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SPORTS                                                               AUGUST 16, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 45

                                                   PARIS OLYMPICS

          With back-to-back Bronze, Indian hockey

                                  shows its great comeback

               India won consecutive bronze hockey medals for the first time in 52 years

                                                  since the 1972 Munich Games

        OUR BUREAU

              he Harmanpreet Singh-led side
              secured a historic Bronze med-
        Tal, defeating Spain 2-1, mark-
        ing their second consecutive Olympic
        medal in Hockey, an achievement
        last accomplished 52 years ago. The
        match, held at the Yves-du-Manoir
        Stadium here on Thursday, was es-
        pecially  significant  as  it  also  served
        as the farewell game for legendary
        Indian goalkeeper PR Sreejesh, who
        played his last international match.
            While  playing  in  an  electrifying
        atmosphere, the Indian team added a
        fourth medal to their tally at the Paris
        Olympics after being down 0-1 after
        the first quarter.
            The Indian team, led by Cap-
        tain Harmanpreet Singh, delivered
        a stellar performance, with the skip-  Indian Hockey team players led by captain Harmanpreet Singh and goalkeeper P.R. Sreejesh receive their Men’s Hockey Bronze Medals at the
        per himself scoring two crucial goals
        in the 30th and 33rd minutes. Their                         Olympic Games Paris 2024, on Thursday. (ANI Photo/Hockey India-X)
        victory not only secured the Bronze
        medal but also solidified India’s po-  the best played at the Paris Olympics.  Fulton, India created history and se-  entire team and support staff for their
        sition as a dominant force in interna-  “Harmanpreet was the best player  cured back-to-back bronze medals at   exceptional performance and dedica-
        tional hockey.                    and he proved himself. He is also the  the Olympics. Goals from Harman-  tion. The cash prizes are a token of
            After their bronze medal at the  top scorer in the Paris Olympics,” he  preet Singh (30’, 33’) for India were   our appreciation for their relentless
        ongoing Paris Olympics, India hock-  added.                         enough to get them across the finish   pursuit of excellence. I would also
        ey team coach Shivendra Singh said    Indian men’s hockey player Lalit  line. For Spain, Marc Miralles (18’)   like to extend my heartfelt congratu-
        that they have played one-sidedly  Upadhyay  thanked  every  supporter  was the sole goal scorer.     lations to PR Sreejesh for his stellar
        throughout the Summer Games. A  in India for supporting them through-   Hockey India announced a cash   career  and  invaluable  contributions
        brace from skipper Harmanpreet  out the Paris Olympics. “I want to  prize of Rs 15 lakh for each player   to Indian hockey. His legacy will in-
        Singh and PR Sreejesh’s effortless  thank every supporter back in India  of the men’s hockey team and Rs 7.5   spire future generations.”
        saves secured a bronze medal for In-  who has supported us from the core  lakh for each member of the support   Hockey India Secretary General
        dia at the Paris Olympics with a 2-1  of their hearts... I want to thank every  staff in recognition of their bronze   Bhola Nath Singh added, “The In-
        win over Spain at the Yves du Manoir  player’s commitment, the coaching  medal triumph at the 2024 Paris   dian Men’s Hockey Team has once
        Stadium.                          staff, and also the Government of  Olympics.                        again made the nation proud with
            Notably, India won consecutive  India, SAI, and TOPs for giving us   Hockey India President Dilip   their remarkable achievement in Par-
        bronze  hockey  medals  for  the  first  the  facilities.  Everyone  contributed;  Tirkey lauded the team’s historic per-  is. The team’s unity, skill, and perse-
        time in 52 years since the 1972 Mu-  that’s why we could win this medal,”  formance, and said, as quoted from   verance have brought joy to millions
        nich Games. Speaking to reporters,  Lalit said.                     HI, “This victory is a testament to the   of hockey fans across the country. I
        Shivendra said that they have per-    Sreejesh, who was playing his last  hard work, determination, and resil-  would like to extend my heartfelt
        formed well and played as a team. “We  game for India, went on the ground,  ience of our players and support staff.   congratulations to Captain Harman-
        performed well and throughout the  filled with emotions, and the rest of  Winning back-to-back Olympic med-  preet Singh, legendary PR Sreejesh,
        tournament, we have played one-sid-  the team joined him to celebrate the  als is an extraordinary achievement   and the entire squad for their historic
        ed and as a team...” Shivendra said.  momentous occasion in India’s hock-  that reflects the resurgence of Indian   feat. Hockey India remains commit-
            Talking  about  Harmanpreet   ey history.                       hockey on the world stage. On behalf   ted to supporting our athletes and fos-
        Singh, he added that the skipper was   Under the reign of coach Craig  of Hockey India, I congratulate the   tering the growth of hockey in India.”

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