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BUSINESS EYE                                                          AUGUST 05, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 36

                                                              TECH T@LK

                 Sony reveals details about                                  Samsung’s “Hexa2pixel” sensor to

                  PlayStation VR2 headset                                         unveil with 450MP resolution

             ony disclosed details on the     You can overlay a live video of    he word “Hexa2pixel,” which is
             upcoming PlayStation  VR2  yourself  playing  the game using a      defined  as  “image  sensors  for
        Sheadset, beginning with the  green screen and a PS5 HD Camera      Tphotography equipment,” was
        fundamentals of how users would  (USD60), making a fairly straight-  trademarked by Samsung. Accord-
        set up their play area. It also provid-  forward streaming setup.   ing to GSM Arena, Ice Universe has
        ed some choices for streaming and     Lastly, some technical informa-  tweeted about the trademark, pre-
        viewing non-VR material. According  tion on the PlayStation VR2’s ren-  viewing the alleged  sensor’s  resolu-
        to GSM Arena, the first feature is a  dering of VR and non-VR content.   tion. The leaker claims that this sen-
        See-Through View, which enables  4,000 x 2,040 pixels (2,000 x 2,040   sor will perform 36-in-1 pixel binning
        you to look around without removing  pixels each eye) of HDR video con-  (a group of 6x6 pixels combined into  output modes given the “2” in its name.
        your headset. The function button on  tent will be produced in VR mode at   one), which is significantly more than   The 6x6 and 3x3 resolutions will
        the headset or a card in the Control  90Hz or 120Hz. In contrast, the first   Tetracell (2x2) and Nonapixel’s pres-  be capable of producing images with
        Center will give you access to this.  PSVR only featured 960 x 1,080 pix-  ent  configurations  (3x3).  Though  it  12MP and 48MP resolutions, respec-
        There won’t be a recording option;  els for each eye.               might be rounded to 450MP, it comes  tively. Binning will be required be-
        this is just to assist you to get settled   All  non-VR  content,  including   out to 432MP. In either case, it will  cause, even if the sensor is large, fit-
        in your own room and perhaps pick-  standard video games and movies,   more than quadruple the resolution  ting that many pixels will make them
        ing up anything, like the controllers.  will be displayed on a sizable virtu-  of Samsung’s 200MP ISOCELL HP1  very small, as reported by GSM Are-
        The play area will likewise be set up  al screen. The video content will be   (1.22”, 0.64 m), and HP3 (1.44, 0.56  na. This Hexa2pixel sensor might only
        using this  transparent  view.  Your  sent at 24, 60, or 120 Hz in a resolu-  m) sensors.             be the midpoint of what is to come
        room will be mapped by the head-  tion of 1,920 x 1,080 pixels.         Both HP sensors contain “Tet-  in the next few years because a few
        set, and you can use the controller   Sony end of its post and said that   ra2pixel” colour filters, enabling them  years ago, various rumours stated that
        to draw a border around it. You will  “We’ll reveal more details shortly, in-  to produce 12MP and 50MP images us-  Samsung was working on sensors with
        be alerted by the system if you ap-  cluding launch date and other games   ing both 4x4 and 2x2 pixel binning. The  resolutions as high as 600MP (with a
        proach the border.                coming to the platform.”          new sensor will undoubtedly have two  ridiculous 1/0.57” optical format).

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