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SPORTS                                                                  OCTOBER 22, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          54

                                                                 t20 World cup

                     is Team india the favorites

                            to win the tournament?

                    Who will be the top scorer?

         As the action goes on in Dubai, we bring you the best of glimpses from the field and off it

                                                                                                                      manent. I will also put a lot of
        Our Bureau
                                                                                                                      weight behind Mitchell Starc.
        Dubai                                                                                                         There has been some debate in

               ormer Australia pacer                                                                                  the last year about Starc being
                                                                                                                      past his best but he would be in
               Brett Lee reckons that                                                                                 my team every single time, Josh
        FIndia are the favourites to                                                                                  Hazlewood has had a good IPL
        win the ongoing ICC Men’s T20                                                                                 and Pat Cummins is a superstar.
        World Cup.
            India will open its T20 World                                                                             He is the David Beckham of the
        Cup campaign against Pakistan                                                                                 team, whatever he touches turns
                                                                                                                      to gold,” he added.
        on October 24 in Dubai. Lee
        has also picked KL Rahul as the                                                                                team india to use Varun
        top run-scorer of the tourna-
        ment, while he also picked Mo-                                                                                      in crunch games
        hammed Shami as the leading                                                                                       It is no secret that two crick-
        wicket-taker.  “But  saying  that,                                                                            eters who have been the focus of
        I think India are probably the                                                                                the Indian medical staff are Var-
        favourites with their top four or                                                                             un Chakravarthy and Hardik
        five batters and their bowling at-                                                                            Pandya.  While  Varun’s  knees
        tack. I have KL Rahul down as                                                                                 are a cause of concern, the med-
        the top run-scorer in the tour-                                                                               ical team has also been looking
        nament and Mohammed Shami                                                                                     to  get  Hardik  bowling  ready.
        to  be  the  leading  wicket-tak-                                                                             And it looks like the team man-
        er, purely going on the last few                                                                              agement is looking to use Varun
        months. So, if they deliver and                                                                               judiciously.
        India have one of the leading                                                                                     The team management in
        run-scorers and wicket-takers,                                                                                consultation with the medi-
        it’s a good start,” Lee wrote in                                                                              cal team has decided it is best
        his column for International                                                                                  to keep Varun as fresh as pos-
        Cricket Council (ICC).               rahul chahar of india celebrates the wicket of Glenn maxwell of australia   sible and use him in crunch
            “But I’m confident Australia      with teammate Virat Kohli during the india and australia warm-up match   games.  “He  is  undoubtedly  a
        can do it and it all starts against                           on wednesday. (aNi)                             match-winner in  this  format
        South Africa - a brilliant match                                                                              and the leadership group knows
        to start what will hopefully be  the tournament. I know they  are,” Lee said.                                 what four overs can mean in a
        a brilliant tournament for the  might be high expectations but               “But  this  Australian  side  is  big tournament like the T20
        Baggy Greens,” he added.             if you don’t go and set the bar  loaded with talent and for me,  World Cup. The medical team
            The former Australia pacer  very high, you are not going to  the key is David Warner. I would  has been working closely with
        also said that the Aaron Finch- succeed. We have not had a lot  like to say he is saving the runs  him and Varun will be used judi-
        led side has a strong chance of  of success in this format - it is  for the games that count after his  ciously. He is a trump card and
        winning the tournament provid- time we changed it and we do  IPL form! He was really harsh- Virat Kohli and the leadership
        ed David Warner and Mitchell  have a side that can take it all  ly dealt with there and it may  group is looking to use him just
        Starc have a good show with the  the  way.  It  obviously  won’t  be  have knocked some confidence  like that,” the source said.
        bat and ball.                        easy, especially when you look  out of him but he thrives on the             Asked if that means he could
            “For me, the expectation is  at how strong teams like En- big stage. Everything should be  be kept away from a game if the
        that Australia will go and win  gland, India and New Zealand  rosy for him here, class is per-                   Continued on next page... >>

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