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BUSINESS EYE                                                      SEPTEMBER 16, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 38

                                                              TECH T@LK

                         Meta commences                                                        Apple rolls out

              Community Chats testing for                                          iOS 16 update with features

                  Groups in FB Messenger                                          including editable iMessages

                 ark Zuckerberg has an-   waiting for people to comment on a      merican tech giant Apple has   is sent and to undo it up to two min-
                 nounced that Meta is     post”.                                  released its latest iOS 16 op-  utes after sending it.
        Mstarting to test Commu-              The person who creates the  Aerating system update and it           A “mark as unread” feature has
        nity Chats for Facebook Groups in-  Community  Chat  can  organize  it   includes a new lock screen with wid-  also been added and audio messag-
        side the Messenger app. According   into categories, so group members   gets, unsend and edit for iMessage,   es on iOS 16 now have the ability to
        to GSM Arena, it’s probably easiest   are  easily  able  to  find  what’s  most   new keyboard haptics, a new Home   fast-forward or rewind while being
        to think of Community Chats as Me-  interesting to them. As an admin,   app, and much more.           listened, reported The Verge.
        ta’s own interpretation of Discord.   users can start a chat for group   However, according to The        Further, Apple’s built-in Mail
        These will be available for Face-  members around a specific topic, an   Verge, the iPadOS won’t be updat-  app will get a new scheduled send
        book Groups, and users will be able   event chat for an outing or a meet-  ed to version 16 today, as that will   option in iOS 16 alongside the ability
        to join and partake from Facebook   up, a view-only broadcast chat to an-  ship later as an iPadOS 16.1 release.   to quickly unsend an email right after
        Messenger.                        nounce group-wide updates, and an   Meanwhile, in iOS 16, the lock   it was sent. One of the best improve-
            To quote the horse’s mouth,   admin-only chat to collaborate with   screen has received most of the obvi-  ments to iOS 16 is built-in keyboard
        “with Community Chats, people can   other admins and moderators.    ous improvements as users can now   haptics as it helps in feeling the vibra-
        connect with their communities in     Users can also make audio chan-  add widgets to it and these widgets   tions while typing. Previously it was
        real time around the topics they care   nels, and participants then have the   can act as a way of presenting noti-  available inside apps or when activat-
        about on both Facebook and Mes-   option to enable video once they’re   fications.                    ing features like the flashlight from
        senger via text, audio, and video. The   in the audio channel.          These widgets on iPhone 14    the lock screen.
        experience seamlessly blends Mes-     As heavily implied so far, Com-  Pro models will even appear when   iOS 16 also includes a redesigned
        senger and Facebook Groups”.      munity Chats are only accessible to   the device is off thanks to a new al-  Home app with new camera views
            This gives a more immediate   members of a group. Facebook is   ways-on display. For regular users of   and widgets on the lock screen and
        vibe and “admins can now start a   providing  a  variety  of  moderation   iMessage, there are a variety of im-  the ability to control an Apple Watch
        conversation about a topic and get   tools to ensure that the experience   provements, like the ability to edit a   from an iPhone. Users will also be
        in-the-moment responses instead of   isn’t bad, as per GSM Arena.   message for up to 15 minutes after it   able to copy text from videos now.

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