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ImmIGRATION                                                          SEPTEMBER 03, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          42

                     if the uS does not eradicate

           vaccine inequality, the requirement

               of COvid vaccinations for many

             Green Card applicants Will result

                                      in a de facto Ban

        CYruS d. mehta               tion meets the criteria  or to a foreign national  tion  or vaccines listed                 According  to  re-
                                     for required vaccina- applying  for  an  immi- for  emergency  use  by  ports,  the  Biden  ad-
                ffective    Octo- tions and is a require- grant  visa  or  refugee  the World Health Or- ministration  also  is
                ber 1, 2021, with  ment for applicants  status at a US consul- ganization. In addition  developing  plans  for
        Efew  exceptions,  eligible for the vaccine  ate  and  undergoing  a  to the three vaccines  a  COVID-19  vaccine
        those     applying      for  regardless  of  evidence  medical examination  used  in  the  US,  the  mandate for almost
        permanent  residence  of  immunity,  a  nega- with a panel physician.                   WHO lists many other  all  foreign  visitors  to
        (green  card)  must  be  tive COVID-19 test, or               With  respect  to  vaccines used outside  the United States, with
        vaccinated         against  prior COVID-19 infec- I-485  adjustment  ap- the US such as Astra- some exceptions. Note
        COVID-19,  now  clas- tion.  The  new  vaccine  plicants, the CDC  has  Zeneca,                        Covishield  though  that  proof  of
        sified  as  a  “Class  A  requirements apply to  stated that the appli- and  Covaxin,  Sputnik,  the vaccination does
        inadmissible        condi- a foreign national filing  cant  “must  complete  Sinopharm and Sino- not  exempt  interna-
        tion,”  the  Centers  for  an  I-485  application  the COVID-19 vaccine  vac, among others. Giv- tional  travelers from
        Disease Control and  for  adjustment  of  sta- series and provide doc- en that the US vaccines  the                          preexisting     re-
        Prevention (CDC) an- tus and completing the  umentation of vaccina- are not widely available  quirement of present-
        nounced.  The  CDC  I-693  medical  exam- tion to the civil surgeon  in many countries, it is  ing proof of a negative
        explained      that    the ination with a designat- in person before com- good  news  that  other  Covid-19  test  within
        COVID-19          vaccina- ed USCIS civil surgeon  pletion of the medi- vaccines will be recog- three days of boarding
                                                                   cal  examination.”  The  nized  when  intending  an  international  flight
                                                                   COVID-19         vaccina- immigrants          overseas  to the US.
                                                                   tion requirement dif- must  be  vaccinated                    As  there  is  a  great
                                                                   fers from previous re- against Covid-19.                  disparity in vaccina-
                                                                   quirements in that “the                                   tion  programs  across
                                                                   entire vaccine series                                     the  world,  the  man-
                                                                   (1 or 2 doses depend-        Waivers are avail-           dating  of  vaccines  for
                                                                   ing  on  formulation)        able for  under both         green  card  applicants
                                                                   must  be  completed  in                                   and visitors may hinder
                                                                   addition to the oth-         circumstances if the         the ability of people to
                                                                   er routinely required  vaccine is not age ap- easily come to the US.
                                                                   vaccines.  COVID-19                                       According  to  the  NY
                                                                   vaccinations can now         propriate, the vaccine       Times vaccine tracker,
                                                                   be  given  at  any  time,  is medically contrain- https://www.nytimes.
                                                                   without  regard  to  the     dicated, or the appli-       com/interactive/2021/
                                                                   timing  of  other  vacci-                                 world/covid-vaccina-
                                                                   nations.”  Acceptable  cant does not have  tions-tracker.html,  the
                                                                   vaccines  include  Pfiz-                                  UAE  has  the  highest
                      m of                                         er-BioNTech,  Moder-         access to one of the         percentage of  fully vac-
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          na, and Janssen (John- approved vaccines in  cinated people within

                                                                                              son & Johnson).                its  population  (76%),
                                                                      Panel  physicians  in                                  while  the  percentage
                         their home country.
                            countries outside the  Applicants may also  of fully vaccinated peo-
                                                    
                                                                   US may accept vac-           apply for an individu-       ple in countries such
              ‚                                              
                                                                   cines  authorized  for                                    as  India  (10%),    Sen-
                                                                   emergency  use  or  ap- al waiver on religious  egal  (3.5%)  and  Haiti
                                                                   proved by the US Food                                     (<0.1%)  is  abysmally
          2              6th Floor                                                              or moral grounds.
                 and  Drug  Administra-                                    low.

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