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SPORTS                                                               AUGUST 09, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 45

                                                   PARIS OLYMPICS

                Manu dedicates her success to coach

             Jaspal Rana as she hunts for 3rd medal

           Manu Bhaker revealed the mindset that the duo had for the medal after facing

                                       a setback in terms of the colour of the medal

        OUR BUREAU
        Chateauroux [France]

           ndia’s record scripting shooter
           Manu Bhaker dedicated the ma-
        Ijority of her success to her coach,
        Jaspal Rana, and revealed the mantra
        that allowed her to effortlessly rewrite
        history books in the ongoing Paris
            The Paris Olympics has been a re-
        demption arc for Manu after her pis-
        tol malfunctioned at the Tokyo Olym-
        pics. She made  history  by  becoming
        the first Indian woman in 20 years to
        reach a shooting final in an individu-
        al event of the Olympics since Suma
        Shirur in 2004. She went on to open
        India’s medal tally account by claiming
        bronze in the women’s air pistol event.
            On Tuesday, the India shooting
        duo of Manu and Sarabjot Singh got
        the better of South Korea’s Lee Won-
        ho and Oh Ye Jin 16-10 in the bronze
        medal play-off match in the 10 m air
        pistol mixed team event.
            This marked the second medal for
        Manu as well, and following her his-
        tory-making success, she became the   Shooter Manu Bhaker and Sarabjot Singh pose for a photograph with their Bronze medals on winning the 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team event
        first India athlete to secure two medals
        in the same Olympic event.                                     at the Olympic Games Paris 2024, in Paris on Tuesday (ANI)
            After scripting history, Manu
        opened up about her approach and  clusive of me being a like double event  later. We will try our best. Whatever   sults, it just diverts your mindset and
        gave credit to her coach, Jaspal Rana,  shooter,” Manu told ANI.    happens, we will see.” Manu added.  does not let you perform to your opti-
        for the success that she has achieved.  Manu and Sarabjot could have    With  this medal, India’s med-  mum calibre. So yeah, that’s my man-
            “I have three events in the Olym-  been in contention for a gold or silver  al tally moved to two in the ongoing   tra,” Manu stated.
        pics, and for every Olympics, I try my  medal. However, they fell short by a  Summer  Games.  Both  Bhaker  and   Manu’s hunt for her third Olym-
        best to make every event as good as  point and featured in the bronze med-  Sarabjot shot consistently with regular   pic medal will begin In August when
        possible. Even in training, every ath-  al match. Manu revealed the mindset  10s in the series against the Koreans.  she takes part in the 25m pistol event.
        lete puts a lot of effort into training.  that the duo had for the medal after   Manu will have the opportunity   Meanwhile, International Olym-
        So, I make sure that all the events are  facing a setback in terms of the colour  to extend her individual medal tal-  pic  Committee  (IOC)  member  Nita
        equally balanced and that I am able to  of the medal.               ly to three as she is set to compete in   Ambani felicitated Sarabjot Singh fol-
        deliver an equal amount of hard work   “So yesterday, we missed the gold  the  25m pistol event. She revealed   lowing his heroics with Manu Bhaker
        in  both  events.  So,  I  would  say  that  and silver by one point. So okay, so  the  mantra  that  has  helped  her stay   saw them claim India’s second bronze
        because of that and plus definitely the  victories have been narrowly missed,  grounded and perform to her maxi-  medal in the ongoing Paris Olympics.
        strategic planning of my coach, Jaspal  and  I  missed  the  silver  by  0.1.  Then  mum calibre.     After Sarabjot’s heroics, the CEO &
        sir, I would dedicate him also like a  yesterday, by one point, we went to   “We will just try our best. So I’m   Chairperson of Reliance Foundation,
        major chunk of the success because of  the bronze medal match. So after the  glad that he also shot well, and I also   Nita Ambani honoured the shooter
        his planning and everything and then  match, we were like, you know what,  shot well. So that’s great. So I always   at  the  first-ever  India  House  at  the
        definitely  the  policies  made  by  the  let’s just give our best tomorrow. And  think of it, I’m a firm believer of kar-  Olympics, following his heroics and
        federation and all which were very in-  whatever follows, we will not regret it  ma. If you start thinking about the re-  athletes from other sports disciplines.

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