Page 26 - The Indian EYE 081922
P. 26
The Indian Eye
NORTH AMERICAN Newsline AUGUST 19, 2022 26
ble occasion and expresses the hope
for continued success. The citation
was signed by CT General Assem-
bly’s Pro Tempore Marten M. Loo-
ney, House Speaker Matt Ritter and
Secretary of State Mark F. Kohler.
Following the flag hoisting, ev-
eryone moved to the adjacent Mill
River Park for the inaugural ceremo-
ny at the Carousel Hall. There were
vendors who served delicious Indian
food, Indian arts and crafts, Indian
clothing and other items were dis-
played at the Park giving a glimpse of
India’s rich and diverse culture.
The ceremony started with a
rendition of Vande Mataram sung by
GOPIO-CT Vice President Dr. Jaya
Daptardar and Hindi School Coordi-
nator Kruti Jokhakar. Mill River Park
Collaborative Board Member George
Boyce was introduced who spoke on tive of what India’s independence iel J. Fox, Matt Blumenthal, David en years and the larger Indian and
the various programs conducted in means to him. Michel and Hubert D. Delany. They American community.
the park and that the park has be- Stamford Mayor Caroline Sim- all praised India, the world’s larg- The cultural programs depicted
come focal point for the communi- mons proclaimed August 15th as est democracy, continuing its path the diversity of Indian culture and tra-
ty to come together and celebrate. India Day to commemorate Indian through democratic route and that ditions. Among those who portrayed
In his welcome address, GO- Independence when Prime Minister India and the USA being world’s the diverse and cultural traditions of
PIO-CT Trustee/Advisor and Chair- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru raised the two largest democracies have com- Indian traditions included Lakshmi
man of GOPIO International Dr. Indian flag at the Red Fort in New mon interest to be together with Sujanan, daughter of Vineetha and
Thomas Abraham, a veteran com- Delhi on August 15, 1947. close relationship. Sujanan, former president of MAS-
munity leader who was instrumental In the proclamation presented “The India Festival is a tribute CONN. Other groups performed the
starting numerous community and to GOPIO-CT, Mayor Simmons said to a strong and vibrant Indian-Amer- event were Thirakte Kadam by Neha
professional organizations said, “The that the Indian Independence was ican community that has excelled in Shah, Sindhis of Connecticut, Rajas-
India Festival in Stamford, CT is a marked largely by non-violent resis- almost all areas of life in this adopted thani and Punjabi Gidda dances.
tribute to a strong and vibrant Indi- tance and civil disobedience and the nation of ours,” CT Assemblyman As in the previous years, 2022
an-American community that has ex- Independence Day is celebrated by Harry Arora, who shared with the high school graduates were recog-
celled in almost all areas of life in this the Indian Diaspora worldwide. The audience his childhood in India and nized. Coordinated by GOPIO-CT
adopted nation of ours.” proclamation further noted that Stam- later on, how he continued to cher- Treasurer Mahesh Jhangiani over 40
“Through events like the India ford City will honor Indian commu- ish the memories of India’s non-vi- students registered, Of which 16 were
Festival, we are cultivating and devel- nity which is an integral part of city’s olent freedom movement and close present who were recognized with a
oping community networking with all diversity, success and great future. partnership between Indian and the certificate and an Amazon gift card.
these younger elected officials,” Dr. Prominent among those who United States, the largest democra- The program sponsored by in-
Abraham added. addressed and greeted the Indian cies of the world. vestment firm 3Lines and Interna-
Dr. Abraham then introduced a American community included: Norwalk resident Mrs. Yashasvi tional Museum of the Saree, was
young Indian American high school State Senators Patricia Billie Mill- Jhangiani was bestowed with Indian efficiently compered by Dr. Jaya
graduate from Norwalk Arnav er and Ryan Fazio, State Assembly Independence Liberty Award for her Daptardar and Nadita Kotian, who
Jhangiani, who spoke his perspec- Representatives Harry Arora, Dan- service to GOPIO for the last doz- served as MCs.