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IMMIGRATION                                                           AUGUST 11, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 40

          Eliminate the H-1B and

                     Green Card Caps!

        BY CYRUS D. MEHTA and      tronic registrations using a                                                      tificially limiting the number
                                   random selection process. We                                                      of new H-1B petitions that
        KAITLYN BOX*
                                   will announce once we have                                                        can  be  filed  in  a  fiscal  year
                                   completed this second selec-                                                      is thus not only a point of
               n  July 27,  2023, US-  tion process and have noti-                                                   frustration for prospective
               CIS  announced  that  fied  all  prospective  petition-                                               beneficiaries,  but  also  detri-
        Oit will conduct a sec-    ers with selected registrations                                                   mental to the needs of U.S.
        ond round of selections for  from this round of selection                                                    businesses. The cap’s detri-
        the FY 2024 H-1B lottery.  that  they  are  eligible  to  file                                               mental impact on U.S. busi-
        An alert posted on the US-  an H-1B cap-subject petition                                                     ness interests is amplified by
        CIS website stated that “We  for the beneficiary named in                                                    the fact that other countries
        recently determined that we  the applicable selected regis-                                                  have begun implementing
        would need to select addi-  tration.” Attorneys have been                                                    more favorable programs for
        tional registrations to reach  notified  of  additional  selec-  found that the selection   welcome news to prospec-  holders of U.S. H-1B visas.
        the FY 2024 numerical allo-  tions through their myUSCIS   rates in this second round   tive  beneficiaries  and  U.S.   As analyzed by David Isaa-
        cations. Soon, we will select  accounts throughout this past   of the H-1B lottery for some   employers alike. However,   cson in a recent blog, Cana-
        additional registrations from  weekend.               of our clients is slightly bet-  this additional round of se-  da announced a measure in
        previously submitted  elec-    Anecdotally, we have                                                          June 2023 that will allow U.S.
                                                              ter than the selection rates   lections is not the victory it   H-1B visa holders to “apply
                                                                  in  the  first  round.  Still,   seems because it is merely   for a Canadian work permit,
                                                                  selection  rates  in  for   a reflection of an inherently   and study or work permit op-
                                                                  this  year’s lottery were   flawed system.         tions for their accompanying
                                                                  much lower than those      In previous blogs, we   family members”. The Cana-
                                                                  observed in prior years,   have advocated for the abol-  dian program styled as the
                                                                  and USCIS indicated     ishment of the H-1B lot-   “H-1B  visa  holder  permit”
                                                                  that this was the result of   tery, which in turn means   is indeed unique as it has
                                                                  a striking increase in the   that the H-1B cap should   targeted the visa program of
                                                                  number of registrations,   be abolished. If there is no   another country in the glob-
                                                                  including multiple reg-  cap, there is no need for a   al competition for talent.  By
                                                                  istrations  for  the  same   lottery. The lottery is an ar-  needlessly restricting the flow
                                                                  beneficiary.  USCIS  fur-  bitrary and whimsical system   of highly-skilled workers into
                                                                  ther acknowledged that   that needlessly prevents U.S.   the country, the U.S. may
                                                                  “large number of eligi-  employers from employing   soon begin to lose top talent
                                                                  ble registrations for ben-  highly-skilled foreign work-  to competitor countries.
                                                                  eficiaries  with  multiple   ers they want that would help   Opponents of ending the
                                                                  eligible registrations –   them remain competitive   H-1B lottery or increasing the
                                                                  much larger than in pre-  and profitable.  In industries   cap sometimes suggest that the
                                                                  vious years – has raised   like  tech  and  finance,  there   program is a source of cheap
                                                                  serious  concerns  that   are  an  insufficient  number   labor, and allowing more
                                                                  some may have tried to   of qualified U.S. workers to   highly-skilled foreign work-
                                                                  gain an unfair advantage   fill  available  positions.  The
                     m of                                         by working together to   fact that the number of reg-  ers to take up jobs in the U.S.
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          submit multiple regis-  istrations far outstrips the   would  harm  the  employment
                                                                                                                     prospects of U.S. workers.
                                                                  trations on behalf of the   number of available visas is a
                                                                                                                        However,  this  conten-
             same  beneficiary”,  and   function of the market and il-  tion is without merit. In a
                                                                  committed to investigate   lustrates the level of demand
                            and combat fraudulent   for highly-skilled foreign   previous blog on this top-
                                                   
             ­                                               ic, we discussed a Center of
              ‚                                                     registrations. When so   workers. When the Ameri-  Growth and Opportunity
                                                                  few registrations were   can Competitiveness in the   paper which found that high-
                                                                  initially selected in this   21st Century Act (AC 21) in-
                                                                  year’s lottery, news of   creased number of available   ly-skilled foreign workers are
                                                                  a  second  round  of  se-  visas to 195,000 in 2000, the   “paid a wage premium of 29.5
          2              6th Floor                                                                                   percent”  in  comparison  to
                lections likely comes  as   cap was never reached. Ar-

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