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P. 14
COMMUNITY OP-ED SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 | The Indian Eye 14
When it comes to promoting a broad-based and sustainable economic recovery, we are seeing great things. We know
tourism and culture are drivers of the economy, and the heartbeat of our city. Today, we are seeing that visitors to the city’s
cultural institutions have increased by a full 9 percent — this is the largest increase since 2019, before the pandemic
hen we came into office 20
months ago, we promised
Wwe would ‘Get Stuff Done’
for New Yorkers and New York City.
Our most recent “Mayor’s Manage-
ment Report” (MMR) shows that Housing remains a key priority of NYC administration, and investments have helped increase the percentage of new affordable housing develop-
our administration has been doing
just that in ways that improve our ments by nearly 50 percent to 24,090 (File photo)
quality of life and our city’s economic
recovery. parents with an increase in families our organic waste no longer goes to performed 179,000 pest control in-
The MMR uses data that allows using our child care vouchers and en- waste, nor is it contributing to the spections. A cleaner city is how we fi-
us to measure our progress and be rolling their K-8 students in the city’s production of greenhouse gases that nally win the war against rats and I’m
transparent about areas that need Summer Rising program — critical feed the climate crisis. Instead, our proud to let New Yorkers know we
improvement and areas in which we to creating a more equitable city. organic waste can now be used to are moving in the right direction. Ad-
are doing well. We have made great When it comes to promoting a nourish our soil and help plants and ditionally, to spare New Yorkers’ ears,
strides in a variety of fields, and I am broad-based and sustainable eco- trees grow. we have also issued the highest num-
proud to share some of our key suc- nomic recovery, we are seeing great Housing remains a key priority ber of noise summonses since 2017.
cesses with you. things. We know tourism and culture of our administration, and our in- And we know how important
Our young people are our city’s are drivers of the economy, and the vestments helped increase the per- outdoor space is to both our physical
present and future, and we have heartbeat of our city. Today, we are centage of new affordable housing and mental health — now a stagger-
focused on helping them build the seeing that visitors to the city’s cultur- developments by nearly 50 percent ing 84.6 percent of New Yorkers live
skills they need to succeed. We have al institutions have increased by a full to 24,090. We saw an increase in within walking distance to a park.
increased participation in the Sum- 9 percent — this is the largest increase families experiencing homelessness Keeping New York City vital
mer Youth Employment Program since 2019, before the pandemic. who moved into affordable units, and a great place to live means get-
by 22 percent, after we increased the We care about our environment, and a massive 222 percent increase ting the big and little things correct.
number of available seats to 100,000 which is why we are working hard to in applicants formerly experiencing We came into office with the goal of
last year. create a greener city. Public trans- homelessness being placed in pub- bringing our city back, and we are
We don’t want any of our youth portation is a pillar of our environ- lic housing. We also performed 426 proud to tell New Yorkers that we
to fall through the cracks, which is mental agenda, and we are seeing in- percent more lead abatements on are not coming back — we are back.
why we have continued our invest- creased ferry ridership and Citi Bike NYCHA homes. From street cleaning and summer
ment in our foster youth by increasing ridership. We are also in the process In terms of quality of life, we programs to climate change and Citi
the number receiving life coaching of expanding curbside composting want our city to look as good as we Bike, the numbers show our city’s
through our Fair Futures program. citywide and have diverted 200 mil- know it is. We have removed sub- best days still lie ahead.
In addition, we have helped provid- lion pounds of organic waste from stantial amounts of graffiti, increased Eric Adams is
ed much needed relief to working landfills for the first time ever. Now, our street garbage collection, and the Mayor of New York City, NY