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BUSINESS EYE                                                        OCTOBER 11, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 37

                                                              TECH T@LK

        Google introduces new anti-theft features for Android devices

         Offline Device Lock feature further enhances security by locking the device if a thief tries to keep it disconnected

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            the  device  if  a  thief tries  to  keep  it
                                                                                                              disconnected from the internet for an
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                              extended period.
               oogle is enhancing security for                                                                    This ensures that even in offline
               Android users by introducing                                                                   scenarios, the device remains secure.
        Gnew anti-theft features aimed
        at protecting personal data in the                                                                    Meanwhile, the Remote Lock
        event of a stolen device.                                                                             functionality allows users to lock
            According to GSM Arena,
        the updates include the Theft Detec-                                                                  their phones remotely using their
        tion Lock, Offline Device Lock, and                                                                   phone number, especially useful
        an improved Remote Lock function,
        with the first two being new function-                                                                if the Find My Device option is
        alities announced earlier this year.                                                                  disabled or if they cannot access
            The Theft Detection Lock utiliz-
        es artificial intelligence along with the                                                             their Google account.
        device’s sensors to identify common
        theft-related motions.                                                                                   While it remains unclear which
            For instance, if someone snatch-                                                                  specific Android devices will receive
        es the phone from a user’s hand and                                                                   these updates, users are advised to
        attempts to flee, the feature will au-  Remote Lock functionality allows users to lock their phones remotely using their phone   check that they have the latest version
        tomatically lock the device, restricting                    number (File photo)                       of Google Play Services installed to
        access to all applications and data.                                                                  take advantage of these new security
            Additionally, it can recognize  theft while riding a bike or in a car, as   The Offline Device Lock feature   measures, as per GSM Arena.
        movements typically associated with  per GSM Arena.                 further enhances security by locking   (With agency reports)

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