Page 48 - The Indian EYE 102023
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IMMIGRATION                                                          OCTOBER 20, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 48

          Shaping Immigration Policy

                                 Through EADs

        BY CYRUS D. MEHTA AND      are employment authorized  Policy Alert. USCIS stated   court level in March and no  2023 and meet the other el-
                                   incident to status or circum-  that this change is aimed at   court of appeals decision has  igibility criteria to apply for
        KAITLYN BOX*
                                   stance”  to  five  years.  This  “significantly  reduc[ing]  the   yet been rendered, Save Jobs  TPS. EADs for current Ven-
                                   five-year  EAD  validity  pe-  number of new Forms I-765,   has already sought review  ezuelan  TPS  beneficiaries
           n the face of Congressio-  riod also applies to some  Application for Employment   by the Supreme Court. Save  will be automatically extend-
           nal inaction to fashion an
        Iimmigration solution for   “initial and renewal EADs  Authorization, we receive for   Jobs is arguing that the issue  ed through March 10, 2025.
                                                                                                                     The  redesignation  of  Vene-
                                                                                          of H-4 EADs in one of “ex-
                                   for certain noncitizens who  renewal EADs over the next
        the United States, the Ad-  must apply for employment  several years, contributing to   traordinary practical impor-  zuela for TPS will relieve the
        ministration does have broad   authorization”.  Refugees,  our efforts to reduce asso-  tance” because it represents  pressure  for  cities  like  New
        authority to grant an employ-  asylees, individuals granted  ciated processing times and   “just the tip of a regulato-  York that have accepted re-
        ment authorization docu-   withholding of removal, and  backlogs”. This announce-  ry-work-authorization  ice-  cent  migrants  from  Venezu-
        ment (EAD) to noncitizens.   those with pending asylum  ment is the one of the most   berg” that threatens the jobs  ela, as these individuals will
        It also has the ability to ex-  application or applications  recent in a series of DHS   of  U.S.  workers.  Save  Jobs  be able to legally work with
        tend the validity of an EAD.  for adjustment of status un-  measures that have the effect   further claimed that provid-  EADs even while they have
            On September 27, 2023,
        USCIS announced that it will   der INA 245, are among  of shaping immigration poli-  ing work authorization to  pending  TPS  applications
                                                                                          noncitizens paroled into the  rather than relying only on
                                   the categories of noncitizens  cy through EADs.
        increase the maximum em-   who will be issued EADs        INA  274A(h)(3)  pro-   U.S. for humanitarian pur-  housing and other services
        ployment authorization doc-  with  a  five-year  validity  pe-  vides DHS a basis for provid-  poses will “will allow aliens  provided by NYC.
        ument (EAD) validity period   riod, according to a USCIS  ing  employment  authoriza-  to hold 18 percent of the jobs   Other examples where
        for “certain noncitizens who
                                                                 tion to noncitizens when   created in an average year.”  the  Administration  has  re-
                                                                  not  specifically  autho-  In  a  September  2023  brief,  lied  on  INA  274A(h)(3)  in-
                                                                  rized  under the INA.   DHS contended that Save  clude the granting of EADs
                                                                  The provision states:   Jobs does not have standing  to those who have been pa-
                                                                      (3)  Definition  of   to  challenge  the  regulation,  roled into the United States
                                                                  unauthorized  alien  –   and urged the Court to deny  under humanitarian parole
                                                                  As  used  in  this  section,   certiorari, stating that: “The  under  8  CFR  274.12(c)(11),
                                                                  the term “unauthorized   case would… not warrant  F-1  students  who  are  in  a
                                                                  alien” means, with re-  certiorari even had the court  period of practical training
                                                                  spect to the employment   of  appeals  already  affirmed  (8 CFR 274.12(c)(3)), appli-
                                                                  of an alien at a particu-  the district court’s ruling.  cants with pending I-485 ap-
                                                                  lar time, that the alien   That petitioner seeks to skip  plications  (8  CFR  274.12(c)
                                                                  is not at that time either   that critical step  and  obtain  (9)), applicants with pending
                                                                  (A) an alien lawfully ad-  certiorari  before  judgment  cancellation of removal ap-
                                                                  mitted for permanent    makes denial of the petition  plications  (8  CFR  274.12(c)
                                                                  residence, or (B) autho-  all the more appropriate.”  (10)), recipients of Deferred
                                                                  rized to be so employed    Although  employment  Action for Childhood Ar-
                                                                  by this Act or by the At-  authorization  is  specifical-  rivals  (DACA)  (8  CFR
                                                                  torney General.         ly provided for recipients of  274.12(c)(33)),  and  benefi-
                                                                      DHS has relied on   Temporary  Protected  Status  ciaries of approved I-140 pe-
                                                                  INA  274A(h)(3)  as  the   (TPS) under INA 244(a)(1),  titions, as well as their spous-
                                                                  authority for issuing   INA 274A(h)(3) also affords  es and children, based on
                     m of                                         EADs to H-4 spouses     DHS a basis for providing  compelling circumstances (8
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          of  H-1B  workers  under   interim EADs to applicants  CFR 204.5(p)). Under these
                                                                                                                     regulations, some EADs are
                                                                                          who  have  pending  TPS  ap-
                                                                  8  CFR  274.12(c)(26).
                                                                                             Save  Jobs  USA,  an  or-  plications  under  8  CFR  linked to the noncitizen’s
             ganization representing   274.12(c)(19). Pursuant to a  nonimmigrant visa status
                                                                  California IT workers,   recent announcement, DHS  such as F-1 or H-4 while oth-
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             ­       is currently challenging   is redesignating and extend-  er  EADs  are  not  linked  to
                                                                  the DHS rule that grants   ing  TPS  for  Venezuela  for  such visa status and allow the
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                                                                  work authorization to   18  months.  The  redesigna-  noncitizen to remain lawfully
                                                                  H-4 nonimmigrants be-   tion  will  allow  Venezuelan  present in the US.
                                                                  fore the Supreme Court.   nationals who have been     Some  of  the  programs
          2              6th Floor                                Although the policy was   continuously residing in the  that have provided the basis
                                                                  upheld  at  the  district   United  States  since  July  31,  for EADs have been chal-
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