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OPINION OCTOBER 14, 2022 | The Indian Eye 12
Russia’s permanent representative to the UN speaks during the UNSC meet on Ukraine recent- Ambassador of India to UN Ruchira Kamboj speaks at a United Nations Security Council
ly in New York (ANI) (UNSC) debate recently (ANI Photo)
introduced a resolution to address contributed to expanding the UNSC
the crisis. Under India’s presidency, agenda, by bringing vital issues such
the UNSC adopted Resolution 2593, as technology and peacekeeping,
which demanded that Afghan terri- maritime security and counter-ter-
tory should not be used to threaten rorism. Similarly, India at the UNSC
or attack any country, shelter or train always preferred to be part of the
terrorists, or plan or finance terrorist democratic majority helping in the
acts. India also called for an inclusive adoption of broadly acceptable deci-
regime that represents all segments sions and resolutions.
of Afghan society. The general perception is that
India’s voting response during India is a ‘nay-sayer’ in multilateral
the current term shows how respon- forums. However, India’s voting pat-
sible India was in the UNSC. From tern shows that its approach is proac-
1 January 2021 to 31 August 2022, tive and positive towards the UNSC
UNSC adopted 88 resolutions. Out agenda. From its first term in 1950–
of these 88, India supported 81 and 51 to its current term (2021–22) in
abstained seven. During this peri- the UNSC, India favored more than
od, the Council failed to adopt two 90 per cent of the resolutions which
draft resolutions—on Bosnia and were adopted unanimously or by con-
Herzegovina and climate change and sensus. Concerning the resolutions
security. India voted against the reso- that were adopted through a vote, In-
lution on climate change and security External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar attending the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) dia cast an affirmative vote on nearly
as it argued that the UNSC was not session on Ukraine recently in New York (ANI) 90 per cent of them. Similarly, India
the place to discuss the issues of cli- always abstained with other member
mate change and climate justice. states and has resorted to abstentions
Similarly, India supported three nearly 15 meetings on the issue since dia abstained from voting on a UNSC only to showcase its reservation on a
out of four resolutions on the agenda then. In all these meetings, India has resolution to refer the Ukraine crisis particular issue. In short, the 16 years
relating to the topic of maintenance consistently called for restraint on to the General Assembly and a draft of UNSC experience is an added cre-
of international peace and security all sides and peaceful settlement of resolution moved by Russia call- dential for its claim for permanent
and abstained on one resolution. In- the conflict. In the initial days of the ing for the protection of civilians in membership in the Council.
dia voted in favor of all resolutions conflict, India’s primary concern was Ukraine, respectively. On 24 August,
UNSC adopted during this period on the well-being of more than 20,000 India once again abstained on a pro- Dr Rajeesh Kumar is Associate Fellow
issues such as terrorism and peace- Indian nationals living in Ukraine. cedural vote on Ukraine. at Manohar Parrikar Institute for De-
keeping. Regarding regional conflicts When the UNSC considered a As an elected non-permanent fense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
and issues, India supported 40 out of draft resolution tabled by Albania and member of the UNSC, India has Views expressed are of the author and
42 resolutions on Africa. While India the US demanded immediate and un- always played an active role in dis- do not necessarily reflect the views of
supported all resolutions on conflicts conditional withdrawal of Russian cussions on all issues related to in- the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
in Middle East and Afghanistan, it forces from Ukraine, India abstained, ternational peace and security. India Government of India.
abstained on three and favored one along with China and the United sought to prioritize the primacy of a
resolution on Ukraine crisis. Arab Emirates. In its Explanation of political approach to resolve crises This is the abridged version of the In-
India’s approach to the Vote, India said that all efforts should through dialogue and negotiation, in- troduction of the book which appeared
Ukrainian crisis, especially its re- be made for the immediate de-es- cluding on issues such as Afghanistan first in the Comment section of the
sponses in the UNSC, shows its inde- calation of violence and hostilities and Ukraine. Its UNSC presidency website ( of Manohar
pendent and neutral foreign policy. and requested the conflicting parties confirmed that India is no longer Parrikar Institute for Defense Studies
The Ukrainian crisis started in Febru- to return to the path of diplomacy. just a rule-taker, but rather became and Analyses, New Delhi on October
ary 2022 and the UNSC has convened Later in February and March, In- a rule-shaper at the high tables. It 13, 2022