Page 6 - The Indian EYE 081222
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NATION                                                                AUGUST 12, 2022  |     The Indian Eye                     6

          India, China talk air space violations by PLA

         as Chinese test rocket launchers close to LAC

              The talks come as the Chinese are having tense relations with multiple countries including

                                        the US over a high-profile American visit to Taiwan

        OUR BUREAU

        Leh/New Delhi
           ndia  and  China  held  a  special
           round  of  military  talks  on  Tues-
        Iday at the Chushul-Moldo border
        meeting  point  in  Eastern  Ladakh  to
        discuss air space violations and prov-
        ocations  by  the  Chinese  side  in  that
        area in the last 45 days.
            The talks were held after the In-
        dian Air Force sternly countered the
        Chinese  attempts  to  provoke  in  the
        Eastern  Ladakh  sector  by  violating
        air  space  and  the  confidence-build-
        ing measure lines which mandate that
        both  sides  should  fly  fighter  planes
        within 10 Kms of the LAC. “During
        the  military  talks,  the  Indian  side
        strongly raised objections over the Chi-  Chief of the Army Staff, General Manoj Pande recently reviewed the security situation along   our fighters or putting our systems on
        nese flying activities near Eastern La-           the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China (ANI)   high alert. This has deterred them to
        dakh sector for over a month now and                                                                  quite an extent,” the IAF chief said.
        asked them to avoid such provocative                                                                      India  and  China  have  held  16
        activities,”  government  sources  said.                                                              rounds  of  Corps  commander-level
            The  talks  have  also  come  at  a                                                               talks between them to deescalate the
        time  when  the  Chinese  are  having                                                                 situation and tensions which started
        tense relations with multiple countries                                                               after  the  Chinese  tried  to  alter  the
        including the US over a high-profile                                                                  status quo on the LAC in 2020.
        American visit to Taiwan and its firing                                                                   The Chinese are discussing only
        of ballistic missiles in the Japanese Ex-                                                             the issues of boundary dispute which
        clusive Economic Zone.                                                                                have emerged post-May 2020 and have
            The talks between the two sides                                                                   refused to hold talks on legacy issues.
        included Air Force officers from both                                                                     The  Indian  Air  Force  has  up-
        sides along with Army representatives.                                                                graded  its  detection.  capabilities
        The Indian Air Force was represent-                                                                   along  the  China  border  in  the  La-
        ed by Air Commodore Amit Sharma                                                                       dakh sector also but it has to further
        from the Operations branch while an                                                                   strengthen its network and coverage
        equivalent rank officer came from the                                                                 to keep a close eye on the PLAAF
        People’s Liberation Army’s Air Force                                                                  activities near the Indian territory.
        side for the discussions.                                                                                 China’s   People’s   Liberation
            The Indian Army was represented                                                                   Army  recently  tested  an  advanced
        by a Major General-rank officer under   Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari speaks to the media on the Chinese   Multiple  Launch  Rocket  System
        the Fire and Fury Corps headed by Lt       aircraft provoking India by flying close to Line of Actual Control (ANI)  (MLRS) at an altitude of more than
        Gen  A  Sengupta,  the  sources  said.                                                                5,300 metres in the Xinjiang Region
            The  Chinese  have  been  com-    The  Chinese  activities  opposite   also  taking  precautions  to  en-  close to the Indian border that could
        plaining  about  the  Indian  Air  Force   the Chumar sector continued for over   sure  that  there  was  no  escala-  hit critical Indian military bases.
        upgrading its capability to detect Chi-  a  month  and  the  Indian  Air  Force   tion  of  the  matters  on  the  ground   China’s  state  media  reported
        nese Air Force aircraft operating with-  responded  strongly  by  scrambling   along  with  keeping  a  close  watch   that  China  is  likely  to  deploy  the
        in the territory controlled by them in   its fighter aircraft including the Mi-  on  their  air  activities,  they  said.  PHL-16  MLRS  on  the  Sino-Indian
        the Tibet region.                 rage 2000 and MiG-29s from its ad-    In  an  earlier  interview  a  few   border.  China’s  PLA  conducted  a
            The  confrontation  between  the   vance bases near the Ladakh region.  weeks  ago,  IAF  Chief  Air  Chief   live-fire training assessment for a new
        two  Air  Forces  started  in  June  last   The  sources  said  the  Chinese   Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari had   type of rocket mine-laying vehicle, in
        week when on June 25, a PLAAF J-11   had not expected such a strong reac-  stated that “Whenever we find that   the Xinjiang Region close to the In-
        fighter aircraft flew very close to a fric-  tion from the IAF which was ready   Chinese aircraft or remotely piloted   dian border of the Xinjiang Military
        tion point in Eastern Ladakh around   for taking on any possible misadven-  aircraft systems (RPAS) are coming   Region. The multiple launch rocket
        4 AM and was picked up by both men   ture from the PLAAF side.      a little too close to the LAC, we take   system is expected to be deployed in
        on ground as well as radars.          During  this  time,  IAF  was   appropriate measures by scrambling   the Himalayas, local media reported.

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