Page 12 - The Indian EYE 102023
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OPINION                                                              OCTOBER 20, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 12

                          Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (MW).                  Source: Joint Research Centre, The European Commission’s science
                     Source: Central Electricity Authority, Government of India                    and knowledge service, 2016.

        undertaken by National Institute of   models for developing these off-  tonomous organisation established   mand of critical minerals and REEs.
        Wind Energy (NIWE) indicates a    shore wind sites. Another significant   by United Nations Convention on   The Toyota Tsusho Corporation
        total  wind  energy  potential  of  302   progress has been commissioning   the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on   has been undertaking REEs pro-
        GW at 100 meters hub height. The   of a Light Detection and Ranging   16 November 1994. A contract with   duction activities at Visakhapatnam
        MNRE  has  further  specified  that   (LiDARs) off Gujarat coast near   the ISA is imperative to undertake   through its subsidiary unit. India has
        initial studies indicate an estimated   Pipavav  in  2017  for  Offshore  Wind   activities related to exploration and   future plans to start REEs mining
        offshore wind energy potential of   Resource assessment. The data col-  exploitation of seabed mineral in   activities at more sites such as coast-
        about 70GW within identified zones   lected has been analysed to validate   the Area. So far, 29 exploration con-  al belt in Puri, Odisha and collabora-
        of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.        the satellite data and published by   tracts for an area comprising more   tion with Japan would be crucial in
            The  story  of  global  offshore   NIWE.                        than 1.3 million sq km of the ocean   such endeavours. Japan also aims to
        wind energy is around three decades   Given the demand and supply   floor have been issued in the Indian,   commence extraction  of  rare  earth
        old. The first offshore wind turbine   reasons, the REEs of late have been   Atlantic and Pacific oceans.  metals  from  deep  sea  in  2024  by
        was  established  in  1991  (decom-  gaining immense strategic value be-                              developing robotic deep sea mining
        missioned  in  2017)  in  Denmark,  as   coming crucial link in the complex   India plans to develop reliable   technology. It has one of the world’s
        a  demonstration  project.10  India’s   global value chain. The Rare Earths                           richest seabed minerals deposit in
        endeavours in this area commenced   crunch  in  2010,  though  short-lived,   deep-sea mining to tap ocean   the areas such as Okinawa trough
        in  2013  with  the  project  ‘Facilitat-  elicited geopolitical considerations  resources to address its need   and Minami-Torishima islands. A
        ing Offshore Wind Energy in India   and  proposals  started  floating  to   for rare earth minerals from the   collaboration between India and Ja-
        (FOWIND)’, which intended to      look for alternate solutions such as                                pan to tackle the challenges of deep-
        identify potential zones in Gujarat   mining in Amazon rainforest or sea   CIOB which has estimated re-  sea mining and technology develop-
        and Tamil Nadu to foster India’s   bed or even looking at the option of  source prospects of around 380   ment thus holds immense potential
        transition towards clean technolo-  obtaining it from the moon. The US   million tonnes of polymetallic   and could prove vital.
        gies.  The project was undertaken   proclamation that mining of REEs is                                   The contours of deep-sea mining
        with assistance of Global Wind En-  an issue pertaining to national secu-  nodules consisting of 4.7 mil-  which pose strong environmental,
        ergy Council (GWEC) and was sup-  rity therefore seems to be unambig-  lion tonnes of nickel, 4.29 mil-  technological and social challenges
        ported by European Union (EU).    uous.                             lion tonnes of copper, 0.55 mil-  also provide India an alternate and
            Another project, Offshore Wind    Conservationists have been vo-                                  a viable solution to meet its quest
        Power  project  in  India  (FOWPI)   ciferous in expressing the adverse   lion tonnes of cobalt and 92.59   for these critical minerals. Scientific
        supported by EU is underway since   impact of deep-sea mining on the  million tonnes of manganese.    pursuits, environmental assessments
        2015  and  has  provided  invaluable   ocean environment which is already                             and scaling up of capacity and capa-
        assistance in capacity building of In-  facing threats from global warming,   The huge mineral resources can   bilities  must  therefore  continue  as
        dian stakeholders and for Pre-Finan-  ocean acidification, pollution, plastic   help India in becoming self-sufficient   India advances for further explora-
        cial-Investment-Decision.         debris, and over fishing. The fear of   in these critical metals and cut the   tion of the deep ocean for resources.
            The data obtained from satellite   deep-sea mining having cascading   supply chain vulnerabilities.
        and other sources has helped in iden-  effect on ocean stability and ocean   From the prism of geo-econom-  Comdt Manoranjan Srivastava is
        tification of eight potential offshore   food web therefore needs to be fac-  ics, prioritising deep sea mission   Research Fellow at the Manohar Par-
        zones off Gujarat and Tamil Nadu   tored into prior to undertaking any   seems as an inescapable necessity   rikar Institute for Defence Studies and
        and formulation of the preliminary   activity in the last untouched frontier   for India. The availability of REEs is   Analyses, New Delhi.
        assessment report. As per the report,   of this planet. The oceans are the   crucial for India as it aspires to take   Views expressed are of the author and
        prospects exist for exploitation of   largest  habitat  of  life,  numerous  of   centre-stage in manufacturing of   do not necessarily reflect the views of
        36 GW and 35GW of offshore wind   them being unknown and yet to be   strategic defence systems, semicon-  the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        energy off Gujarat and Tamil Nadu   discovered.                     ductors and clean energy systems.        Government of India.
        respectively.                         The deep seabed minerals explo-  Presently, India’s requirement of
            Proactive actions have been   ration and exploitation in ‘the Area’   REEs is met mostly through imports.   The full version of this article first ap-
        taken further and the ministry has   defined as the seabed and subsoil be-  India therefore must explore options   peared in the Comments section of the
        initiated steps such as issuance of   yond the national jurisdiction limits,   to harness its land-based sources and   website ( of Manohar Par-
        Strategy Paper for offshore wind   is regulated by the International Sea-  collaborate with like-minded partner   rikar Institute for Defense Studies and
        development which envisages three   bed  Authority  (ISA).  ISA  is  an  au-  countries to meet the growing de-  Analyses, New Delhi on October 4, 2023

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