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The Indian Eye
         BUSINESS EYE                                                              AUGUST 19, 2022                                      42

                                                              TECH T@LK

          Xiaomi launches Pilot Technology                                    Is Elon Musk coming up with new

                   for autonomous driving                                                   social media site?

              ei Jun, the CEO of Xiaomi,   ment thus far has surpassed all ex-    mid his ongoing legal battle   as well.
              launched  the  first  progress   pectations.                        against Twitter, Tesla CEO      “I do sort of have a grander vi-
        Lreport for Xiaomi Pilot Tech-        The  company is adding anoth-  AElon Musk teased a potential    sion for what I thought X Corpo-
        nology for autonomous driving. Ac-  er USD300 million to its long-term   social media site of his own as a com-  ration could have been back in the
        cording to GSM Arena, Xiaomi’s    industrial strategic capabilities. This   petitor for Twitter.      day. It’s a pretty grand vision and
        fully internal developed autono-  investment  entails  a  direct stake in   While responding to a question   of course that could be started from
        mous driving solution is called Pilot   more than ten already operating   from one of his followers, Musk   scratch but I think Twitter would ac-
        Technology.                       businesses that deal with everything   dropped a cryptic tweet, hinting at a   celerate that by three to five years,”
            The company has pledged       from sensors to actuators to con-  potential new social media platform   Musk had reportedly said.
        USD500 million toward the forma-  trollers in the autonomous driving   ‘’. On Tuesday, a social media   The tweet comes at a time when
        tion of the R&D team and the cre-  space. Xiaomi is taking no chances   user asked the billionaire tech tycoon   Musk is involved in a high-stakes le-
        ation of what it refers to as the most   in ensuring that it has constant ac-  whether he had given any thought to   gal battle with Twitter. ‘
        advanced self-driving technology.   cess to supplies and technology.  creating his own social platform.   Twitter recently sued Musk after
        For its R&D team, Xiaomi hired        The company uses a full stack     Musk, who is quite active on   he decided to back out of the USD
        over 500 experts from around the   strategy, giving it total control over   Twitter, noticed the question and re-  44  billion  takeover  deal.  In  April,
        world. To ensure access to the most   the software and hardware, and de-  sponded by just writing “”.  Musk reached an acquisition agree-
        recent innovations and technologies,   veloped the autonomous driving al- used to be the domain   ment with Twitter at USD 54.20 per
        the company made a number of ac-  gorithm entirely in-house.        name of a start-up Musk found-    share in a transaction valued at ap-
        quisitions and strategic investments   This strategy enables the busi-  ed two decades ago, which he later   proximately USD 44 billion.
        along the way.                    ness  to create  wholly  proprietary   merged with financial services com-  However, Musk put the deal on
            Lei Jun claims that Xiaomi’s   solutions with closed-loop data ca-  pany PayPal.                  hold in May to allow his team to re-
        autonomous technology employs     pabilities. It allows for rapid soft-  In fact, last week, Musk talked   view the veracity of Twitter’s claim
        an internally developed full-stack   ware and hardware updates that can   about the website during Tesla’s an-  that less than 5 per cent of accounts
        methodology and that the develop-  be user-driven.                  nual shareholder meeting last week   on the platform are bots or spam.

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