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IMMIGRATION                                                       SEPTEMBER 01, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 42

              Changes in Work From Home Policies

           After Labor Certification Has Been Filed

        CYRUS D MEHTA and          the change could mean some-  whether the employer requires   employer had to repeat the in-  but where the employer lat-
                                   thing much worse than a mere   any special skills or other re-  formation from the ETA 9141   er decides that all employees
                                   change of work scenery. For   quirements (F.b.5). In F.b.5, the   in the relevant boxes. Many of   must  report  to  the  office  five
                                   instance, if the employer in-  employer clearly must list any   the  approved  labor  certifica-  days a week? Arguably, the la-
              s a response to the   dicated in its test of the labor   tools,  software,  or  programs   tions  are  under  the  old  ETA   bor certification should not be
              COVID-19 pandemic,
        Aemployers implement-      market that the position allows   that the employee is required   9089.           deemed invalid in such a sce-
                                                                                             Once the ETA 9141 is cer-
        ed telecommuting policies, and   telecommuting  and  then  later   to know for the position, but   tified  by  the  DOL,  employers   nario because the labor market
                                                              the employer should also use
                                   requires all employees to report
                                                                                                                     test was conducted in the area
        work-from-home became the   to  the  office,  could  the  labor   this  field  to  list  other  key  in-  can move onto the second stage   of intended employment, i.e.,
        norm for much of the work-  certification be deemed invalid?  formation about the job, such   of the PERM process which is   the  company’s  main  office  or
        force. Three years later, many   The PERM labor certifica-  as that telecommuting is per-  to conduct a series of manda-  HQ, which is where the for-
        of those employees are dusting   tion process is typically begun   mitted. The ETA 9141 also re-  tory and optional recruitment   eign worker will need to report
        off their lunchboxes and iron-  by submitting the Department   quires the employer to provide   steps to confirm that there are   to. Additionally, by issuing the
        ing their work suits as their em-  of Labor (DOL) Form ETA   the full address of the place of   not sufficient U.S. workers who   labor  certification,  the  DOL
        ployers call them back to the of-  9141, Application for Prevailing   employment (F.e).  Based on   are “able, willing, qualified, and   determined that there are not
        fice. While the turning back of   Wage Determination (PWD).   the  regulations’  definitions  of   available at the time of appli-  sufficient  U.S.  workers  who
        these policies may be met with   Some key “Job Offer Informa-  employment and employer,   cation for a visa and admission   are able, willing, qualified and
        groans from employees who   tion” that ETA 9141 asks for in   the “place of employment”   into the United States and at   available at the time of appli-
        grew comfortable in their home   Section F is the job title (F.a.1),   has been  interpreted  to  mean   the place where the alien is to   cation for a visa and admission
        offices, for foreign nationals in   job duties (F.a.2), the minimum   a physical office or location in   perform  the  work”,  i.e.,  the   into the U.S. and at the place
        the process of being sponsored   degree  (F.b.1) and experience   the  U.S.  Specifically,  20  CFR   labor market test. 20 CFR §   where the alien is to perform
        for permanent employment,
                                   requirements  (F.b.4),  and  § 656.3 defines employer as a   656.1(a)(1). The employer’s   the work. Indeed, the employ-
                                                                  “person, association, firm,   advertisements must indicate   er, by indicating that telecom-
                                                                  or a corporation that cur-  all of the “Job Offer Informa-  muting would be allowed, cast
                                                                  rently has a location within   tion” that was listed in the ETA   a wider net and potentially
                                                                  the United States to which   9141, or in the old form it was   made the position “available”
                                                                  U.S. workers may be re-  the  ETA  9089  and  box  H.14   to more U.S. workers “at the
                                                                  ferred for employment   was answered. The recruitment   place where the alien is to per-
                                                                  and that proposes to em-  steps must be conducted in the   form the work” since the U.S.
                                                                  ploy a full-time employee   area of intended employment   applicant not need be physically
                                                                  at a place within the Unit-  that was listed in Section F.e.   present in the employer’s area
                                                                  ed States . . . . An employer   If an employer intends for an   of intended employment listed
                                                                  must possess a valid Fed-  employee to work solely at a   in the ETA 9141, Section F.e or
                                                                  eral Employment Identifi-  designated worksite, such as a   in the old ETA 9089. Therefore,
                                                                  cation Number (FEIN).”.     company office or its HQ, then   the  labor  certification  should
                                                                  In the case of “roving   the ETA 9141 need only list   not be invalid as the employer
                                                                  employees”, the 1994 Bar-  one worksite location and the   properly made the two attesta-
                                                                  bara Farmer Memo states   employer  need  only  conduct   tions required by it.
                                                                  that the employer’s main   recruitment in that area of in-  But what if the issue was
                                                                  or headquarters (HQ) of-  tended employment. If the em-  flipped and now the employer
                                                                  fice should be indicated as   ployer will permit the employee   wishes to allow telecommuting
                                                                  the worksite when a job   to perform work remotely from   even though the ETA 9141 and
                                                                  opportunity will require a   their home, then the ETA 9141   subsequent recruitment did not
                                                                  beneficiary to work in var-  still need only list the employ-  indicate that telecommuting
                     m of                                         ious locations throughout   er’s main or HQ office as the   would be permissible? Here,
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          the U.S. that cannot be   worksite, but F.b.5 on the ETA   the employer’s attestation that
                                                                  anticipated. Note, the in-  9141, and in turn each of the   there  are  not  sufficient  U.S.

             formation from the ETA   ads used in recruitment, should   workers  who  are  able,  willing,
                                                                  9141 automatically gets   indicate that the employer will   qualified  and  available  at  the
                            included in the ETA 9089,   permit telecommuting from   time of application for a visa
                                                   
              ‚                                                     the DOL form used to   anywhere in the U.S.  and admission into the U.S. and
                                                                  electronically submit the   Turning back to the ques-  at the place where the foreign
                                                                  labor  certification,  since   tion we posed at the outset   worker is to perform the work
                                                                  the revised ETA 9089 took   – what should happen to a la-  may be called into question. By
                                                                  effect on June 1, 2023. Un-  bor certification that indicated   failing to indicate in its ads that
          2              6th Floor
                der the old ETA 9089, the   “telecommuting  permitted”  workers could telecommute

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