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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               AUGUST 05, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 22

          Man charged with stalking and threatening

                         Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            er time. He said his only bias against
                                                                                                              Jayapal  was  her political beliefs and
        Washington, DC                                                                                        her status as a democrat, according to
        A                                                                                                     court documents.
              49-year-old man in the US
              has been charged with felony
                                                                                                                  Forsell told FBI agents he re-
              stalking, weeks after he was ar-
                                                                                                              gan setting up a tent on the other side
        rested for standing armed with a pistol                                                               turned to Jayapal’s property and be-
        outside Pramila Jayapal’s home and                                                                    of the road from her house. He also
        yelling expletives like “Go back to In-                                                               said he had been drinking that night
        dia” while threatening to kill the Indi-                                                              and he struggled with mental illness,
        an-American Congresswoman.                                                                            according to court documents.
            The King County Prosecutor’s                                                                          The Seattle man described his
        Office requested USD 500,000 in bail,                                                                 actions toward Jayapal as a “manifes-
        claiming the defendant, Brett Forsell,                                                                tation of a manic episode,” the report
        is “likely to commit a violent offense if                                                             said. he video given to investigators by
        free in the community,” according to                                                                  Williamson captured two voices yelling
        court documents as reported by PTI.                                                                   expletives in front of Jayapal’s home,
            Forsell was charged on Wednes-                                                                    including one comment including the
        day. He allegedly told investigators                                                                  word “India,” but investigators could
        he would return to Jayapal’s home                                                                     not be sure whether or not it was For-
        as soon as he is released. Forsell                                                                    sell’s voice making that comment, ac-
        was armed with a .40 caliber Glock                                                                    cording to court documents.
        semi-automatic pistol with a live round                                                                   Another voice could be heard
        in the chamber while outside of the                                                                   “telling Pramila to kill herself,” but the
        representative’s home, according to                                                                   voice did not sound like Forsell’s.
        court documents, Seattle-based news                                                                       Jayapal,  56,  was  the  first  Indi-
        website reported.                         SRLC Volunteers Packaging 100,000 Meals           an-American woman to be elected to
            On July 9, Jayapal and her hus-                                                                   the US House of Representatives in
        band heard loud yelling coming from  the  first-ever  Indian-American  Con-  telling Jayapal to harm herself. He  2016. She has been re-elected for the
        outside their home in West Seattle.  gresswoman who represents Seattle in  also admitted to driving past Jayapal’s  US House of Representatives for the
        Jayapal’s husband, Steve Williamson,  the US House of Representatives.  house and yelling expletives anoth-  third consecutive term.
        went out on the front porch to investi-  “Now, the Prosecutor’s Office and
        gate and the couple heard male voices  the courts will do their important work
        yelling expletives and saying “Go back  to protect all of us,” she added.
        to India,” the report said.           Jayapal had reported the incident
            The couple also heard a voice tell-  and said there was a similar incident in
        ing Jayapal to harm herself and other  front of her home on July 2.
        comments alleging she was a commu-    Later that night, a car returned
        nist. When Williamson opened the  and  sped down  Jayapal’s street,  rev-
        door, he said one of the males got back  ving its engine, before coming to a stop
        into a vehicle driven by the other male  in her driveway, according to court
        and sped away.                    documents. Williamson told Jayapal to
            Chennai-born Jayapal released  go upstairs for her safety and call the
        a statement on Wednesday following  police. He said the man was aggressive
        news of the charges. “The news today  and was getting out of his car and com-
        from the King County Prosecuting At-  ing toward the couple’s driveway.
        torney’s office that they have charged   Soon after, Seattle police arrived
        Mr Forsell with felony stalking demon-  on the scene and arrested Forsell for
        strates that the justice system is doing  malicious harassment. A neighbor of
        its work,” she said.              Jayapal’s said she heard Forsell say
            “I am grateful to the King Coun-  something similar to “Go back to In-
        ty Prosecutor’s Office for holding this  dia” and threaten to kill Jayapal, ac-
        man accountable for his dangerous ac-  cording to court documents.
        tions, to the victim’s advocate for her   The neighbor also reported one
        assistance throughout the process, and  of the men, who she believed to be
        to the Seattle Police Department, U.S.  Forsell, was erecting a tent, the report
        Capitol Police, and the House Ser-  said.
        geant at Arms for continuing to keep   Forsell  admitted  to  yelling  pro-
        my family, me, and my staff safe, said  fanities but denied making comments
                                          about Jayapal’s race or ethnicity, or

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