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BIG STORY                                                            OCTOBER 28, 2022  |     The Indian Eye                     4

                          SECURITY & GOVERNANCE


                        At a brain-storming meeting of various chief ministers and state home ministers,
           Narendra Modi and Amit Shah spell out their vision of internal security and betterment of the country.

                                       How are these two issues crucial for India’s development?

                                                                                                              the link between the law-and-order
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              system and the development of the
        Surajkund (Haryana)/New Delhi                                                                         states. “It is very important for the
                                                                                                              entire law and order system to be re-
             rime Minister Narendra Modi                                                                      liable. Its trust and perception among
             on Friday advised all the States
        Pand the Union Territories to                                                                         the public are very important,” he
                                                                                                              pointed out.
        learn and take inspiration from each                                                                      The Prime Minister pointed out
        other and work for the betterment of                                                                  that crime is no longer localized and
        the country.                                                                                          instances of interstate, international
            Addressing the gathering through
        video conferencing at the concluding                                                                  crimes are going up. “That is why mu-
                                                                                                              tual cooperation between state agen-
        session of the two-day ‘Chintan Shivir                                                                cies  and between  central and  state
        of Home Ministers’ of all states that                                                                 agencies is becoming crucial,” he said.
        started on Thursday, the Prime Minis-                                                                     He pointed out that whether it is
        ter said that the event is a prime exam-                                                              cybercrime or the use of drone tech-
        ple of “cooperative federalism”. PM                                                                   nologies for the smuggling of weapons
        Modi said even though law and order                                                                   or drugs, the government needs to
        are the responsibility of the states as                                                               keep working towards new technolo-
        per the constitution, they are equally                                                                gies to tackle the menace. “The law-
        related to the unity and integrity of the                                                             and-order system can be improved
        country.                                                                                              with the help of smart technology,”
            “Every state should learn from
        each other, take inspiration from each                                                                the Prime Minister remarked.
                                                                                                                  He said 5G, along with its bene-
        other, work for the betterment of the                                                                 fits, brings the need for a heightened
        country, this is the spirit of the consti-                                                            alert, requesting the Chief Ministers
        tution and it is also our responsibility                                                              and Home Ministers to “seriously
        towards the countrymen,” the Prime                                                                    assess the need for technology, going
        Minister said.                                                                                        beyond the constraints of the budget
            The two-day Chintan Shivir was
        held at Surajkund, Haryana. Home                                                                      as this  technology will  percolate the
                                                                                                              confidence  of  security  among  com-
        Secretaries and Director Generals                                                                     mon citizens”.
        of Police (DGPs) of the States and                                                                        Modi  also  floated  the  idea  of
        Director Generals of Central Armed                                                                    “one nation, one police uniform”
        Police Forces (CAPFs) and Central                                                                     saying that states and union terrior-
        Police Organizations (CPOs) also at-                                                                  ities should discuss if this is possible.
        tended the Chintan Shivir.         Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the ‘Chintan Shivir’ of Home Ministers of States in   He said there is a need for a positive
            According to Prime Minister’s                         New Delhi on Friday (ANI)
        Office (PMO) statement, the Chintan                                                                   perspective and called for improved
                                                                                                              synergy among the police stations with
        Shivir of Home Ministers is an en-  tice system, land border management,   duties of citizens, such as those of the   cooperation, rapport and a stream-
        deavor to provide a national perspec-  coastal security, women safety, drug   PM and CMs.             lined mechanism.
        tive to policy formulation on internal   trafficking, among others, added the   “The Panch Pran’ must be the   The event, which ended on Fri-
        security-related matters. The Shivir,   statement.                  guiding force for good governance,”   day, was attended by Chief Ministers
        in the spirit of cooperative federalism,   Referring to the ongoing ‘Amrit   said the Prime Minister.  of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana,  Punjab,
        will bring more synergy in planning   Kaal’,  the Prime Minister said  that   He said when the strength of the   Kerala,  Assam,  Goa,  Uttarakhand,
        and coordination between various   during the Amrit Kaal, an Amrit gen-  country increases, then the power of   Sikkim,  Manipur and Tripura-- all
        stakeholders at the center and state   eration will emerge carrying the es-  every citizen and every family in the   having charges of Home Ministry in
        levels.                           sence of the ‘Panch Pran’-- advance   country will get a boost. “This is good   their respective states.
            The Shivir will deliberate on is-  with greater conviction and the de-  governance where benefits reach even
                                                                                                                  Besides, Deputy Chief Minis-
        sues like modernization of police   termination of a developed India; get   the last person standing in the queue   ters of Maharashtra and Nagaland;
        forces, cybercrime management, in-  rid of any signs of slavery; take pride   in every state,” he said.
        creased use of IT in the criminal jus-  in India’s history; the power of unity;   The Prime Minister emphasized   Continued at next page... >>

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