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BUSINESS EYE                                                         OCTOBER 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 42

                                                              TECH T@LK

               Google launches Android 13                                                Apple will venture into

               (Go edition) OS for lower-end                                      foldable market with the iPad

                             smartphones                                                      in 2024: Report

              fter releasing the stable An-  a lot of skins, is now making its de-  he entry of Apple into the   with a folding phone and instead pre-
              droid 13 back in August, Goo-  but on Go edition devices, reported   foldable market will not be   fer to “dip its toes” into the foldable
        Agle is back with a variation of it   GSM Arena. As per the outlet, also  Tthrough the iPhones but rather   market through a tablet.
        named Android 13 (Go edition) that’s   launching is the Material You de-  the company’s tablet devices, as per   Other sources, namely re-
        built specifically with low-end phones   sign language, which so far has been   CCS Insight’s annual predictions re-  nowned Apple insider and analyst
        in mind. According to GSM Arena,   confined to non-Go edition Android   port, shared GSM Arena.       Ming-Chi Kuo, has said that Apple
        the Go edition concept is already five   devices but is now making the jump   According to the outlet, Apple   could launch a folding iPhone in
        years old, and at the moment there   to the affordable side. With it, you   could launch a folding iPad in 2024 in   2024. So, the consensus is that Apple
        are over 250 million monthly active   get the theming of your phone’s en-  a move against the trend of most oth-  would premiere a folding device in
        devices, with low-end SoCs, limited   tire colour scheme based on your   er  makers.  The  logic  behind  CCS’s   two years’ time. CCS’ report further
        RAM and storage capacities, that run   wallpaper. It’s not automatic, though   report is that a folding iPhone would   says that Apple will introduce its own
        some form of Android Go. Android   - when you set a wallpaper, you get   be risky for Apple as it may canni-  5G modem in 2025.
        13 (Go edition) focuses on reliability,   four colour schemes to choose from   balize the sales of the conventional   The move would allow Apple,
        usability, and customization. Google   for the system.              iPhone.                           which currently relies on Qual-
        Play System Updates are available for   Additionally, some key features   The report continues that Ap-  comm’s 5G modems, to integrate
        Go devices starting with this release,   introduced in Android 13 are also   ple would need to price an eventual   its own modem into its A-series
        allowing phones to receive important   making it to the Go edition, such   folding iPhone at least USD 2,500 so   chipset for a single-chip solution
        software updates outside of a major   as  notification  permissions  and  app   that it’s clear of the current top con-  in its devices. Apple acquired In-
        Android release.                  language preferences. Google says   figuration iPhone Pro Max, reported   tel’s modem business in 2019 and
            The Google Discover feed,     new devices running Android 13 (Go   GSM Arena. As per CCS Chief of   is reportedly continuing to develop
        which you can find in Android to the   edition) should arrive in 2023, as per   Research, Ben Wood, Apple would   its in-house modem capabilities, as
        left of your leftmost home screen in   The Verge.                   be keen to avoid any technical issues   per GSM Arena.

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