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BUSINESS EYE                                                      SEPTEMBER 09, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 40

                                                              TECH T@LK

               The iPhone 14, 14 Pro to                                               New matchmaking app

         feature satellite SOS for off-grid                                        ‘Rainbowluv’ launched for

                            emergencies                                         India’s LGBTQIA+ community

              pple is incorporating a limit-  and receive signals from the surface,
              ed type of satellite commu-  while Apple is apparently collaborat-  fter experiencing a slump in    With   Rainbowluv’s  launch,
        Anication into new iPhones,       ing with Globalstar, a typical satellite   registrations during the pan-, which competes
        allowing users to send an SOS even   communication service that works in  Ademic, the matrimonial apps   with, will now also be
        when they are disconnected from   bands that normally require a special   industry  is  now  on  a  lookout  for   taking on apps like Grindr and As
        the internet, with no dish necessary.   antenna.                    newer communities and groups to   You Are.
        While it does not allow normal data,   As a result, users will need to   get more users on board.         A colonial-era ban on gay sex
        phone, or text communication, it will   point their phone at the satellite,   In a bid to expand their horizons   was lifted by the Indian Supreme
        notify emergency agencies of your   which is obviously too small to see   to cover a bigger section of society,   Court on September 6, 2018, to im-
        situation and position.           -- so Apple created a little guidance   Indian matchmaking site Matrimo-  prove the rights of the LGBTQIA
            As per Tech Crunch, in the event   software that assists them in point- Ltd has launched a new app,   community in the country, however,
        of a backcountry injury or other   ing it in the appropriate direction.   named Rainbowluv, which caters to   same-sex marriage does not have le-
        emergency, users using an iPhone 14   However, bandwidth is extremely re-  members of the LGBTQIA+ com-  gal sanction.
        or 14 Pro with an updated wireless   stricted, so once they are connected,   munity, the company announced on   The month of June is annual-
        chipset can use the emergency SOS   they can select from a few pre-pro-  Tuesday.                     ly observed as Pride Month where
        capability.                       grammed messages such as what’s       The company tweeted, “Mat-    participants having various sexual
            This feature from Apple is    the situation, is anyone harmed?   launches   #Rain-   orientations participate in parades,
        different from the likes of satel-  And so on.                      bowLuv matchmaking and re-        to express pride in their sexual
        lite-based data and text connectivity   These reduce the amount of   lationship app for LGBTQIA+      identity.
        incoming features from Lynk, T-Mo-  data involved and hence take less   community. Made by & for the      It was first celebrated in the US
        bile and Starlink.                time to send; your battery level, po-  community. 45+ gender identi-  in 2000 when then US President Bill
            These are effectively orbiting   sition, and medical information will   ties, 122+ orientation tags, and   Clinton issued a presidential procla-
        cell towers powerful enough to reach   be automatically sent as well.  48+ pronouns.”                 mation designating the month.

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