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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 03, 2023 | The Indian Eye 26
Mayor Adams Celebrates Milestone
of 5,000 New Nurses Trained by
Citywide Nurse Residency Program
Nation’s First City-Led Nurse Residency Program Has Supported Staffing Needs at Over 28
New York City Health Care Facilities, Including 18 H+H Campuses
ing shortages after the COVID-19
NEW YORK, NY pandemic.
The program is designed to last
ew York City Mayor Eric Ad- one year, consisting of monthly sem-
ams has celebrated a major
Nmilestone of 5,000 new regis- inars and reflection time for a small
cohort of first-time nurses from the
tered nurses (RNs) trained through same hospital — translating to bet-
the Citywide Nurse Residency Pro- ter professional and emotional out-
gram since its launch in 2019, putting comes. The program also includes
thousands of New Yorkers on the structured flexibility for hospitals
path to fulfilling, family-sustaining to reinforce new nurses’ academic
training and to customize training
to a facility’s unique operational and
As the nation’s first city-led cultural needs.
“The Citywide Nurse Residency
nurse residency consortium, Program exemplifies our city’s un-
the program offers on-the-job wavering dedication to supporting
training and other supports to our health care workforce and im-
proving patient care for every New
recently graduated, newly hired Yorker,” said Wilhelmina Manzano,
RNs. It has been implemented MA, RN, NEA-BC, group senior
jor health care component of Mayor you see and one of the last with whom vice president and chief nursing ex-
at over 28 health care facilities Adams’ “Working People’s Agenda” you interact when visiting the hospi- ecutive, NewYork-Presbyterian. “We
across the city and supported to support 30,000 current and aspir- tal or an outpatient setting,” said are proud to collaborate with this
outstanding program and support
Deputy Mayor for Health and Hu-
ing nurses over the next five years as
hospitals in training and re- they enter the nursing workforce, stay man Services Anne Williams-Isom. new graduate nurses as they develop
taining nurses — saving them in the profession, and climb the ca- “This residency program provides the knowledge and skills they need to
an important structure to support,
reer ladder.
millions of dollars — while also “As we continue to grapple with attract, and retain the city’s nurses. “We are honored to celebrate
helping new nurses succeed in effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Thank you to all our partners inside with the New York City Mayor’s Of-
we’re doing everything we can to bol-
fice and the New York Alliance for
and outside government that make
their early careers. ster our health care system, and that this work possible, and thank you to Careers in Healthcare to recognize
starts with supporting the backbone New York City’s nurses for support- 5,000 nurses who completed the Vi-
The program has helped average of the industry: our nurses,” said ing your fellow New Yorkers each zient/AACN Nurse Residency Pro-
nurse retention exceed 96 percent Mayor Adams. “By providing hospi- and every day.” gram™. Recognizing the unwavering
year to date at particpating NYC tals with the resources they need to An initiative of the New York commitment and ongoing pursuit of
Health + Hospitals (H+H) campus- train and retain their nursing staff, Alliance for Careers in Healthcare knowledge by these vital health care
es, far surpassing the national aver- our Citywide Nurse Residency Pro- and the Mayor’s Office of Talent and professionals is a noteworthy accom-
age of 84 percent. gram has allowed us to make signif- Workforce Development, and of- plishment, celebrating their dedi-
This milestone marks the first icant strides in improving health care fered in partnership with the Greater cation to delivering optimal patient
stop on Mayor Adams’ “Working for New Yorkers and making New New York Hospital Association, the care,” said Evy Olson, MSN, MBA,
People’s Tour,” continuing to create York City work for working people. Citywide Nurse Residency Program RN, vice president, Nursing Pro-
jobs and power New York City’s eco- As we saw in 2020, nurses are essen- is proven to increase worker confi- grams at Vizient. “Nurse residency
nomic recovery after the city set an tial to keeping New Yorkers healthy, dence, professional satisfaction, and programs are critical in helping newly
all-time record with 4.7 million total and our investment to help nurses retention. Stable, well-trained nurs- licensed nurses transition into prac-
jobs, recovering all of the nearly 1 mil- go from the classrooms to a hospital ing professionals contribute to bet- tice effectively, ultimately contribut-
lion jobs lost during the COVID-19 room will help keep New Yorkers ter patient care and reduce hospitals’ ing to the well-being of the commu-
pandemic. The program’s success healthy and prepared for the future.” costs associated with recruitment, nity, the health care organization,
also delivers on a delivering on a ma- “Nurses are often the first people particularly in a time of acute nurs- and the patients under their care.”