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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 11, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 17

        all the competitors in the series for   communities across all stages of
        sharing their gifts with all of us.”  life,” said Marcos Crespo, Senior
           “NYC is a great place to age as it   Vice President, Community Affairs,
        creates opportunities for older New   Montefiore Einstein. “At Montefiore
        Yorkers to share their creative gifts   Einstein, we are deeply committed to
        on a grand scale,” said Department   enhancing the quality of life for older
        for the Aging Commissioner Lor-   adults through innovative research
        raine Cortés-Vázquez. “The acts we   and comprehensive programs that
        saw today prove that talent is, in fact,  support healthy aging, and we are
        ageless.”                         proud to support initiatives like this
            Returning to again serve as the   that celebrate the limitless potential
        event’s emcee was comedian Jackie   of every generation.”
        Hoffman. This year’s guest judges    “Ponce Bank is dedicated to
        were acclaimed dancer Lillian Co-  fostering inclusivity and unlocking
        lon, comedian D’yan Forest, direc-  opportunities for every member of
        tor Guy Stroman, actress and singer   our community to flourish, including
        Lillias White, and actor, director and   the often-overlooked seniors of New
        performance coach Kristine Zbornik.  York City” said Madeline Marquez,
            The winners of this year’s com-  Executive Vice President, Chief Ex-
        petition are:                     ternal Affairs Officer at Ponce Bank.
            Rosemarie Hameed, singing  “The ‘Talent is Timeless’ Competi-
        “Inseperable” from Henry Street Set-  tion, presented by the NYC Depart-
        tlement Older Adult Center        ment for the Aging, is a celebration
            David Husney, Dancing to      of  the  creativity  and  influence  of
        “Power” from Food Bank Older      older adults. This competition serves
        Adult Center                      as a powerful testament to the fact
            Joshua Popenoe, Singing & Gui-  that  age  is  no  barrier  to  artistic  ex-
        tar, original song “Josh’s Signature   pression and cultural impact. Ponce
        Song” from Greenwich House Cen-   takes great pride in wholeheartedly
        ter on the Square Older Adult Cen-  supporting and spotlighting these re-
        ter                               markable individuals who continue
           “This celebration is an inter-  to ignite inspiration in us all!”
        generational  bridge,  reflecting  our   Photos: NYC Department for
        mission to foster vibrant, healthy   the Aging

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