Page 38 - The Indian EYE 091523
P. 38

NA Newsline - Opinion                                             SEPTEMBER 15, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 38

         India or Bharat, We Are The Same

                                    You better change yourself, not your name!

        THOMAS MATHEW JOYS                                                                                    created  an  excellent  image  globally
                                                                                                              through decades.
               ne of the most common                                                                              Neither the people’s condition
               reasons  a  country  changes                                                                   nor its poverty be swept away by such
        Oits name is newly acquired                                                                           reforms. If any government is so con-
        independence. When borders are                                                                        scientious  in  spending  billions  of
        changed, sometimes due to a coun-                                                                     rupees unnecessarily, please spend
        try splitting or two countries joining,                                                               the money on homeless people and
        the terms of the relevant areas can                                                                   provide clean toilets at least one per
        change. “For example, Czechoslova-                                                                    ten people inside the country, that is
        kia got its name from the aggregation                                                                 stinking!
        of the Czech and Slovak peoples in                                                                        I prefer the stuff inside the dress
        1918. It peacefully dissolved into the                                                                to get intact than changing the name
        Czech Republic and the Slovak Re-                                                                     of the dress!
        public in 1993”.                                                                                          People who do wrong are good at
            I do not understand why Rahul                                                                     justifying. So, express your thoughts
        Gandhi  did  “Bharat  Jodo”  March                                                                    as  Chanakya  said.    Try  to  pretend
        across Indian states, but his followers                                                               like an idiot if you are sure you won’t
        oppose the name change from India                                                                     win! It may be synonymous with my
        to Bharat.                        us, who are reeling under the misrule   cost involved in the change. Let the   quintessential view on the topic.
            This is not to those who be-  of any government, recovering from   people or the elected representatives
        lieve that when the name of India is   the  devastation  of  COVID  and  the   decide for the change, quite demo-  The views expressed in this article are
        changed to Bharat, it is only the cost   impact of demonetization. Just think   cratically.            the writer’s own and do not reflect the
        of the ink that appears on letters. It is   about it. Madras Mail is still running   India is a good name that has   editorial position of The Indian Eye
        to the naive who ask what happens to   through Cochin, though Chennai and
        India now. India becomes Bharat not   Kochi are in papers, and passengers
        only on paper.                    remain the same.
            We will be forced to change Re-   How many lakhs of crores will
        serve Bank of India to Reserve Bank   have to be spent from our tax mon-
        of Bharath as soon as possible in   ey only for the two or three things
        the currencies issued by the Reserve   mentioned  above? Where  will  this
        Bank. Another demonetization or   money come from? What is the need
        demonetization is the biggest disaster   for imposing heavy tax additionally
        that awaits us.                   on the people? India is not going to
            Thousands of official documents   change anything because of this name
        used by India’s 140 crore people on a   change. The demand of some fanatic
        daily basis, including passports, Aad-  organization is to divide the people of
        haar cards, Pan Cards, Driving Li-  India by using this name. This is just
        censes, and identity cards, will soon   a copy of the divide-and-rule policy
        need to be updated. This change will   practiced by the British.
        have to be made possible in crores of   Some  so-called  celebrities are
        government documents.             also claiming and arguing that the
            Airports  officially  named  India   name India should be changed to
        must be renamed in lakhs of places,  Bharat. They are trying to spread the
        including government and semi-gov-  aftereffects of the communal poison
        ernment institutions. This change   injected from the veins to the mind
        will have to be made in the textbooks,  and even to the country’s soul. It is
        reference books, and historical docu-  to them who ask if a name change is
        ments of the growing new generation.  trivial.
        This change will have to be imple-    India is my country. Without any
        mented in systems, including Indian   caste or creed, we are proud to say
        embassies in foreign countries. Simi-  that we are Indians. But when you
        larly, in thousands and tens of thou-  say Bharatheeyan impeccably, it de-
        sands of places, this change has to be   mands some other meaning. If you
        demonstrated directly and indirectly   insist on it, the hidden agenda is clear.
        in subjects. Not that name change is   On the contrary, if it is inevitable
        impossible.                       to change the country’s name, let
            This name change will be anoth-  the government educate the people
        er  calamity  that  can  be  inflicted  on   about its needs and the unbearable

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