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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline SEPTEMBER 22, 2023 | The Indian Eye 37
ITServe Alliance’s CSR Program Contributes
Over $1.5 Million Towards STEM Education,
Empowering Future Generations
New York, NY
he Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
of the ITServe Alliance has contributed
T$1.5 Million in STEM activities and various
welfare programs,” said Samba Movva, Director
of ITServe Alliance’s CSR. “From the very begin-
ning, ITServe’s mission has been to empower local
communities through a wide range of initiatives.
ITServe believes in the transformative power of
STEM scholarships, STEM training, and STEM
internships, which enable individuals to reach their
full potential and contribute to a thriving society,”
he added.
Elaborating on the unique importance of such
a noble and much-needed initiative by ITServe,
Vinay Mahajan, President of ITServe Alliance
said, “STEM education is something where I feel
there is a lot of scope in the United States, espe-
cially for the availability of IT jobs and IT skills.
There is a shortage across the United States, and
local talent is not available. Our efforts have been
to get the shortage filled right now, without which
we will be lagging behind in terms of technology
and software development. Therefore, we are fo-
cusing on building the local population and pro-
moting STEM education in the US.” tives forward. contributing to the economy as a whole. We ac-
The organization of multi-talented individuals Some notable institutions that are part of the tively engage in initiatives that support education,
has set targets of awarding 100 STEM scholarships, collaborative network include Arizona State Uni- healthcare, and community development, among
providing life-changing opportunities to deserving versity, Bronx Community College Foundation, other areas.”
individuals, empowering and helping educate a di- Bucks County Community College, Georgia State ITServe encourages and facilitates member
verse group of individuals from across the nation. University, Illinois State University, Oklahoma engagement in volunteer activities, enabling them
In order to achieve these lofty goals, ITServe State University, University of North Carolina, to contribute their skills, expertise, time, and re-
has assembled an exceptional team of committed University of Texas at Dallas, University of Tex- sources, ensuring that they collectively make a
and talented national leaders to make its mission as at San Antonio, University of Virginia, and St. significant and lasting impact. “By leveraging our
accomplished. The STEM Team is chaired by dis- Charles Community College, among others. collective efforts, we make a meaningful impact on
tinguished Chairs for each area. They are: Tanuj CSR has a broad range of initiatives aimed at local communities and societal well-being with the
Gundlapalli, STEM Scholarship Chair 2023; Jyo- creating a positive impact in various areas. CSR objective of making a positive and lasting difference
thi Vazirani, STEM Internship Chair 2023; and team works to establish partnerships with edu- in the areas that matter most to us,” Movva said.
Venkata Manthena, STEM Training Chair 2023. cational institutions, organizations, and industry Jagadeesh Mosali, President-Elect of ITServe
Tanuj Gundlapalli, STEM Scholarship Chair experts to provide training opportunities that en- said, “We are committed to empowering local
2023 says, “ITServe offers as many as 100 schol- hance STEM skills and knowledge. This equips communities through STEM advocacy, educating
arships to the needy students in the communities individuals with the tools they need to excel in the underprivileged, and thus making an impact
they live and serve. Each student chosen for the STEM careers and contributes to building a robust on humanity. By advocating for these educational
scholarship is given $5,000 towards one’s educa- talent pipeline. opportunities, we aim to bridge the gap and pro-
tional needs. Through the partnership with our Since ITServe’s inception in 2010, the CSR vide equal access to quality education,” Mosali
local Chapters, focusing on community colleges, team has embarked on a remarkable journey in the pointed out.
ITServe has given away nearly 80 scholarships this realm of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Over the years, ITServe Alliance has estab-
year.” Starting with small steps, it has made a signifi- lished a name for itself as the center point of infor-
ITServe has cultivated strong partnerships cant impact on the local communities. ITServe’s mation for its members and the larger community,
with over 50 prestigious universities and commu- mission has been to empower local communities covering a variety of areas ranging from immigra-
nity colleges, forming a robust network to help through a wide range of initiatives. tion, technology, economy, and many more that are
achieve STEM goals. At the local level, each of According to Vinod Babu Uppu, Governing relevant to its members. ITServe has 21 Chapters
the 21 ITServe Chapters is actively engaged with Board Chair, “The ITServe CSR vision is em- in several states across the United States, bringing
community non-profit organizations, forming vital powering local communities through Education resources and service to the larger humanity in ev-
partnerships to drive ITSeve’s mission and objec- and Training, creating local employment, and ery part of this innovation country.