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OPINION                                                           SEPTEMBER 02, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 10

         Delegitimizing China’s Naval Presence

                            in the Indian Ocean Region

         In 2015, China also deployed a nuclear attack submarine (SSN) for anti-piracy operations in the GoA. SSNs, being
            stealth platforms, are ill-suited for anti-piracy operations, due to lack of ability to undertake surface operations

        ANURAG BISEN                      racy  efforts  were  to  be  undertaken   sidered to be at higher risk of piracy.   piracy, on 8 October 2015, the HRA
                                          in cooperation with the Transitional   The United Kingdom Marine Trade   was revised westward, shifting it over
               n 22 August 2022, in a devel-  Federal Government of Somaliland   Operations  (UKMTO)  operates  a   1,400 kilometres away from the Indi-
               opment  having far-reaching   the States were permitted to use “all   Voluntary Reporting Scheme (VRS)   an  seaboard  (see map  below).  This
        Oconsequences for maritime        necessary means” to stop “piracy and   for  the  Indian  Ocean,  specifically   resulted in substantial relief to the
        security in the Indian Ocean Region   armed robbery at sea” including en-  Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Arabi-  Indian shipping industry as well as
        (IOR), the International Chamber of   tering  the  Somali  territorial  waters.   an Sea. In 2010, HRA was extended   addressed India’s maritime security
        Shipping (ICS) forwarded a submis-  Since then, the UNSC has regularly   from 65° East longitude to 78° East   concerns.
        sion  to  the  International  Maritime   extended the authorizations, with the   longitude, after increase in piracy in-  A  three-ship  PLA  Navy’s
        Organization  (IMO)  for  removal  of   last such extension adopted on 3 De-  cidents off the coast of Somalia (see   (PLAN) anti-piracy task forces
        the ‘Indian Ocean High Risk Area’   cember 2021.                    map below).                       (APTF)  to  fight  piracy  in  the  GoA
        (HRA) from 1 January 2023. The        Lately, the  incidents  of  piracy   The eastward limit of HRA was   was sent for the first time on 26 De-
        submission will be taken up at the   within the HRA have declined to an   close to the western seaboard of In-  cember 2008. Since then, China has
        next meeting of the IMO’s Maritime   all-time low and no incidents of pi-  dia. This led  to re-routing  of east-  deployed more than 120 warships,
        Safety Committee (MSC) on 31 Oc-  racy have been reported since begin-  bound merchant shipping close to   with claims of having escorted more
        tober 2022. Considering that the pro-  ning of 2021. Successful ship hijack-  the Indian coast, thereby impacting   than 7,000 Chinese and foreign ships
        posal has been backed by the Baltic   ings for ransom have also not been   local fishermen. Indian fishing boats   over the period. Under the garb of
        and  International  Maritime  Coun-  reported since March 2017.     have also been fired upon, mistaken   assisting  in  humanitarian  efforts,
        cil  (BIMCO),  International  Marine   The Contact Group on Piracy   for pirate skiffs, as seen in the MV   China also opened its first overseas
        Contractors Association (IMCA), In-  off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS),   Enrica Lexie incident, of 15 Febru-  military base at Djibouti in 2017.
        ternational Association of Dry Cargo   having  participation from nearly  80   ary  2012.  Further,  hiring  of  private   In 2015, China also deployed a
        Ship-owners (INTERCARGO),4 In-    countries and several international   security, transit at ‘uneconomical’   nuclear attack submarine (SSN) for
        ternational Association of Indepen-  organizations, is the principal inter-  speeds and payment of Additional   anti-piracy operations in the GoA.
        dent Tanker Owners (INTERTAN-     national framework for coordinating   War Risk Premium (AWRP), added   SSNs, being stealth platforms, are
        KO) and Oil Companies International   anti-piracy activities in the Gulf of   to the cost of transportation. It has   ill-suited  for  anti-piracy  operations,
        Marine  Forum  (OCIMF)—cumu-      Aden (GoA). Other prominent orga-  been estimated that the AWRP lev-  due to lack of ability to undertake
        latively representing the bulk of the   nizations include the United Nations   ied on almost 22,000 ships calling on   surface operations. China’s SSN de-
        shipping stakeholders, the removal of   Office on Drugs and Crime (UNO-  Indian ports between 2000 and 2015,   ployment therefore, clearly betrays
        HRA is a foregone conclusion.     DC), United Nations Development   amounted to Rs 8,500 cores.       a strategic intent. It is quite possi-
            Alarmed by the continuing in-  Programme   (UNDP),   Maritime       Due to the economic and secu-  ble that the SSN deployment was
        crease in piracy and armed robbery   Security Coordination Committee   rity implications, India sought HRA   meant to test the infrastructure and
        in the waters off the coast of Somalia,   (MSCC),  IMO,  Djibouti  Code  of   revision back to 65° East longitude.   capability, including the necessary
        the UN Security Council (UNSC) on   Conduct (DCoC), European Union   Indian naval forces undertook ex-  Command and Control and Com-
        2 June 2008 authorized the patrolling   Capacity  Building  Mission  in  So-  tensive counter-piracy operations,   munication protocols, for long range/
        of Somali waters for six months by the   malia  (EUCAP  Somalia),  and  the   because of which no piracy attacks   long duration patrol by the SSNs
        States having the capability to do so.6   Shared Awareness and Deconfliction   took place east of 65° East longitude   and/or deterrent patrol missions by
        Sanctioned under Chapter VII of   Initiative (SHADE).               for more than three years since 2012.   SSBNs (ballistic missile nuclear sub-
        the UN Charter, which provides for    High Risk Area (HRA) is an    In  recognition  of  India’s  persistent   marines).
        enforcement action, the counter-pi-  industry designation for areas con-  efforts  and the  trend  of declining   Continued at next page... >>

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