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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                SEPTEMBER 27, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 46

                                                                 TIFF 2024

        There is magic in this movie, says ‘Superboys

                     of Malegaon’ producer Zoya Akhtar

        RENU MEHTA
              oronto audiences gave a stand-
              ing ovation to Zoya Akhtar’s
        Tfilm  Superboys  of  Malegaon
        presented as a Gala at Roy Thomson
        Hall to a full hall.
            Directed by Reema Kagti, the
        film is based on the true story of Na-                                                                1975 film into  ‘ Malegaon ke Sholay’.
        sir Sheikh and the film chronicles the                                                                The film is an instant hit and the vid-
        life and work of the self-made man                                                                    eo parlour is full house every day.
        who has brought Malegaon on the                                                                       He  then  remakes Shaan and  other
        map  of  the  Indian cinema.    Sheikh                                                                famous Bollywood films.
        realized that Mumbai would not wel-                                                                       “What’s special about this is that
        come him so he began to make his                                                                      Nasir had a love for something,” says
        own  films  in  the  small  community                                                                 Akhtar in Toronto.  “He wanted to
        that he lived in.                                                                                     do something and he didn’t wait for
            It all began about 12 years ago                                                                   anything  to  come  around,  he  didn’t
        when Akhtar attended a film festival                                                                  wait for that break.  He didn’t chase
        in Delhi that Sheikh was also attend-                                                                 anybody.  He just did it; he did it with
        ing.                                                                                                  what he had, whatever resources he
            “Nasir sees Zoya and goes over                                                                    had and he represented himself.  I
        to Zoya who recognizes him because                                                                    think people should get inspired from
        she’s seen his documentary.  He in-                                                                   that.  He had an idea and you don’t
        troduces himself and says ‘I am a                                                                     know where it reaches and today we
        huge fan of your father and I have                                                                    are sitting here.  It has come from
        plagiarized all his films’.  She found                                                                there to here and I think if you do
        that charming and that was how the    Reema Kagti (left) and Zoya Akhtar on the red carpet at TIFF. Photo: Amazon MGM Studios  something from your heart in what-
        conversation started,” says Kagti at a                                                                ever way you can, just start.”
        media reception in Toronto prior to  Chan by re-editing the films and pre-  make my own film’.            “There is magic in the movie and
        the TIFF screening.               senting them to audiences as a mash   He assembles a  crew and cast of   audiences can see that,” said Akhtar
            The film starts in 1997 and is set  up.  But soon his plans are stalled on  friends an locals, borrows a camera   in Toronto.  “This is the 50th year of
        in Malegaon where Sheikh screens  the name of plagiarism.           from  a  wedding  videographer  and   Sholay and the characters those dia-
        films  of  Buster  Keaton  and  Jackie   So he says ‘what the heck? I will  sets out to remake Ramesh Sippy’s   logues are still alive.  It’s a wonder.”

          1951 Awara was biggest grossing film of all time: Shekhar Kapur

          MANSI M.                                                          Greatest  Showman  as  Raj  Kapoor  you may not know about Awara is
                                                                            was known directs in this recently re-  that it if you compare dollars then
                                                                            stores Bollywood classic that stars the  and dollars now, it has been the
                  umbai   cinema   veter-                                   famous Prithviraj Kapoor and actress  biggest  international  grossing  film
                  an Shekhar Kapur who                                      Nargis.                           In India ever and it continues to be
          Mhas  directed  films  like                                           However,  the  4K  restoration  despite what you may hear.  At that
          Masoom, Bandit Queen, Elizabeth                                   of the film is not complete yet, says  time, it did 40 million dollars out-
          and Four Feathers amongst others                                  Shekhar Kapur at TIFF.            side India.”
          was at the Toronto International                                      “We are still working on the      Awara addressed questions of
          Film Festival (TIFF) to present                                   sound and the idea of restoration is  morality and social reform and was
          Awara, a film from the 50s.                                       as we believe the director would have  screened free to TIFF audiences.
              It was the world premiere of                                  intended it.                      The film is a highly influential clas-
          the newly restored film Awara that                                    Please appreciate that.   What  sic of Bollywood cinema and was
          commemorates the 100th anniver-                                   < Shekhar Kapur speaking at TIFF   nominated for the Grand Prize at
          sary of director Raj Kapoor.   The                                                                  the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.

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