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NATION                                                                  OCTOBER 15, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          10

                                    ladakh Border

        trouble ahead as india-china talks

           fail after 13 rounds of discussion

                                  since the bloody clash

             As China opposes the visit of Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu to Arunachal

                   Pradesh, India reiterates it is an integral and inalienable part of India

        our Bureau

        New Delhi

               here is more trouble on
               the eastern front as bor-
        Tder talks between India
        and China have failed.
            India had put forward con-
        structive suggestions during the
        13th commander-level talks but
        the Chinese side was not agree-
        able, External Affairs Ministry
        said on Thursday and noted
        that the two sides have agreed
        to “maintain communications
        and to maintain stability on the
            External Affairs Ministry
        spokesperson Arindam Bagchi
        said during the weekly media
        briefing  that  India  expects  the
        Chinese side to work towards         indian army chief General mm Naravane with army personnel in a group photo during his recent visit to forward
        early resolution of all the re-                                               areas of east ladakh (aNi)
        maining issues on the Line of
        Actual Control (LAC) in east-           Bagchi  said  that  the  two  and tranquility would facilitate        do to any other state of In-
        ern Ladakh. He also said that  sides have had some progress  progress in our overall bilateral                dia”. Naidu visited Arunachal
        resolution of the remaining ar- in terms of disengagement from  relations. We look forward to                 Pradesh on October 9 and ad-
        eas and restoration of peace  various areas in the past. He  continuing to engage with Chi-                   dressed a special session of the
        and tranquility would facilitate  also referred to the meeting be- na on this,” he added.                     state assembly.
        progress in overall bilateral re- tween Indian and Chinese For-              The 13th round of the In-            India needs to counter Chi-
        lations.                             eign Ministers at Dushanbe and  dia-China Corps Command-                 na diplomatically, militarily as
            “We had put forward con- said they had agreed that the  er-level meeting was held at the                  Beijing is following one palm
        structive suggestions during the  “remaining areas should be re- Chushul-Moldo border meeting                 and 5 fingers rule, said Defense
        13th round of the India-China  solved”.                                  point on October 10.                 Expert Major General (retired)
        Corps Commander-level meet-             “We expect the Chinese side          Answering a query relat-         SP Sinha on Thursday. “We
        ing, for resolving the remaining  to work towards early resolution  ed to China’s opposition to               need to understand the strategy
        areas but the Chinese side was  of all the remaining issues on the  the visit of Vice President M             of China. China has been fol-
        not agreeable. I would not like  LAC in eastern Ladakh, while  Venkaiah Naidu to Arunachal                    lowing one palm, 5 fingers strat-
        to characterize it any particular  fully abiding by bilateral agree- Pradesh, Bagchi reiterated that          egy. Palm is Tibet which China
        way except to say that two sides  ments and protocols,” he said. Arunachal Pradesh is an inte-                has  occupied  and  the  five  fin-
        have agreed to maintain com-            “And let me reiterate again  gral and inalienable part of In-         gers are Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim,
        munications,  and  to  maintain  that resolution of the remaining  dia and the Indian leaders can             Arunachal Pradesh and Lada-
        stability on the ground,” he said. areas and restoration of peace  routinely travel there “as they               Continued on next page... >>

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