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BUSINESS EYE                                                     SEPTEMBER 13, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 36

                                                              TECH T@LK

        Google unveils new Android features that are accessible beyond ‘Pixel’

                                      Pixel Watch 3: Google limits software updates to three years

        OUR BUREAU                                                          Android enthusiasts.              lineup.
                                                                                Additionally, Google has intro-   Google has set a new benchmark
        Washington, DC
                                                                            duced a new function in Chrome that   in the mobile world with its promise
               oogle has announced a suite                                  allows users to listen to web pages.   of seven years of software updates for
               of new features for Android                                  This feature includes customizable   its latest smartphones, including the
        Gdevices that extend beyond its                                     options for listening speed, voice   Pixel 8a, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel 9,
        own Pixel smartphones. According to                                 type, and language, making it easier   Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro XL, and Pixel
        GSM Arena, these updates include                                    to consume web content in a manner   9 Pro Fold, according to GSM Arena.
        enhancements to accessibility, con-                                 similar to podcasts.                  This commitment is unprece-
        tent consumption, and safety, as well                                   New shortcuts also allow users to   dented and suggests that most users
        as a new feature for Wear OS.                                       search for destinations via voice com-  would likely upgrade their smart-
            Firstly,  Android’s  TalkBack                                   mands  when  reconnected  online  or   phones well  before the  end  of  this
        screen  reader  will  now  leverage                                 to view their current location with a   extended support period.
        Gemini models on supported devices                                  simple tap on the watch face.         However, when it comes to
        to offer detailed audio descriptions                                    Google  has  recently  confirmed   wearables, Google’s approach is
        of images.                                                          that the Pixel Watch 3 will receive just   notably different. The three-year
            This enhancement reportedly al-  Google has set a new benchmark in the   three years of software support, mir-  software support window for the
        lows users to receive comprehensive   mobile world with its promise of seven years   roring the policy applied to its pre-  Pixel Watch 3 indicates a diver-
        descriptions of photos, whether they   of software updates (File photo)  decessors, the Pixel Watch and Pixel   gence in how Google addresses up-
        are in their camera roll, receiving text                            Watch 2.                          dates for its smartwatch versus its
        messages, or browsing social media.  songs playing in their vicinity or on   According to GSM Arena, this   smartphones, as per GSM Arena.
            Another  significant  update,  ac-  their devices.              support duration contrasts sharply    Google might choose to release
        cording to GSM Arena, is the official   This feature, which helps users  with the company’s ambitious sev-  updates beyond the October 2027
        rollout of the Circle to Search fea-  quickly find the names of songs they  en-year software commitment for its   cutoff, but this remains uncertain
        ture, which enables users to identify  hear, has been anticipated by many  Pixel 8 series and upcoming Pixel 9   (With agency reports)

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