>
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