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ImmIGRATION                                                               AUGUST 20, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          36

                               matter of castro-tum

              is dead everywhere except in the

                                           sixth circuit:

                     it must be Buried there too

        cyrus d. mehta and               Numerous        Circuit grant immigration judg- stantive  expertise;  and  his case while he filed a
                                     Court decisions over- es their general powers  (c) the agency’s interpre- Form I-601A, Applica-
        Kaitlyn BOx*
                                     turned  Castro-Tum.  In  [are] broad enough to  tation of the rule reflects  tion for Provisional Un-

            n a previous blog,       2019, the Fourth Cir- implicitly             encompass “its  fair  and  considered  lawful Presence Waiver,
                                     cuit  in  Romero  v.  Barr
                                                                                                                             with USCIS. Pursuant to
                                                                   that [administrative clo- judgment.”
            we argued that Mat-      held that the language  sure]  authority.”  Most               We  have  advocated  8 CFR § 212.7(e)(4)(iii),
        Iter  of  Castro-  Tum,      “may take any action….. recently, the Third Cir- for Attorney General  a noncitizen is not eligi-
        a Trump era decision by      appropriate and neces- cuit in Sanchez v. Attor- Garland to overturn Cas- ble for an I-601A waiver
        then Attorney General
        Jeff Sessions should be      sary for the disposition”  ney General, held that 8  tro- Tum and reinstate its  “unless  the[ir]  removal
        withdrawn.  Matter  of       of the case” at 8 CFR  CFR  §§  1003.10(b)  and  predecessor, Matter of  proceedings are adminis-
        Castro -Tum held that        §§  1003.1(d)(1)(ii)  &  1003.1(d)(1)(ii)  unam- Avetisyan, which  held  tratively closed and have
                                                     unambigu- biguously grant IJs and  that the IJs and the BIA  not been recalendared at
        Immigration Judges (IJs)     ously confers upon IJs  the BIA general author- may                  administratively the time of filing the ap-
        and the Board of Immi-       and the BIA the gener- ity to administratively             close removal proceed- plication”. Respondent’s
        gration Appeals (BIA)
        do not have the authority    al authority to admin- close cases by authoriz- ings, even if a party op- motion was denied by
        to administratively close    istratively  close  cases.  ing them to take “any ac- poses, if it is otherwise  the IJ and the BIA on
        cases, unless expressly      Meza-Morales  v.  Barr,  tion” that is “appropriate  appropriate under the  appeal on the grounds
                                     decided by the Seventh  and  necessary”  for  the  circumstances, and that  that Castro-Tum prevent-
        authorized by a previous     Circuit in 2020, also con- disposition of cases. The  IJs or the BIA should  ed administrative closure
        regulation or a previous     cluded  that  the  “immi- Court in Sanchez relied  weigh all relevant factors  of the case.
        judicially approved set-     gration regulations that  on the Supreme Court’s  in deciding whether ad-                   AG  Garland’s  de-
                                                                   2018 decision in Kisor v.  ministrative closure is ap- cision noted that three
                                                                   Wilkie, which held that an  propriate. In prior blogs,  courts of appeals have
                                                                   agency’s interpretation  see  here  and  here,  we  rejected Castro – Tum,
                                                                   of its own regulations will  have argued that Aveti- “holding  that  adminis-
                                                                   only be entitled to defer- syan sets a more com- trative closure is ‘plainly
                                                                   ence if the following cri- mon sense standard for  within an immigration
                                                                   teria are met: i) that the  administrative      closure judge’s  authority’ under
                                                                   regulation  is  “genuinely   that and would go a long  Department of Justice
                                                                   ambiguous” — the court  way  towards  clearing  regulations”, while only
                                                                   should reach this conclu- the Immigration Court’s  the 6th Circuit upheld it
                                                                   sion after exhausting all  backlogged dockets.            in Hernandez-Serrano v.
                                                                   the “traditional tools” of       On July 15, 2021, the  Barr,  981  F.3d  459  (6th
                                                                   construction;  (ii)  if  the  Attorney General issued  Cir. 2020). Even the 6th
                                                                   regulation is genuinely  a  decision  in Matter of  Circuit eventually ruled
                                                                   ambiguous, whether the  Cruz-Valdez that takes  that IJs and the BIA do
                                                                   agency’s interpretation  exactly this position,  have the authority to ad-
                                                                   is  reasonable;  and  (iii)  overruling Castro-Tum  ministratively close cases
                                                                   even if it is a reasonable  in its entirety and hold- for the purpose of allow-
                      m of                                         interpretation, whether  ing  that  “[i]mmigration  ing noncitizens to apply
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          it  meets  the  “minimum  judges and the Board  for provisional unlawful

                                                                                              threshold” to grant Auer  should apply the stan- presence waivers, how-

                                                                   deference, requiring the  dard for administrative  ever.  See  Garcia-DeLe-
                            court to conduct an “in- closure set out  in Mat- on  v.  Garland,  No.  20-
                                                    
              ‚                                                     dependent inquiry” into  ter of Avetisyan…” The  3957 (6th Cir. 2021). The
                                                                   whether (a) it is an au- Respondent in the case  decision also pointed to
                                                                   thoritative or official po- was a Mexican national  the 2020 DOJ final rule
                                                                   sition of the agency; (b) it  who had moved for ad- codifying           Castro-Tum,
          2              6th Floor
                 reflects the agency’s sub- ministrative closure of        Appellate      Procedures

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