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OP-ED                                                                 AUGUST 05, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 14

           Missing census, angry folks

                             and falling currency

                                   Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

               iven the unquestionable im-
               portance of this decadal ex-
        Gercise, its postponement for
        reasons that are not quite convincing
        is triggering speculation. Some of
        that speculation has been addressed
        by GoI recently. For example, census
        data won’t be used to create a Na-
        tional Register of Citizens (NRC) as
        the statutory law governing census
        operations restricts it to the use of
        aggregated data. That leaves two oth-
        er suggestions that have gained trac-
        tion. An innovation that is to feature
        in Census 2021 is self-enumeration.
        While details are not in the public
        domain, there have been suggestions
        that Census 2021 provides an oppor-
        tunity to get an accurate picture of the
        pandemic-induced mortality.
            Perhaps the most contentious
        suggestion is the one raised by many
        political parties on using Census 2021
        to enumerate population based on
        castes. Post-Independence, caste enu-
        meration for the general population
        ended.  It  should  stay  that  way.  The   BJP supporters hold placards during a protest against the Canada-based filmmaker Leena mekmalai and TMC leader Mahua Moitra
        decadal census is the most important                               at Kali Temple in New Delhi recently (ANI Photo)
        data collection exercise in India and
        forms the basis for state interven- iments of the Indian army. If chickens   worked out to Rs 116,566 crore. At  The May 2014 exchange rate meant
        tions  in  multiple  areas.  Census  data  and goats can be cut for the dining ta- the current exchange rate of 80.03 a  an outgo of Rs 30,703 crore. Parents
        is a public good that also serves as a   ble, why not for the altar?  USD, Indians are being forced to part   shall have to part with Rs 41,338 crore
        springboard for research that feeds   Anthropologists should be able to   with as much as Rs 156,945 crore, an  at the prevailing rate. This means that
        back into policy intervention. Given   explain why alcohol has been a tradi- additional burden of 34.64%. Those   each student shall have to shell out
        its  criticality,  field  work  on  Census   tional part of these forms of worship.  travelling abroad had to shell out a  34.64% more than the planned expen-
        2021 should not be put off any longer.  Intoxicants were probably an intrinsic   whopping Rs 55,294 crore compared   diture. Since parents would not jeop-
                                          part of the earliest fertility rites and   to Rs 41,067 crore if the exchange rate   ardize the education and the career
           -- Editorial, The Times of India
                                          the connection seems to have car- was maintained at the May 2014 level.  prospects of their children, they will
                Law and Offence           ried on into the Shakteya system. Af-  One could argue that forex de- have to bear this humongous burden.
                                          ter all, the Devi is the provider of all   posit,  immovable  property,  financial  Incidentally, Indians account for over
             or all the legislatively-imposed   the bounty in the world and there is   investments, gifts, donations, and  5%  of  the  total  number  of  students
             bans of a century or more, an- a need to exalt and celebrate her fe- international travel are luxuries asso- who leave their countries to study
        Fimal  sacrifices  are  still  under-  cundity. Mood elevation by using the   ciated with the rich who can afford   abroad. A reply to a query in the Ra-
        taken in many parts of the country.  products of that bounty is one way of   such losses. This may, however, not  jya Sabha this month stated that the
        In some temples, vegetables and co- doing so.                       hold for people who have to make   number of outbound students from
        conut milk are used as symbolic sub-  --Kesava Menon, The Indian Express  outward remittances to support rela- India had increased from 7.35 lakh in
        stitutes. In other places, the blood                                tives, meet the cost of medical treat- 2019 to 11.33 lakh in 2021.
        rituals are conducted on sites close     The Sliding Rupee          ment  or  finance  foreign  education.     --Furqan Qamar,
        to but outside the perimeter of the                                 The outgo of such people is now Rs       The Telegraph (India)
        temple. There might even be a few       itizens continue to suffer and  68,069 crore. If the rupee had been
        shrines which form blind spots for      suffer severely. Had the ex-  stabilized at the 2014 level, they could   Every week, we look at what the top
        the civil authorities, where the ritual  Cchange rate been maintained   have done so with Rs 50,556 crore.  commentators in the Indian media are
        is performed openly. Why? The bali,  at the May 2014 level, the rupee   Outward remittances for studies   talking about and bring to you a slice
        especially during Dussehra, is an inte- equivalent of outward remittances   abroad alone were USD 5,165.33 mil-  of their opinions and comments
        gral part of the traditions of most reg- under LRS in 2021-22 would have   lion during the fiscal year of 2021-22.

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