Page 33 - The Indian EYE 081922
P. 33

The Indian Eye
         NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   AUGUST 19, 2022                                      33

                       Indian Engineer’s Association meets

                                      elected officials of Illinois

        OUR BUREAU

        Chicago, IL
              merican  Association  of  En-
              gineers of Indian Origin
        AAAEIO ) had a detailed dis-
        cussion with Illinois elected officials
        on how Illinois government can
        benefit  Indians  living  in  Illinois  and
        what are the areas Illinois senate and
        AAEIO can work together to benefit
        Indian Engineers and Indian commu-
        nity in Illinois.
            The Senate team was  led by Sen-
        ate President Senator Don Harmon,
        Senate Deputy Majority leader Sen-
        ator Laura Murphy, Senator Laura
        Murphy, Senator Ann Gillespie, State
        Rep. Seth Lewis, State Rep. Mark   tailed Panel discussion on the same   Illinois, What are the benefits Illinois   meeting  will  be  help  at  spring  field
        Walker, Cook County Board Com-    subjects at the U.S-India Global   government can provide for Start-up   with Governor and other senators.
        missioner Kevin Morrison, and Can-  summit  on  September  17,  2022  at   companies, What are the tax incen-  Commissioner Kevin Morrison men-
        didate for Cook County Commission-  Oakbrook Marriott led by Senate   tives start-up companies get from   tioned Cook County will start better
        er Maggie Trever  The AAEIO team   President Senator Don Harmon and   state of Illinois,  how  can  we create   STEM programs and will take  initia-
        was led by President Gladson Var-  Senate deputy Majority leader Sena-  more Internships, scholarships and   tives to support low income people
        ghese,  Summit  and  Gala  Chairman   tor Laura Murphy.             Apprenticeship program for Engi-  to start businesses in Cook County.
        Dr. Deepak Kant Vyas, Co-Chair-       Other topics of discussions at   neering students, and how can we at-  AAEIO  is  also  planning  to  host  a
        man Dr. Promod Vohra, Board of    the meeting were Indian Entrepre-  tract more Indian owned businesses   Job fair along with Cook County in
        Director Rajinder Bir Singh Mago.  neurship,  Technology  and  Innova-  to Illinois.                  November 2022to benefit the Indian
            There will be an hour long de-  tion can create high paying jobs in   AAEIO will host a follow up   Engineers and community.

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