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BIG STORY                                                            AUGUST 09, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    5

        sition leaders who had made deroga-
        tory remarks about  the  BJP’s elec-
        tion symbol, the lotus.  “The lotus
        is not just our election symbol but
        also  represents  Goddess  Lakshmi,
        our national flower, and the medita-
        tive posture of Padmasana,” Thakur
        stated. He accused the opposition of
        insulting  revered  figures  like  Lord
        Shiva, Buddha, and Lokmanya Tilak
        by disparaging the lotus.
            Meanwhile, RJD leader Manoj
        Jha criticized PM Modi for applaud-
        ing Thakur’s speech in the Lower
        House and posted on X, “Prime
        Minister has proved by his long
        tweets in praise of the former min-
        ister who used to say ‘shoot them/
        abuse them’ how regressive and me-
        dieval his  views  are  about  today’s
        most burning issue of social justice,
        i.e., caste census. Sir! History takes
        note of everything!”
            Congress President Mallikar-
        jun Kharge attacked the BJP over
        the ‘caste census’ and said that the   Prime Minister Narendra Modi poses for a group picture with Union Ministers Rajnath Singh, JP Nadda, Amit Shah, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
        BJP-RSS wants to snatch away res-                    Chief Ministers and Deputy CMs, at the party Headquarters, in New Delhi on Sunday (ANI)
        ervations of backward classes under
        conspiratorial pretexts.          the Census that was last due in 2021.   ask them why they are not doing it in   “It is bad news for the deprived
            “Yes, I am an Indian and a Dal-  This will prevent us from having   Himachal Pradesh, Telangana, Pun-  sections of the society...We demand
        it, but I don’t know how many of us   an  up-to-date  estimate  of  the  pop-  jab and West Bengal. In Karnataka,   that reservation should be included
        are. Yes, I am tribal, but I don’t know   ulation of the country, especially   they have already done the caste   in the ninth schedule of the Consti-
        how many we are. Yes, I am OBC,   of scheduled castes and scheduled   survey but still, they are not disclos-  tution so that every matter related to
        but I don’t know how many we are.   tribes. It also means that at least 12   ing the data. Karnataka Dy CM has   reservation could be exempted from
        Today  we  all need  to assess  what   crores of our citizens are denied the   threatened that if you disclose the   the judicial review...JD(U) is in fa-
        our contribution is to the progress   benefit of the National Food Securi-  data then what will be the conse-  vor of conducting caste census in the
        of this country. BJP-RSS people are   ty Act of 2013 - now repackaged as   quences,” Trivedi said.    country,” Tyagi said.
        conspiring to  hide this from  us so   PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana,” as   Earlier on Monday, JD(U) lead-  Congress leader Jairam Ramesh
        that they can keep us backward and   per a statement issued by the All-In-  er KC Tyagi demanded that reserva-  said that Modi government has failed
        usurp our rights by snatching away   dia Congress Committee.        tion should be included in the ninth   to conduct Census and Finance Min-
        reservations under conspiratorial     But launching scathing attacks   schedule of the Constitution and said   ister Nirmala Sitharaman’s budget
        pretexts,” Kharge posted on X.    on the INDIA bloc, BJP MP Sud-    the party is in favor of caste census.  speech did not mention funds for
            “BJP-RSS believes in ‘Manusm-  hanshu Trivedi said that they should   He made the remarks after the   decadal Population Census which
        riti’ and not even an iota in the Con-  conduct a caste census in the states   Supreme Court refused to stay Patna   was supposed to take place in 2021.
        stitution of Baba Saheb Dr. Ambed-  where they are in power.        High Court order that set aside the   “It  is  highly  disappointing that
        kar. They want to continue the        “They (INDIA alliance) should   state government’s amendments to   the Finance Minister’s announce-
        5,000-year-old social exploitation in   conduct a caste census in the states   increase quota in the state for some   ment on Data and Statistics makes
        this country,” he added.          where they are in power. I want to   sections.                      no  mention  of  releasing  funds  for
            Meanwhile, Congress Parlia-                                                                       the decadal Population Census that
        mentary Party (CPP) Chairperson                                                                       was supposed to have taken place in
        Sonia Gandhi criticized the Modi                                                                      2021, but has still not been conduct-
        government on Wednesday claiming                                                                      ed,” Jairam Ramesh said.
        that it has no intention to conduct                                                                       Telangana Chief Minister Re-
        the Census, which has been overdue                                                                    vanth Reddy on July 15 ordered the
        since 2021.                                                                                           officials to prepare an action plan to
            She added that the failure to                                                                     increase the BC (Backward Classes)
        conduct the census will not only                                                                      quota  in  the  upcoming  local body
        prevent an accurate estimate of the                                                                   Panchayat elections.
        country’s population but also deny                                                                        The Chief Minister held a re-
        over 12 crore citizens, particularly                                                                  view of the proposal to enhance the
        from scheduled castes and tribes,                                                                     BC quota in the local body elections
        benefits  under  the  National  Food                                                                  at the Secretariat.
        Security Act.                                                                                             The caste census issue is now at
            While speaking at the Congress                                                                    the center of Congress party’s strat-
        Parliamentary Party meeting held                                                                      egy to push back against the aggres-
        at in the national capital Sonia said,   BJP MP Anurag Thakur speaks in the Lok Sabha during the Monsoon Session of Parliament, in   sion by the BJP leaders. The strategy
        “It is clear that the Government has               New Delhi on Tuesday (ANI Photo/Sansad TV)         seems to be working at the moment
        no intention whatsoever to conduct                                                                    as it has rattled the ruling alliance.

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